The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Rich's Journal: Adventures with Life and Sharp things

Good stuff Rich. I’m still only doing 1 pass whenever I pull out my barber straight. I don’t have the confidence for anything more yet.
Razor: CVH MK*32 6/8, Feather ACSS, Schick M (3), GameChanger Rubie (2)
Soap: CBL The Shaving Cadre
Scuttle: Captains choice
Strop: Illinois Strop Co HorseHide (100) / Fire Hose (100)
Brush: Serrantino Legacy Brush Synthetic Tuxedo
AS/EdT: TabacaVeg
Talc: Clubman
Sound track: None

Hard to believe it's been a year already! But yet in reflection, we've done so much how could it have all happened in just one year?! What started out as a conversation on Facebook is now almost a living breathing entity with web presence! I think we are a thing. Today I'm reflecting on things that seem to be in common with all corners of the Cadre, what it means to me, and having a heck of a good time trying to juggle four different razors into the mix. A shoutout to very dear friends from the other place but I hope are at least lurking here, @woodpusher (Sam) an early mentor during my shave journey as well as @Polarbeard (Arne) Also a huge influence on my gear selections and historian extraordinaire!

The Hardware: Four types of razor get lots of love from forum members. First a lot of us have a love of Swedish razors, I happen to prefer Klas Tornbloms, but circumstances have me using a great close second a CVH MK*32. An almost legendary blade probably made by elves. The Feather AC/SS and variants get a lot of love and should always be included. What Cadre Shave would be without a mention of a 'Jectah'? In this case an M type, my new favorite. And of course, a newer razor that's been getting a lot of love, the Razorock Game Changer .84. All of these razors stand tall in their class and I am proud to have such a selection. Inspired by my mentors (and you all know who you are)

The Shave: Today I went four passes with each razor and finished up with a fairly uncommon for me BBS shave, approaching Grail quality save for a bit of irritation. All the parts contribute to the whole as each member of the Cadre contribute to make this one of the great groups of guys to have a board on the internets. I am proud to be included in your number.
By "early" mentor, do you mean that's because I get up at 5:30am and sleep in until only 7am on weekends? 😜

School (almost finished my accounting program!) continues to have me tired. 20 hrs of class a week, plus my study time at home, leaves me more tuckered out than a 60 hour work week. I kid you not. Hopefully, when done, I will be able to be more active.
Some really good reflection Rich...and while I admire you using four different razors...I fear that if I did that...well...I would likely hurt myself!
Razor: 6/8 Beaujeu Dumontel "Barbe Dure" (Thiers) Colonial General (Aluminum)
Soap: WSP Gaelic Tweed
Scuttle: Captains choice
Strop: Illinois Strop Co HorseHide (100) / Fire Hose (100)
Brush: Sterling Badger Fan
AS/EdT: WSP Garlic Tweed
Talc: Clubman
Sound track: None

This was a dedicated Saint Patrick's day shave, but I ran into technical difficulties when it came to recording it. I must have gotten confused on which button meant record and which one meant pause, because when I went to edit the video, I had beautiful footage of my cleanup and post shave routines that I rarely record. So.... you guys got a great video of no shaving! LOL. We had a visit from two safety cats. Noel who meowed fitfully during the whole shave, and Mittens who stood stoic as usual, until something more interesting came along.

The Hardware: The BD shows some signs that is becoming a theme with my razors. It needs a quick trip across the stones to be ready for showtime. I need to lap my Jnat for this purpose, or perhaps shop around for a Trans Ark just for touch ups. The Jnat is a hand sized stone so is quite convenient for water only laps. The Colonial General, is.... Well A Colonial General and does just as it's supposed to.
I'm seeing a bit of what Josh is talking about these Sterling Fan Badgers. This was it's first lather and it needs a few shaves to get it's splay on and soften up. I'll do a few hand lathers and it will soon be ready for action.

The Shave: The BD went two passes with mostly no problems, save a bit of tugging from it's need for a touch-up. Three and a clean-up and I'm at DFS no problems. The General came in and saved the day, save for a little strawberry patch on the jawline. This soap and A/S pretty good stuff. The EdT is pretty good too, except the spritzer likes to hose you down with each pump. I guess it's a holdover from the 80's when kids used to hose themselves down with whatever fragrance they chose. Like Drakkar or Polo, and arrive 15 minutes before they got there.
Razor: 4/8 Klas Tornblom shoulderless, Gillette Slim K-1 Rubie(3)
Soap: Sterling Spice
Scuttle: Captains choice
Strop: Illinois Strop Co HorseHide (100) / Fire Hose (100)
Brush: Sterling Badger Fan
AS/EdT: Sterling Spice
Talc: Clubman (and lots of it! :ROFLMAO:)
Sound track: None

This is a first dedicated try to work in two passes with a much beloved razor to get on with recovery. How better than to employ the healing powers of ‘the Spice’? Things are getting serious about the shoulder thing. Yet another call from the anesthesiologists about my cancer. I’m sure they are just being careful, but they are kinda obsessing. Heck, the Colonoscopy guy didn’t care!

The Hardware: A quick fresh on the JNat, and a mess-o-stropping and the Kit is ready for whisker destruction! I’ll have to remember what I did so I can do the rest of these razors! Singin’ sharp! The Sterling Fan is blossoming out nicely. I’ll give it a couple few more goes and it should be ready for prime time.

The Shave: The shave went pretty much as planned. I’ll need to re-think some of my angles to get better coverage, but that’s brainwork for later. Felt comfortable enough that after this week, I will probably start full shaves once my shoulder heals to where I can use that arm. (Hopefully a week or less) Had a little mishap with the talc. I reloaded the bowl and dipped the applicator brush. Then got hit with a tsunami plume of talcum goodness! I looked like a Geisha I think. It went everywhere! And the Vacuum only made things worse. *important safety tip* if you spill talcum powder, don’t try to clean up with a vacuum cleaner! Sweeping works pretty good unless you already broadcast it all over the whole room.
Razor: 6/8 Kikuboshi shoulderless
Soap: CBL Harvest Oud
Scuttle: Captains choice
Strop: Illinois Strop Co HorseHide (100) / Fire Hose (100)
Brush: Sterling Badger Fan
AS/EdT: Alpa Fougere
Talc: Clubman
Sound track: None

Happy Days my brothers! I did a whole three passes with a straight! This is something of a milestone as it's been nearly six months since I've been able to do it. Granted there is still a little ring rust, but as I keep after it, I hope to improve and get even better shaves. Today was no slouch though. I ran this razor over the stones, stropped it 100 each on firehose then horsehide, then 50 each just pre-shave. It's about as keen as I know how to make it. Even with the hollow grind and two days of beard, there was minimal singing. Tomorrow I'm going in to get my shoulder worked over. While the material I've been able to find says I'll be out of commission for a minimal amount of time, I can't help but feel a bit of trepidation. I've made several entries in my Blog that were pretty a disturbing and comforting at the same time. BUT I'll probably not be able to shave for a couple days with a limp fish of an arm dangling there. Perhaps I'll get a friend to take me over to my barber Mr. Hickman to give me a shave. That would be a great treat!

The Hardware: Holy Crap! I really got an edge on this one! It didn't even sing as usual when it encounters whiskers. There was a bit of a crunch sound, but no feednback and it was an easy smooth shave! I must have been storing honing mojo in my inactive period. The Sterling just keeps getting better and better! I figure after 5 or 6 shaves it will have blossomed to it's full size and will be well into break-in.

The Shave: The shave went far better than I hoped. The plan was to do two passes and then clean up with a DE. But I was having such a good time I just did the whole thing with the Kikuboshi. It's big enough to not twist as my hand gets tired, and sharp enough to split a second. Three passes and a cleanup and I dry down to a DFS+/ BBS- just as I used to routinely do before all this hand nonsense started cropping up. I still don't have any idea what pairs with the Harvest oud not Roasted Oatmeal Stout, so defaulted to Fougere. Can't hardly go wrong there.