The Shaving Cadre

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Ramblings of a MilkCrate

Mail call.

These came in today. I am going to try and hold off on trying them until this weekend. I have the GTB sample that I am working through at the moment.

But I really want to try the Proraso Wood & Spice.
Ok ok ok, enough of this sample stuff. When is the GTB trifecta being delivered?
Ok ok ok, enough of this sample stuff. When is the GTB trifecta being delivered?

Dave, did I tell you about my shave last night? I scored a BBS with the GTB sample. It rocked!

I need to finish it up anyway, I need the tin for another sample. I’ll probably order the real deal this weekend.
That vid clip was great; especially the milk crate at the end.
Sshhhhhh, no one tell Dave I got another BBS with the GTB sample last night. Looks like it has one shave left and then next on deck is Proraso Wood & Spice.
Sshhhhhh, no one tell Dave I got another BBS with the GTB sample last night. Looks like it has one shave left and then next on deck is Proraso Wood & Spice.

Sounds the the GTB Posse may have gained a loyal member!

Looking forward to your thoughts on the Wood and Spice as well!
Sshhhhhh, no one tell Dave I got another BBS with the GTB sample last night. Looks like it has one shave left and then next on deck is Proraso Wood & Spice.
AND I notice you've got a little more swagger in your stride.

This morning was another free shave day, so I decided to try the CC Bay Rum. I have the Atomic Age and it works well, but I wanted to see if I had “options”. I had tried the Stirling Bay Rum, but the burn of both the soap and AS was not worth it.

Pre Shave-
Hot shower followed by a hot water splash to shave.

Gillette OC
Astra SP
Vie Long horsehair
CC Bay Rum soap sample

Post Shave-
Hot water splash
CC Bay Rum AS sample

All the Bay Rums smell slightly different and this one is nice. After a quick sniff, I loaded this one up and off we went. It lathers well and provides enough slick to get the job done. Part of that may have been me just trying to get it dialed in.

I went with the standard three passes: WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama. I was BBS everywhere except for some faint stubble by the Adam’s Apple, so I’ll take the DFS for the win. AS also reported that everything was right as rain.

Now the shave has settled in and the post shave feel is good. My face does no
t feel as hydrated as some of my other setups, but I can live with that.

Bottom line: depending on cost, mood, or whatever other variables, this one has a possible spot in the rotation. It could replace the AA if need be.
Great shave Tim! Bay rum is high on my list of scents to dive into.

Thanks everyone.

Steve if you don’t mind used, I can send you the Stirling BR soap and AS samples to try. I think it only has 3 shaves on it. I pulled it out of the tin and put it in a zip lock bag. I could also send you the GSB AS sample. Shoot me a PM if you want them.
Captain's Choice Products are very solid! It's not the product I grab all the time...but you know what to expect...and they have great scents. Very practical approach and results for the shave!

Today I had to try another sample that I recently received, which is the Proraso Wood & Spice. This is not a croap, but a cream.

Pre Shave-
Hot water splash to shave.

Gillette OC
Astra SP
No name Badger
Proraso Wood & Spice cream sample

Post Shave-
Hot water splash
Proraso Wood & Spice ASB sample

I haven’t used a cream before and when loading it, the brush just seemed to suck it up. I’ll have to adjust my loading to see if I can stretch this out for a week. When I started lathering, I knew I had too much cream and started throwing more water at it. As I added water the lather just kept building and building. Great lather.

I cannot separate complex scents and tell you what I smell. I guess I am just a simpleton. I’m not sure what the note was I was smelling, but it was strong. I went with my standard three passes: WTG, XTG and ATG and have no drama to report. It was a great shave and the Gillette delivered a BBS shave. I am really digging this razor.

I then applied the ASB (yes, a balm) and found that everything was still right as rain. The balm felt slightly greasy, but absorbed well within a few minutes and had a great post shave feel. The ASB had a slightly different smell to me. I first smelled a wood note that smelled like cedar. A bit later it transitioned to a softer, almost sweet smell.

Now to make things more fun, my wife and I smelled completely different things. At one point, I was sitting here minding my own business and was sniffing kinda heavy. She looked over and said, “Are you sniffing your aftershave?” I said yeah, it’s changing scents, come smell. It’s more of a soft sweet smell. She gave me a good sniff and said, “It smells the same, weirdo.”

With all of that said, it was a great shave and post shave. I just wish it was a bit more firm (read croap) and came in a tub. The Mrs. also thinks she likes it more than the Proraso Red. I asked her if it was worth a purchase and she said yes. So there’s my two cents, spend it wisely.