“The TSC’s Beefcake Marathoner”
Ha! I haven’t looked but I certainly hope there’s a video for this!
There is! It’s pretty funny
Ha! I haven’t looked but I certainly hope there’s a video for this!
But this is OUR home.
Razor: Torrey 6/8 shoulderless Schick M (2)
Soap: Chiseled Face Trade Winds
Scuttle: Captains choice
Strop: Illinois Strop Co HorseHide (100) / Fire Hose (100)
Brush: Sterling Kong Synthetic
AS/EdT: Rich's DFET Bay Rum
Talc: Clubman
Sound track: None
Comments: Introducing a second pass with an actual straight to my shave as my confidence returns. Although I sensed my strength of grip fading a bit I got through the passes with no problems. SafetyKitten Noel warned me of Mr.M coming so I switched to the Schick M to finish out the shave. I'll need to work on hand strength more before increasing my passes beyond this for a little while. A possible thing is i did struggle with fatigue while stropping. Perhaps if I strop and then rest a while before shaving it would be more steady in the grip. I grudgingly face the possibility of having to fall back to DE and SE shaving if I fail to improve.
The Hardware: I ran this and a couple other razors over the Coti yesterday. A full slurry to water progression. Significant swarf with all the participants. I got me a mess of honing to do! The Torrey was markedly better this time than last, but not as tug-free as the Feather, but that is to be expected. I did do a lot of extra laps on the strop prior to this shave and possible contributed to fatigue and trouble with the fine control. Switched out to the Schick as soon as I detected shakiness. (and from a warning from SafetyKitten Noel)
Software: No denying the performance of CF soaps. A small snurdle yielded a great shiny lather for all passes with enough for the rest of the neighborhood.
The Shave: Confidence with the Open Blade is increasing but I must temper my confidence with knowledge that I still can't grip the blade in a conventional manner. This increases fatigue and the risk of a nasty incident. Today was quite encouraging with the Torrey and I have a couple of my beloved KT's on deck at the stones. These will take a bit longer to get to a good edge on them but I am anxious to get them against my face soon. Their narrow gauge is holding them back as I fear they may twist and release precious bodily fluids due to this unconventional grip.