The Shaving Cadre

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Ramblings of a MilkCrate


Shave Count (DE: 391 SE: 9 SR: 465)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller
Splash and go

Razor: Torrey SR
Blade: none
Brush: Zenith Boar
Soap: Stirling One

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: Witch Stirling Ine
Frag: none

The Shave-
Early morning shave today and It was nice ... very nice! Last night I tightened the hinge pin and slapped a little Flitz on this razor. It could still use a bit more cleaning, but it works. Haven’t used this Stirling set in a bit, so it’s on deck today. Yes ... that was the right choice. A 30 second load time and I whipped up a really nice lather that smelled amazing!

10 laps on cotton and 50 laps on leather and it was go time. I went with my standard three passes of WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama to report. Outstanding shave and I am BBS for the win! Oh yeah! Held the scent the entire shave and it was very enjoyable. I also had plenty of lather for a post shave lather while I cleaned my shave gear.

Wrapped everything up with a quick rinse and pat dry. Followed that up with a glug of the AS and everything was right as rain! Damn ... I smell amazing. Life is good!
FB3B53D9-4547-4C2C-80EE-93308620C2E4.jpegShave Count (DE: 391 SE: 9 SR: 466)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller
Splash and go

Razor: Torrey SR
Blade: none
Brush: DSC Badger
Soap: B&M Vespers

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: B&M Vespers
Frag: none

The Shave-
Today I was all about the late morning shave and it was very nice. Went digging for a scent and came up with Vespers. I don’t do the seasonal thing ... so why not. Hit it with this monster brush for 15 seconds and got to working the pasre adding water as I went. It whips up easy enough and I had more than enough great smelling lather to work with.

10 laps on cotton and 50 laps on leather and it was go time. Kept the Torrey on deck just because it hasn’t seen much action lately. I went with my standard three passes of WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama to report. Had a very nice, relaxing shave and I am BBS for the win! Yup, that was some goodness there. I really dig the scent and it held the entire shave. I may still not have this dialed in, but for me Stirling has much better slickness and residual slickness. Anyway, a good shave was had. I also had plenty of lather for a post shave lather while I cleaned my shave gear.

Wrapped everything up with a quick rinse and pat dry. Followed that up with a glug of the AS and everything was right as rain! Yes it was. Very enjoyable and I am ready to take in the day. Life is good!

Home Front-
Thankful today is my day off so I’m just kinda bumming around. Hit the post office to ship a few things out. Hit the feed store and got groceries for the horses. Today is also dog bath day. And I may try to get a bit of honing in later.
9C4FBA6B-EC22-458A-AB3D-B30E71B9015C.jpegShave Count (DE: 391 SE: 9 SR: 467)

Pre Shave-
Strop: Tony Miller
Splash and go

Razor: Torrey SR
Blade: none
Brush: Semogue Boar
Soap: AA Bay Rum

Post Shave-
Post shave lather
AS: AA Bay Rum
Frag: none

The Shave-
Very nice late morning shave today. It sounded like a good day for Bay Rum. Who am I kidding, any day is a good day for Bay Rum. I also grabbed the Semogue to show it some lather love. Had a 15 second load time with a lot of lather. It started as a bubbly proto-lather but stabilized rather quickly.

10 laps on cotton and 40 laps on leather and it was go time. The Dovo got the nod today, and it was a good call. I went with my standard three passes of WTG, XTG and ATG with no drama to report. A very nice shave! Really relaxing, taking my time and enjoying the scent throughout the shave. Goofed around with a different hand hold on the ATG pass. Ran the scales out straight and used it like a Kami, which worked really well. Amost forgot to mention, all of that goodness and I am BBS for the win! Plenty of lather for a post shave lather while I cleaned my shave gear.

Wrapped everything up with a quick rinse and pat dry. Followed that up with a glug (ok ... maybe two) of the AS and everything was right as rain! You know it was! Great shave and the day is mine. Life is good!