The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Ramblings of a MilkCrate

Shave Count (DE: 236 SR: 103)

Pre Shave-
Warm water splash to shave.

Henckel SR
Vulfix Badger

Post Shave-
Warm water splash

Morning shave and strapping on the six gun. I should have done that while Christmas shopping. Crazy people out there ... crazy. Anyway GTB in the house, here we go. Loaded the Vulfix for 30 seconds and got down to business. Cranked out an awesome lather that smelled great ... you know it.

Hit the leather strop for 50 laps. Went with my standard three passes: WTG, XTG and ATG and have no drama to report. It was glorious friends and neighbors ... BBS baby! Oh yeah, I’ll take that.

Wrapped up with a splash of water and a quick towel dry. A glug of the AS and everything was right as rain! Oh yeah, I’m ready to take on the world. Getting ready for a Christmas dinner with some friends and family tonight ... good times. Merry Christmas everyone, enjoy the day! And remember the reason for the season! Life is good!

Shave Count (DE: 236 SR: 102)

Pre Shave-
Warm water splash to shave.

Henkel SR
Zenith Boar
PdP #63

Post Shave-
Warm water splash
PdP #63 ASB

Quick update for a busy day.

Morning shave.

BBS (love this razor)

Clean shaved and smelling great.

Life is good.

Ha! At first glance at the photo I thought you used a hatchet!
Shave Count (DE: 236 SR: 104)

Pre Shave-
Warm water splash to shave.

Henckel SR
Vulfix Badger
TOBS Sandalwood Cream

Post Shave-
Warm water splash
Nivia ASB

Morning shave and it was great! Loaded the Vulfix for maybe 15 seconds and that was way too much. I overloaded and threw a lot of water at it. It never broke and kept building lather. I had enough for a full body shave (see pics below)

Hit the leather strop for 40 laps. Went with my standard three passes: WTG, XTG and ATG and have no drama to report. A very nice BBS shave.

Wrapped up with a splash of water and a quick towel dry. A splash of the ASB and everything was right as rain! A great overall shave. Started with a thick, rich lather. Moved along with a nice sharp edge. And wrapped up with a very nice post shave feel. The only thing I’m not sure about is the scent. I don’t smell Sandalwood. Just kinda smells like wandering through the cosmetics section of a store. (And no I wasn’t asking for directions) Anyway, that’s it. JK on the pic. Remember the reason for the season! Life is good!
15 seconds on TOBS cream?! Holy crap lol, trying to shave the neighborhood? ?

Dip the tips, half second swirl, and you should have plenty! The scent is very fresh and powdery sandalwood to me. Almost but not quite floral.

Good shave. ?
15 seconds on TOBS cream?! Holy crap lol, trying to shave the neighborhood?

Dip the tips, half second swirl, and you should have plenty! The scent is very fresh and powdery sandalwood to me. Almost but not quite floral.

Good shave.

Yeah i do at most a 5 second load with a very light touch. I really enjoy that scent and i was one of my first to obtain when i started wet shaving. great read.
15 seconds on TOBS cream?! Holy crap lol, trying to shave the neighborhood? ?

Dip the tips, half second swirl, and you should have plenty! The scent is very fresh and powdery sandalwood to me. Almost but not quite floral.

Good shave. ?
Yeah i do at most a 5 second load with a very light touch. I really enjoy that scent and i was one of my first to obtain when i started wet shaving. great read.

Now you guys tell me ? In my own defense, I bought this used and there were no instructions on the bottom. I really had a large amount of lather going.
Shave Count (DE: 236 SR: 105)

Pre Shave-
Warm water splash to shave.

Henckel SR
Vulfix Badger
TOBS Sandalwood Cream

Post Shave-
Warm water splash
Nivia ASB

Christmas morning shave and I kept the same setup. Lightly loaded the Vulfix for a couple of seconds and that did the trick. I whipped up a really nice slick lather.

Ran the Henckel across the balsa last night and hit the leather strop for 25 laps today. Went with my standard three passes: WTG, XTG and ATG and have no drama to report. A nice BBS shave with a touch of irritation under the chin. I may have had my angle off a bit.

Wrapped up with a splash of water and a quick towel dry. A splash of the ASB and everything was right as rain! A very nice shave, sans the irritation. Yesterday I hooked my stepson up with some more kit. He wanted to try a straight so I gave him: one of my SR, Illinois strop, Balsa stop, Turkish bowl, and some soaps and creams. I did warn him to be careful because I come off the stones and work through the strops. We’ll see how he does. Oher bits ... Th
e missus hurt her back last night and I think I’m getting a cold. On a positive note, I also scored some Christmas cash, so it’s time to go shopping. Remember the reason for the season! Life is good!