The Shaving Cadre

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Ramblings of a MilkCrate

Great SOTAN hahaha. But seriously good stuff. I have a few Proraso products and have been happy with their performance. Sounds like the new line is even better!
Great SOTAN hahaha. But seriously good stuff. I have a few Proraso products and have been happy with their performance. Sounds like the new line is even better!

Yup, it’s good stuff. Clean shaven and smelling great, I took the Mrs. out for dinner tonight.

I just wish it came in a tub. These sample tins hold about 4oz so when I get it, I may fill one of these. Leave the lid off for a week and let it “cure” a bit more.

Ok here is my free day shave for the week. Everything in this setup was from a PIF that I received today and I have not used any of it before.

Pre Shave-
Hot shower followed by a water splash to shave.

Maggard Razor MR11
Voskhod Blade
RazoRock Plissoft
Calle Ocho soap

Post Shave-
Hot water rinse
Calle Ocho AS Splash

Well what can I say, this was a first for everything so it was exciting. So I guess I’ll just go down the list, first up is the razor. After some research, I found it is a Maggard MR11 and I was surprised by the weight. The stainless steel handle gives it some weight, but it’s no unwieldy. I was able to quickly dial in the shave angle too.

The Voskhod blade is a nice shaving blade. It seems a tad smoother than the Astra SP. On first use, I wouldn’t be afraid to buy 100. But, we’ll see how the first tuck plays out.

The Razorock synth has a good size handle and knot. It makes my others look like travel brushes. I think the knot is a 24mm, but I haven’t measured yet. I hate this brush ... it is silky smooth and oozes lather when it just gets close to a puck.

On to the soap, Calle Ocho. It is made in Miami FL and list notes of Tobacco, Guava and Papaya. Sorry I didn’t look at the complete list of ingredients. I don’t think I’ve ever smelled Guava or Papaya, but I don’t smell tobacco as the main scent. It’s a different kinda scent for me but there is something about it that’s intriguing. The soap lathers and shaves well. It also had enough slick for some buffing.

I went with my standard three pass shave: WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama to report. Splashed on the AS and everything was right as rain. Gave it a bit to settle and checked the post shave feel. I was smooth everywhere but a bit of stubble by the Adam’s Apple. So I’ll take the DFS for the win.

The only bit of a negative for me was the post shave feel. Either the soap, AS or both make the skin feel kinda sticky. It will dissipate but the skin doesn’t feel as hydrated as I get with other combos. With that said, I’m going to hang onto it for awhile and give it a fair shake.
Nice shave today Tim with the new set-up! I've been looking at Lather Bros for a little while now, but haven't been excited enough to pull the trigger on anything. Sounds like a good soap, however...I might have to re-look them!
Well, another soap maker to check into. It seems like they are sprouting out of nowhere these days. Voskhod blades were my first blades I purchased in a 100 pack. I don't use them regularly any more as I desire something a bit sharper. But man those things are smooth. If I can't figure out a razor or cannot get an angle down...I pull out the Voskhod for a reset.
Good read and shave Tim!
As Don stated above "...another new soap maker"... They really is an explosion of soap makers it seems.
Funny thing about that PIF was there was a bit of everything in it. I grabbed the Calle soap and Maca Root to try.

Then the Mrs wanted to look through the box. She sniffed the different soaps and grabbed two shave cream tubes and an ASB of Nivea. She has not used it before. Then she snagged that RazoRock synth from me and used it too. That was her first brush shave and she was digging it. I may have lost that brush.
Good shave Tim! Cool to see the wife enjoying as well. My wife is too afraid to try...probably has to something to do with my spotty results!
Good shave Tim! Cool to see the wife enjoying as well. My wife is too afraid to try...probably has to something to do with my spotty results!

Mine started with a Slim as a teen. She was quick to tell me yesterday that she is not giving up her Harry’s razor. And she said my soaps are masculine, so those bits of kit are safe. But I’ll have to watch her with my brushes. She may end up with a shelf for her soaps, balms and brushes ?
I almost forgot to mention. I got a second shave mail yesterday. It was my GTB soap and AS order that I had been waiting on. I was excited to get it, but was disappointed when I opened the box.

Instead of GSB, they accidentally sent Ghost Ship. I checked my invoice to make sure I hadn’t ordered the wrong thing, but I ordered GTB. I’ll have to ping the vendor and see if I can get this cleared up on Monday.
Did you order it from Groomatorium? If you did I'm sure Ron will correct the shipping error! He has a reputation for excellent customer service.
I have to second what Craig said. Ron is TOP SHELF in customer service. Just shoot him an email and he will make it right!
I should have ordered direct from him, the shipping would have been free. But the AS was sold out. I already had a Maggard account and I was lazy, so I used them. I’m sure they’ll make it right. Keep ya posted.

On a side note, the Ghost Ship smelled kinda like orange sherbet. Not only that but it’s not listed on CF or Maggard website, weird right?
I should have ordered direct from him, the shipping would have been free. But the AS was sold out. I already had a Maggard account and I was lazy, so I used them. I’m sure they’ll make it right. Keep ya posted.

On a side note, the Ghost Ship smelled kinda like orange sherbet. Not only that but it’s not listed on CF or Maggard website, weird right?

Maggards has excellent customer service also. I haven't had any issues with them myself, but other that have reported they made it right and quick!
On a side note, the Ghost Ship smelled kinda like orange sherbet. Not only that but it’s not listed on CF or Maggard website, weird right?
Nope not weird if you look at the container I bet this is what you got. It's made by Black Ship Grooming. I have a couple of their soaps and one after shave. Good Stuff!