The Shaving Cadre

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Ramblings of a MilkCrate

Last night was an early evening shave and it was very nice. Wrapped up the evening with our telescope. We were able to view the moon and several planets. We viewed: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. The moon light hampered the viewing a bit, but it was an awesome way to wrap up the work week. And how many times can you see 4 planets the same night?

Due to my work schedule, I get every other Friday off. So today was a late morning shave.

Pre Shave-
Warm water splash to shave.

Gillette Senator
Voskhod (9)
RazoRock synth
AA Bay Rum soap

Post Shave-
Warm water splash
AA Bay Rum AS

I loaded the soap for 30 seconds and it was go time. I dumped a bit of water from the brush, so not as sloppy today. Dialed in quick and grabbed the Senator. I went with my standard three passes: WTG, XTG and ATG and have no drama to report. For this shave I walked away with a BBS today, for the win.

Wrapped up with a splash of water and a quick towel dry. Hit it with a splash of the AS and everything was right as rain. As expected, the shave settled down quickly for a great post shave feel. A great way to start the day. Life is good!

I have really enjoyed using the Senator this week. I got it as a restoration project and it has delivered.
Nice evening, great shave!

It was pretty cool being able to see Venus last week with the naked eye last week. It popped up right by the moon.
Yeah, it’s pretty cool to spot them. I had to use Star Chart on my phone to find Saturn. Then I could pull it up in the scope. I am still learning how to find them.
Yeah, it’s pretty cool to spot them. I had to use Star Chart on my phone to find Saturn. Then I could pull it up in the scope. I am still learning how to find them.

My godfather used to take my dad and me, when I was younger, star watching quite often when we lived closer together.

He was part of an astronomy club, had build this huge homemade telescope with custom lenses and what not, and sometimes we’d even get to tour observatories if the club met on their grounds. It is quite a humbling experience to see that vast infinity, the beauty it contains, and ponder the great wonders we have yet to discover.
Catching up Tim!

Great shaves!

That Senator is a good looking razor, congrats on the score!

I have two telescopes and I need to get them out and get back into using them. Unfortunately at my house the light pollution is bad!

MilkCrate said:
Hit snooze one too many times yesterday
That is why I have my alarm clock where I have to get out of bed to turn it off!!

It’s been a strange random shave weekend. I didn’t shave yesterday, which is a rarity and it wasn’t by design. Started the day at 6am and hit the ground running. Had to work outside in our record breaking heat all day and wrapped up everything at midnight with a shower. I was too tired to shave.

So let’s talk shaving. Started the day with a late morning shave. Today I went really random and broke all the rules.

Pre Shave-
Warm water splash to shave.

Personna Shavette / ‘56 Super speed

Astra SP (1)
Vulfix badger
Dr Harris Winsor cream

Post Shave-
Warm water splash
Avon Oland AS

This was the first time I tried a shavette or cream. I received the shavette and the Dr Harris from a PIF. I scored the Avon at a thrift store and have never used it before either. To complete the weirdness, I used a bowl to lather. If you’ve read my journal, you know that I face lather.

The Dr Harris built a really nice lather rather quickly. It also smells pretty good. Grabbed the shavette, pulled off the guard and got after it. I wasn’t nervous because I was too focused on my technique. It was strange shaving because I had trouble seeing around my hand. I think I got my angle right and I was removing hair. The tricky part seemed to be keeping the blade flat against my face. I managed a WTG on both cheeks and the right side of my neck. I also managed an XTG pass on my cheeks. I know those are the easy bits, but for a first shave, I’ll take it. I was really stocked that I didn’t cut myself.

For the passes I couldn’t managed with the shavette, I used the ‘56 Super Speed. This was the first use of this razor as well. This razor was very smooth, effortless and a pleasure to shave with. With the assist of the Super Speed, I walked away with a BBS shave for the win!

Wrapped up the shave with a splash of water and a quick towel dry. A splash of Avon Oland AS and everything was right as rain. The scent change from Windsor to Oland was kinda strange because I usually have a matching AS. The shave settled down quickly for an nice post shave feel. Post shave felt different today, but still good. Life is good!
Catching up Tim!

Great shaves!

That Senator is a good looking razor, congrats on the score!

I have two telescopes and I need to get them out and get back into using them. Unfortunately at my house the light pollution is bad!
That is why I have my alarm clock where I have to get out of bed to turn it off!!

I fumble around the best I can with the telescope and we have a good time. We are out of the city limits, so light pollution is not too bad. The wife and I enjoy it more than the kids or grandkids.

On the alarm clock, I have two. One I do have to get out of bed to turn off, but it’s too close to the bed ?
Congrats on a shave of “firsts”!

The seeing around your hand part get easier the more you practice.
Congrats on a shave of “firsts”!

The seeing around your hand part get easier the more you practice.

Thanks Chris!

I definitely walked away from that shave wanting to improve on the shavette. So the hardest part, just trying it, is behind me.
Yay, I have the week off! Our budget dictates a stay-cation this year, so for entertainment I am going to shave. I’m not sure yet, but I may run a standard weekly rotation.

Pre Shave-

Warm water splash to shave.


Personna Shavette (2)

Omega boar

Proraso Red soap

Post Shave-

Warm water splash

Proraso Red AS

Ok, so I decided to go all in with the shavette and today there was no DE to bail me out. I also wanted to see if I could get the Proraso slick enough for a shavette.

So off we go! Went with a 30 second load on the Proraso. Kept throwing water at it and it dialed in pretty quick. It took awhile, but I managed the first pass with the grain of my face and neck. The soap wasn’t quite where I needed it, so I threw more water at it. I then tried an XTG on my cheeks and got that, but didn’t try it on my neck. Then I went brain dead and went ATG on my face and neck.

To my surprise I didn’t shed any blood. I’m 40% smooth and 60% stubble, so I guess that’s just a mess. This really is learning to shave all over again. My technique is awkward and I am trying both right and left handed. (I am right handed) But I guess I’m using a light enough touch to keep the damage to a minimum. I go ahead and keep at it this week and see if I can improve.

Wrapped up the shave with a splash of water and a quick towel dry. A splash of Proraso Red AS and everything was right as rain. The shave settled down quickly for an nice post shave feel, except for the stubble. Life is good!
Good shave Tim. I always question whether it's worth the learning curve and bloodshed to learn. I don't get bored by DE shaves and wouldn't care if I did as they get me smooth, bloodless and without irritation most all the time. It is just shaving after why do we gravitate back to experimenting with it as I tend to ...................Dave walks away shaking his head trying to solve the quandaries of the universe again..............