OK, I can add to the Wednesday Trials and Tribulations of Scuttlesoap. And I will attempt to inject some humor in this as best I can

This is meant to be a funny anecdote and nothing personal to any point of view.
So - on my way to FEDEX (30 miles West of my house)— I noticed that the traffic coming from the other direction is particularly high for this time of day. I also noticed there were a lot of different flags hanging off these vehicles.
I thought, “This is odd, it’s a little early in the season for the belligerent blackbirds to come out “ (belligerent blackbirds being my endearing term, that I, a Steelers fan, have for our Arch Rivals - the Ravens. Don’t worry, they don’t care, they can’t read so they don’t know what it means).
I take a second glance and notice, wow -that is a lot of 18 wheelers and pickup trucks (even for the area I was traveling to) and then I figure it out - great - it is our Band of Large Vehicular Protestors for ?? - which I thought had learned their lesson the last time they attempted this. I’m not bringing politics into this - this is a gentleman’s site and we are all brothers here- I will explain).
Now let me say right here and now I am literally a card carrying member of the ACLU. To quote Michael Douglas character from the movie American President:
"You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours." So that is why I donate to the ACLU every quarter.
I believe everyone has the right to believe what they want. And as long as it doesn’t impose or endanger my family, my friends, or me - I say live and let live. 99 times out of 100, people aren’t going to change their minds regardless.
Besides - a good deal of the time it leads to a chuckle for me - and nothing gives me more pleasure than to call my best friend (who is from Maryland, lived in PA with me, but now lives in Florida) - and start the conversion with “ A Florida man *insert something really dumb - like put an alligator in a convenience store freezer while stealing a six pack of Zima*”
Now I have had some interesting conversations with my kids: “No the world is not flat. No, there are no space lasers starting forest fires in this country. No, Canada isn’t going to invade us, but if they do, I’ll be the first in line at Tim Horton’s, etc.” In fact most times, when my kids ask me questions on things they know I’m passionate about, I tell them - here’s where you can see the view that is opposite of mine and a synopsis of what that belief is.
Fast forward to now. I left to pick up the package because I had a break between meetings. Now I know that may have been an unwise decision

Now again, while I don’t subscribe to their point of view, I will defend their right to have their point of view. But today I just don’t get for the following reasons (and a lot of it has to do with me being passionate about my neck of the woods - people in other states don’t like to be told by others how to live. Now, I get living in the DC area, we have to put up with a lot because most of this passion is directed at our federal government. So here are my questions, statements:
(1) If you are going to protest, and your intent is to attempt to inconvenience people so people take note of your point of view, shouldn’t what your protesting actually be in effect? It brings about one of my favorite Kids in the Hall skits about the Bike Thief?
(2) With gas prices soaring, wouldn’t backing up traffic actually make your gas mileage go down? I’m no mechanic, I only know where to put in the gas, change my oil and headlights, and rotate tires. Are all these people rich that they can afford to burn gas or are they giving gas away - especially the ones in the pickups with the smoke stacks that spew out more smoke just because? Because if that side is giving out free gas - sign me up - since I own a Prius, I’ll be around next month - but please have my gas ready and I’ll put a bumper sticker on my car for you.
(3) Now from the local point of view. Dudes, the moment we see traffic like this, we locals all jump to the alternate routes because we deal with this every day. So the only people you are backing up are well, yourselves.

(4) And still from the local point of view. We here in DC laugh at other cities such as New York and Los Angeles when they complain about traffic. And, I understand that today’s plan was to go during a different hour hoping to back up mid morning drivers, but here in DC it is all day long…….
Our Town Invented the Log Jam.
(5) And finally to quote the famed Notre Dame football coach Dan Devine……
“No one, and I mean No One, comes into our house and pushes us around.”
When you leave, guess what - we’ll still have traffic and it will block my next FEDEX package from getting here on time.
So enjoy your protest, and please come back for the tourism. Next time plan your protest for April - You really can’t beat Cherry Blossom season, there is even a Strike Gold Shave soap about it: