A Sorrentino legacy brush lathered some Tabac. Then a my German 37 held the GSB at just the right angle for 3 passes. Some alum then tightened everything up and a splash of Chatillon Lux Unconditional Surrender left me smelling great.
Around here, Tammy and Arabella spent all day at a mother/daughter tea with the American Heritage Girls. It was Arabella's group's year to organize it. I got to spend the evening with my son. Since I have been working from home, they have been homeschooled, and Tammy is a stay at home mom, the break of being able to spend the evening with only him is something that we all needed.
Then today, Tammy and Arabella are going to be leaving for a 5k that they have tomorrow. It will be another boys night tonight. According to the weather, it will be around 60 tomorrow morning, so Elijah and I are going to go for a bike ride.