The Shaving Cadre

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Sharp’s Tales: There Will Be Blood

I can shave with a mild DE everyday...but I do find that I get more comfortable shaves and sometimes closer if I wait a day between shave. I don't do this all the time, but I typically get only four or five shaves in a week!

Agreed Don.

Nice stuff here Jim. More product is always helpful, especially when working from samples instead of a full tub.

I think that is it Dave.. I Scooped out thed Sample and placed it in my bowl and getting better lathers.
Dec Shave #7 (2 day)

Razor: Blackbird SB
Blade: Astra SP (2)
Brush: Wiborg
Soap: Chiseled Face Midnight Stag
AS: Jack Black Post Shave Cooling Gel

Finished this sample of CF Midnight Stag. Yeah, I won't be using that in CF 3017.. 2019 addition. I will stick with Ghost Town Barber.

Got a full long lasting lather this go around. But the Stag was more of a Nag on this one. Not much cushion or smoothness over the Three passes. I mean I got DFS but there was some irritation in a few spots.

Still having My Biggest trouble spot is the corner of my right side of my mouth. Where the Lip, Stache and Chin A little crease is forming there. It is where I have a dense area of coarse whiskers that have a different growth pattern than the rest of the right side.
Been trying skin stretching, Putting air in the check changing the angle of attack. Still needs perfecting.

On the home front:
My 7 year old had a stomach flu today. So the 5 year old and I headed out to get the tree for this year.
Have a great Monday Cadre
Sorry to hear one of the little ones is sick. Hopeinf for a swift recovery and definitely no spreading of the virus!
Pm me if you can't find a closer person to hone that for you. It's a beaut' for sure
That stomach bug is going around. Hope your yungun' is on the mend.

And nice T-I you got there!
Ditto, sorry about the kiddo. They do bounce back quickly though.
Thank you everyone. She is sitting on the couch absorbing TV .. day with no school.. Woo Hoo.. Seems to be getting appetite back.
Shave #8 24 hours.

Razors: Blackbird SB Black Oxide
Blade: Treet Black Carbon (1)
Brush: Paladin El Dorado 28mm
Soap: Declaration Grooming Vide Poche
AS: Jack Black Post Shaving Cooling Gel

So, exciting news. I was able to find a Blackbird OC. I was originally looking for the head only but Shane wasn't coming out with any for a month or two. Was able to get a whole razor. The black oxide gets a cool patina.. Liking it.. Also looking forward to the new brass that is coming out soon too.

Felt like I had enough stuble to go for another shave. Late last night. I went with the Treet Black Carbon.. One of the few DE carbon blades produced today. Being black.. they look cool, and just take a little more time to maintain. You just have to dry them between shaves. For the record I can't remeber when the last time I have had a tetnous shot. But I think I am over due.

This Declaration Grooming whips up an amazing lather ane smells amazing with floweral notes. Easy to load and I used more soap then usual to get a great consistancy that provided great cushioning and skin conditioning. Thank you for the sample Chad. .. so between the brush and the soap I was good to go.

Now the Treets Black Carbon.. I am sending these to Chad for his review for his Bad Blade Series. Though I dont think he will be getting an uncomfortible shave from these. I will be curious for his thoughts.
I had read horrific things about these blades from almost everyone .. Except dkeester. Doug you are a true believer in these blades and I can kind of now see where you are coming from.

I did not find these blades uncomfortible at all. As a matter of fact they were quite smooth. The issue I had was I did not get a close shave. Now that might be because I did not wait the 30 hours plus that I should take between shaves to make sure my skin is recovered and whiskers are grown enough to get mowed down. Three passes no irritation (except at the right patch I have) And there were hairs coming off in the cream that went into the sink. I did read in some reviews that if you slow down your shave you get better results. When I did slow down I did see an improvement in cutting power.
Final Shave was SAS.. I am going to wait till at least tomorrow morning before I try them again. Unless there is an improvement in performance I do not think I will be trying them again.

Oh final note the Jack Black Aftershave? I won’t be replacing. Sure it works but gives no feedback and leaves my face feeling tacky afterwards.

Thank you Cadre for your support.
Nice read today. If there is one thing I have learned while doing this bad blade series. I tend to agree with Doug a lot when it comes to blade choices.
Well look at you with the fancy angle and everything