The Shaving Cadre

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Ramblings of a MilkCrate

Shave Count (DE: 264 SR: 184)

Pre Shave-
Splash and go

Henckel SR
Omega 48
GTB soap

Post Shave-
Warm water splash

The process -
Outstanding shave this morning. Haven’t used the GTB in awhile, so it was on deck today. Also changed out all the hardware. Went with a 30 second load and cranked out a ton of great smelling lather.

Gave the stop some Lexal love last night and it was good to go today. 50 laps on the leather and the Henckel was ready for action. Went with the standard shave of WTG, XTG and ATG and I have no drama to report. That razor has a great edge on it, both sharp and smooth. Effortlessly mowing down hair, singing all the while. Truly a great shave and I am BBS for the win!

Wrapped everything up with a splash of water and quick towel dry. A glug of the AS and everything was right as rain! It’s a chilly morning and that menthol will really wake you up. After that lighter scented soap, this hit the spot. Man, a very nice shave and I smell amazing!

Home front -
Will be at my mom and stepdad’s place today. We have a car to work on and see if we can get it running. Also lunch with several generations of the famiy, so that should be fun ... Life is good!
Shave Count (DE: 264 SR: 185)

Pre Shave-
Splash and go

Henckel SR
Vulfix badger
SC Patchouli soap sample

Post Shave-
Warm water splash
Nivia ASB

The process -
A very nice shave today. I changed out a few things and went straight up Patchouli. Grabbed the sample of Stone Cottage Patchouli and smeared a bit in the Turkish bowl. Got after it and whipped up a great smelling lather. Man, there is just something about that earthy scent.

50 laps on the leather and the Henckel was good to go. Went with the standard shave of WTG, XTG and ATG and I have no drama to report. That was a good shave with the scent coming and going. Plus, I am BBS for the win! Can’t argue with that.

Wrapped everything up with a splash of water and quick towel dry. A bit of the ASB and everything was right as rain! Beautiful Easter Sunday. It’s currently 75 with a high of 80. Very nice! A nice scent choice for the day also.

Home front -
Nice lunch with family yesterday. No joy on the car repairs, so it’s gotta go to a shop. I have a few unfinished projects on my workbench that need attention, so I will be working on those today ... Life is good!

BTW- anyone have a good base recipe for DIY AS?
Nice couple of shaves. And it's a good day to a do a little puddering of projects! Happy Easter and don't work too hard!
A generic unscented base. I could then add various EO to scent as needed.
Probably best to just start with generic witch hazel then. You can add a few drops of just about anything to that and it’ll work as an AS. You could also easily cut in menthol, glycerin, aloe, or other skin food as needed. If you want a balm, go for something like Nivea sensitive or another light moisturizer.
Shave Count (DE: 264 SR: 186)

Pre Shave-
Splash and go

Henckel SR
Omega 48 boar
AA Bay Rum soap

Post Shave-
Warm water splash
AA Bay Rum AS

The process -
Starting a new work week, so let's kick it off with some attitude. I grabbed the eye patch and the Bay Rum. Started my shave with the same simple process, a splash of water and a 30 second load time. Rinsing between passes and dipping the brush tips in water, I cranked out an awesome, great smelling lather. And in keeping the same load time, I had plenty of lather for all three passes and a post shave lather.

50 laps on the leather and the Henckel was ready to rock and roll. Went with the standard shave of WTG, XTG and ATG and I have no drama to report. A great shave and I am BBS for the win! Yup, this is the razor for this week. It delivers a really nice shave. Smooth and sharp.

Wrapped everything up with a splash of water and quick towel dry. A glug of the AS and everything was right as rain! Now I am ready to tackle the day! Ended with a great post shave feel and I know that this AS will deliver in the longevity department. Oh ... and I smell amazing!

Home front -
A few things on the home front. This is my regular week to have Friday off, so it's a shorter week. Yay me! My allergies seem to be doing a bit better also, so that is good. Yesterday I did finish up one project and got it off my work bench. It's a speaker box I built and installed in my wife's car. It's a subtle box in that you only see the speaker. I should have a few mail calls this week of samples. They were not purchases, but more info on those when they arrive. Hopefully more of my soapmaking equipment will make it in this week too. I also need to start gathering up the ingredients to make soap. Oh, I also had a moment over the weekend and bought a razor on the bay. It will need a bit of TLC and I'll post a pic when it comes in. I think that's all I got. Life is good!
I can’t push that much. It’s only an 8” Polk subwoofer being pushed by a Fosgate Punch. She has a 2 seat convertible, so that’s the largest speaker I could run.