The Shaving Cadre

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Reasons why I mix my coffee with whiskey, my list of bodies I have buried in the woods, and other thoughts while shaving

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got back in your uniform and then sweat the bejesus out walking back, and inevitably were hit by gusts of wind that would spray sand all over you.
At first read, I assumed this was poor planning. But it's actually an ingenious way of forcing natural camouflage.
apple and mint at the top that everyone seems to like. Well except @Graybeard57 ….who hates mint. I’m thinking his time in the Navy ruined his nose. 😂
I love mint, in candy and ice cream. Why would I want to smell like a mint julep anyway? YMMV. ;)

We took "Navy showers" onboard ship: Turn water on to get wet, turn water off, scrub with soap and shampoo, turn water on to rinse off, turn water off. Took about 5 minutes max. No shaving in the shower - wasted water. Fresh water was not limitless. In fact, during crunch times when we were underway for extended periods, i.e. three or more weeks, only the grimiest sailors were allowed to shower daily, while the rest of us were limited to every other day at best. As for sweating immediately after drying off, we experienced that every day in the S. China Sea, where it was always extremely humid, especially during monsoon season. No sand anywhere in sight,
You Navy guys had it so easy 😂 I think I still have sand coming out of my ears from time to time from my Army days
My ship was commissioned in 1947. I served on her 1976-79, and I can attest that it had retained the amenities afforded sailors in WWII. The only sand we saw were on beaches, though it'd be more likely I'd be in a bar than on the beach. They had air conditioning, you know! ;)
SOTD: 08/21/2022

Dual Shave - Face and Noggin


Razor: Wacker Solingen 6/8” INOX
Brush: Yaqi Goblin
Bowl: Fendrihan Apothecary Lime Mug
Preshave: Ariana & Evans Slick Stick Soap
Soap: Victory Shaving Company Pacific Peril Puck
Aftershave: Stirling Soap Lime Aftershave
Balm: Central Texas Soaps Ginger & Lemon Lotion
Additional Care: Chanel Allure Homme Sport Cologne EdT

Refreshing shave for a rainy day! I really miss Victory Shaving - they had good stuff.

Nothing much to report - haircut for Aidan - we were going to go for a walk but Mother Nature had other plans - so Jenga it is until the rain clears.

Looking forward to the Zoom call and the shave!

Have a great Sunday!
Question…what’s the difference between the Homme Sport in the clear glass bottle and the Homme Sport in the silver bottle?
Question…what’s the difference between the Homme Sport in the clear glass bottle and the Homme Sport in the silver bottle?
A couple of things different - (1) the scent of the Clear Bottle one is more of a citrus aromatic and the silver bottle one is more of a woody/spicy frag, but very fresh - has a very nice talc/powder note, and (2) fragrance oil concentrations - the silver bottle is an EdT and the clear bottle is a cologne.

Here’s something to add to the confusion - the original clear bottle was called Chanel Allure Homme Sport Cologne Sport - because I’m guessing it was twice as Sporty 😂

The clear bottle is very much along the lines of Dior Homme Sport - very citrusy - and better worn during warmer weather.
SOTD: 08/23/2022


Razor: Feather Artist Club SS (Folding, Walnut)
Blade: Feather Pro Guard Artist Club, 5th use
Brush: Wild West Brushworks Christmas’21 Badger
Bowl: Fendrihan Apothecary Red Mug
Soap: First Line Shave Crossroads Puck
Aftershave: First Line Shave Crossroads Aftershave
Balm: Zingari Man Unscented Vegan Balm
Additional Care: Caron Pour Un Homme de Caron Sport

Well the Walmart Soap mug that I used to keep brushes in while I shave is no more. I dropped the aftershave bottle on it - the handle broke off and then I gashed my finger picking up the handle - maybe I shouldn’t handle sharp objects 😂. It’s the middle finger - so that may come in handy

I have a difficult time describing the scent - I thought it was going to be similar to Hugo Boss Bottled Intense - based on the scent notes - but it isn’t that; I’d say it is very well blended - nice, unoffending, generic, shower gellish type of scent. I really dig the cologne - other than the name from hell “For the Sporty Caron Man?” I guess that’s how it translates - been a while since I spoke French.

All in all a good shave. Taking Aidan to music therapy. Just finished the application for his grant and submitted so that’s off my plate - not too bad as far as grant applications go. I tell you - sitting in on the advisor class to fill out the forms - I am blessed with Aidan - some of the parents and guardians speaking of the ones they care for - One of the guardians was telling me - their brother has autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy, and a few other things. Luckily there are a few grants available - so I hope these folks get the help they need!

Have a great evening my friends!
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SOTD: 08/23/2022

View attachment 92006

Razor: Feather Artist Club SS (Folding, Walnut)
Blade: Feather Pro Guard Artist Club, 5th use
Brush: Wild West Brushworks Christmas’21 Badger
Bowl: Fendrihan Apothecary Red Mug
Soap: First Line Shave Crossroads Puck
Aftershave: First Line Shave Crossroads Aftershave
Balm: Zingari Man Unscented Vegan Balm
Additional Care: Caron Pour Un Homme de Caron Sport

Well the Walmart Soap mug that I used to keep brushes in while I shave is no more. I dropped the aftershave bottle on it - the handle broke off and then I gashed my finger picking up the handle - maybe I shouldn’t handle sharp objects 😂. It’s the middle finger - so that may come in handy

I have a difficult time describing the scent - I thought it was going to be similar to Hugo Boss Bottled Intense - based on the scent notes - but it isn’t that; I’d say it is very well blended - nice, unoffending, generic, shower gellish type of scent. I really dig the cologne - other than the name from hell “For the Sporty Caron Man?” I guess that’s how it translates - been a while since I spoke French.

All in all a good shave. Taking Aidan to music therapy. Just finished the application for his grant and submitted so that’s off my plate - not too bad as far as grant applications go. I tell you - sitting in on the advisor class to fill out the forms - I am blessed with Aidan - some of the parents and guardians speaking of the ones they care for - One of the guardians was telling me - their brother has autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy, and a few other things. Luckily there are a few grants available - so I hope these folks get the help they need!

Have a great evening my friends!
Just remember, you're INVINCIBLE!!!

Man…busy Tuesday! Glad you’re coming out on top!

Bummer about the Walmart soap mug…sounds like it gave you the finger on the way out. I guess the bright side is that it was probably cheap and lasted longer than it should have 😂
SOTD: 08/28/2022


Razor: Feather Artist Club SR (Folding, Blue)
Blade: Feather Pro Guard Artist Club, 1st use
Brush: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Phantom Aerolite
Bowl: Fendrihan Apothecary White Mug
Preshave: Ariana & Evans Slick Stick Soap
Soap: Denton Majik Fraiche Eau Mel Puck
Aftershave: Ariana & Evans The Undersea Aftershave
Balm: Zingari Man Unscented Sego Balm
Additional Care: Versace Man Eau Fraiche EdT

First - the shave. Been a couple of days since I posted - didn’t realize that. In quick summary - the soap is a dupe of Versace Eau Fraiche. Good homage - did a fantastic job. Bummer - this is my first Denton Majik that didn’t have the poker chip scoop (not that it really matters - I face lather - but I did like that touch). Very Nice summer shave. Another Artist Club shavette - this SR is supposed to be somewhere between the SS and the DX - tbh - I do like the razor - but only picked it because it matched 😂.

Been a real busy week. I have to go to court for Aidan on Tuesday and trying to get everything in order. On the good side - every professional has reported that I have been the primary care provider and Aidan has demonstrated success - but I always want to be more prepared.

We had his lawyer do a home visit yesterday - and I believe it really went well - Aidan and I did a STEAM project that was cool to begin with. Before I let his lawyer in - I let her know he wasn’t a circus act - that he may have some behaviors that come out of the blue that I can’t predict, but that everything I was going to do was within his normal routine. I needed to set the tone. I always take Aidan’s behaviors in stride - it comes with the package that I love so much - but I have to say - he was grumpy in the morning and I was a little nervous at that. But during the visit and the rest of the day - just smiles and giggles - which always makes me happy that his is. We did a two mile walk and finished with a scoop of birthday cake ice cream - how can you beat that? 😂

Today we kind of lounged around the house - did a Costco run to get a replacement vacuum cleaner and did the local town pool in the afternoon. It was really bizarre - there was some kind of parade/celebration - they had one street blocked off (that made it difficult to get to the pool) - bands, politicians, police color guard - but I can’t find anything that explained what was going on - which is weird for such a small town that everyone knows everyone else’s business.

My mom had her back “glued” to fix the vertebrae that she cracked - looks like it is going to be a slow recovery - but at least she is is much less pain. We’ll go visit after all the chaos is done this week.

Hopefully everyone had a great weekend!
Dang! I hate to hear that about your mom, brother. Hope she has a speedy recovery.

Birthday cake ice cream?!?! Count me in!!! :love:
Sounds like a good day!

Glad your Mom’s vertebroplasty (or kyphoplasty) went well and that she’s on the road to recovery.

Always important to set a tone for the visitors, and glad to hear that the lawyer visit went well.
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