SOTD: 03/19/2022
Razor: Rocnel Sailor (Master Collection)
Blade: Gillette 7 O’Clock SharpEdge (Yellow), 1st use
Brush: Yaqi Green Handle
Bowl: Fendrihan Apothecary Lime Mug
Preshave: Ariana & Evans Slick Stick Soap
Soap: Apex Alchemy Shaving Grēn River Puck
Aftershave: Apex Alchemy Shaving Grēn River Aftershave
Balm: Zingari Man Unscented Vegan Balm
Additional Care: Henri et Victoria Lime EdT
Well for me, being almost 100% Irish no matter what every single family member and friend of mine says (or denies), I believe that St Patrick’s Day should actually be St Patrick’s Season - with a special recognition towards the country’s #1 fan (spoiler: me) who is also named after a Great Irish King.
So, this being a day of homages (frag purchase wise) - I’ve decided to pay homage again to my favorite holiday of all time, and this soap and AS combo are also an homage, both towards the holiday and to the soda, Green River. It also has a great shot of the Green dyed Chicago River on the label. Spot on fun citrus scent - similar in style to Mountain Dew (an homage to the song The Rare Ol’ Mountain Dew - best sung by The Pogues). Finished off with Henri et Victoria’s Lime - which is an homage to the fruit

The Rocnel is an homage, well, to me. I love this razor and I can say, while I still understand that newness luster is still there - I fully believe has lived up to my expectations.
So, every once in a while, I look through my list of fragrances that I want to buy, then check out on eBay and the tubes to see what the current prices are. Today, was a review of YSL Live Jazz - which has been discontinued. The prices on the market are pretty hefty, and minimal options availabel when you consider that there are only a few reputable sellers there) - so I look up the frag on YouTube to either convince or detract me from buying it.
Well wouldn’t you know it - one of the “influencers” that is known for his love of vintage frags - had a video of a recently released dupe of both YSL Jazz and YSL Live Jazz. Well YSL Jazz has been compared to Ralph Lauren Safari - which I wanted to get - so given that the cost of the dupe wasn’t that far off from the original - I bought the original. However, the Dua homage to Live Jazz was much more reasonable to its original counterpart - plus Dua is an Extrait de Parfum. So locked it down. Finally, I saw a version of Creed Adventus (which to be honest, while I get why everyone loves it, is just ok/decent for me - again, I love the fact that it is different that any other thing out there in my opinion (not counting that it has been duped all over the map), a classic IMO, but for some reason - I like it but not love it. But……queue the booze hound in me - the version I found is basically a particularly smoky batch of Aventus along with an added Scotch note. Sold!
Last night, I started putting together an early graduation gift for my youngest son Jack. Earlier this week I purchased a Fatboy which I’ll send off to North Shore Razors to be revitalized in NY Yankees colors per his request. I bought him a Dark Blue and White Fine Accoutrements bowl, along with a Chisel and Hound Badger that looks like it was meant specifically for a Yankees fan. I will take part of today to figure out some soaps and AS so he can has a rotation. I’m excited to teach him about the joys of wet shaving. I think when the CBL Sicilian comes out - that will be right up his ball park. For now, I’m thinking Stirling Deep Blue Sea (homage to Chanel Bleu de Chanel), Wickham’s Soaps Club Cola, and probably Black Ship Grooming Tortuga.
Aidan and I are off to the next town over to pick up a new lawn mower because it is almost that time already.
Oh, and for the YSL L’Homme lovers out there (I believe
@Fightingillini22 and
@GearNoir are among these) - it looks like later tonight there will be a release of a homage to YSL L’Homme Intense by Eleven Soaps on The Razor Company.
Have a wonderful day today!