The Shaving Cadre

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Ramblings of a MilkCrate

I broke from my rotation last night, however I did stay with the Bay Rum. I was curious how the CC compared to the Atomic Age.

Pre Shave-
Hot shower followed by a water splash to shave.

Maggard Razor MR11
Voskhod Blade
Vie Long horsehair (changed)
AA Bay Rum soap

Post Shave-
Hot water rinse
AA Bay Rum AS Splash

I loaded up and got down to business. I couldn’t believe it, the difference was dramatic. The lather built easy and was much slicker than the CC. The overall shave was also better and the scent held strong throughout the shave.

I went with my standard three passes: WTG, XTG and ATG and have no drama to report. With this setup I walked away with a BBS shave.

Hit it with the AS and everything was right as rain. Post shave feel is really, really good. The scent is stronger than the CC and has great longevity. This was a memorable shave for all the right reasons. In this round, AA was the clear winner.
I broke from my rotation last night, however I did stay with the Bay Rum. I was curious how the CC compared to the Atomic Age.

Pre Shave-
Hot shower followed by a water splash to shave.

Maggard Razor MR11
Voskhod Blade
Vie Long horsehair (changed)
AA Bay Rum soap

Post Shave-
Hot water rinse
AA Bay Rum AS Splash

I loaded up and got down to business. I couldn’t believe it, the difference was dramatic. The lather built easy and was much slicker than the CC. The overall shave was also better and the scent held strong throughout the shave.

I went with my standard three passes: WTG, XTG and ATG and have no drama to report. With this setup I walked away with a BBS shave.

Hit it with the AS and everything was right as rain. Post shave feel is really, really good. The scent is stronger than the CC and has great longevity. This was a memorable shave for all the right reasons. In this round, AA was the clear winner.

Oh man, don’t let the Captain see! ?
I thought about the Atomic Age shave all day today. The scent of the soap and AS were stronger than the CC. However, could the lather have been due to the brush change? Maybe the boar brush didn’t work as well as the horsehair. I had to find out with my shave tonight.

Pre Shave-
Hot shower followed by a water splash to shave.

Maggard Razor MR11
Voskhod Blade
Vie Long horsehair
CC Bay Rum soap

Post Shave-
Hot water rinse
CC Bay Rum AS Splash

I loaded up and got down to round 2. The lather didn’t build any better or worse with the horsehair. I had the same lather I had been getting all rotation. Once again the scent faded faster while lathering. I also have to give the edge to the AA for slickness.

I went with my standard three passes: WTG, XTG and ATG and have no drama to report. With this setup I walked away with a DFS shave.

Hit the AS and everything was right as rain. Post shave feel is good, but not on par with the AA. The scent is weaker with the CC and the longevity is not there.

No offense to the CC users, but the AA works better for me. I really wanted the CC to hold it’s ground a little better and give me a cost effective option. However, the Mrs and I agree that the AA stays in the rotation.
Interesting that the AA is a stronger scented and longer lasting bay rum that CC...color me intrigued. Now to go look for some AA!
Great reviews Tim. I believe that that CC aftershaves have a fairly short longevity for a purpose. While i know many like long lasting scents...some don't. Some people want just and aftershave that does the job and then fades so they can but on other scents. That isn't me...but I just wanted to reiterate. Thanks for the reviews!
Good shave and mail call Tim! You might be on to something with the slower strokes.....

Hope it helps!

I got way too comfortable with that razor and was zipping around like a madman. The only thing missing was a crazy laugh or lawn mower sounds with your lips.
Well, today was another shaving play day. Parked the last rotation and grabbed something different. Picked up the Proraso Wood & Spice sample and the trusty Slim.

Pre Shave-
Hot water splash to shave.

Gillette Slim
Voskhod Blade (fresh blade)
Vulfix Badger
Proraso Wood & Spice soap

Post Shave-
Hot water rinse
Proraso Wood & Spice ASB

Ok loaded up and ready to go, first shave with this brush. The Vulfix still had a bit of funk and some scritch. But the Proraso was able to tamp it down a bit. The lather was great and this brush can build it. The brush splays good and has decent backbone. Hope it stays the same as it breaks in.

Had the Slim set on 6 for all passes. I just set it and forget it. I went with my standard three passes: WTG, XTG and ATG and have no drama to report. The razor just gliding along, taking care of business. With this setup I walked away with a relaxing BBS shave.

Hit the ASB and everything was right as rain. Post shave feel is really good and settled in quickly. Except for the light funk smell to start, this entire shave was top notch. Awesome way to face the day!
Nice one Tim! Sounds like you got a good brush aside from the funk which will dissipate soon!
I’ve got a William’s puck that I use for defunk duty. But I only used it once on the badger. Probably should hit it a few more times.
Catching up Tim!

Some great shaves, reads, and mail calls!

It's a good thing with SWMBO likes the scent!
Started a new rotation last night, with an old favorite.

Pre Shave-
Hot water splash to shave.

Gillette Slim
Voskhod Blade
Vulfix Badger
Proraso Red soap

Post Shave-
Hot water rinse
Proraso Red ASB

The Slim is the second razor that I bought and the first vintage. It is the razor that really started my journey in earnest. I usually go to my Omega boar with the Proraso, but last night I thought I would bring in the Vulfix. I am still working on getting rid of the remaining Badger funk. The Proraso keeps it tamped down well and I would guess that it should be cleared up by the end of the rotation. The lather was great and this brush can build it. The brush splays good and has decent backbone.

Had the Slim set on 5 for all passes. I just set it and forget it. I went with my standard three passes: WTG, XTG and ATG and have no drama to report. This razor does not disappoint, it delivers consistent shaves every time. With this setup I walked away with a nice BBS shave.

Followed it up with the matching AS and all was right as rain. Post shave settles in nicely, as expected. Basic, simple shave delivering great results. Who could ask for a better end to the evening?