The Shaving Cadre

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Pick your Health Goal Two Month Challenge

Saturday was maintaining balance and casting a 6 foot rod on the bow of a boat for 5 hours. I forgot how much movement you need to make to stand on a moving platform until everything was so sore this morning. Sunday was just hectic and a day off as a result.
Hour and a half with the push mower on the hilly yard after a rough day of work, then actually threw a set of weights in afterwards.
Short set with the weights, and I have missed some here and there, but they are getting easier.
Went to two festivals this weekend, so got in quite a bit of walking. Travel for work beginning of the week, but lifted weights Sunday and today, so far.
today did an hours walk while gma was at teh chiropractors, then dropped her off at the diner with my mother. while they were eating i headed over to the mall and did another 45 min walk, looking at some fragrance items. did a hot yoga class at 330 to 430, so i feel like i got in some good calorie burning today.
The heat is killing my walking. Really not fun to go for a walk when its 111 outside. But my boss is out of town for a month so I'm tasked with checking on all the departments each day. So I do a complete tour of the building twice a day. Not as scenic but still a good brisk walk.

Water intake is nearing 3 liters. But I still can't get the weight down under 180 lbs. I'm going to start doing some extra yard work on the weekend mornings to try to crack that threshold.
We had a nice run of heat here for a week, but now the weather is back to standard Finnish mediocrity, around 15°C and windy. I personally love the heat even if it takes a bit for me to get used to every year.

Training is going well, and the summer ballet season wraps up next week, I'm still going, so at least one goal accomplished. The diet is happening, but not as tight as I'd normally be, thanks to the indoor camping environment the kitchen renno has brought on. Everything's at a standstill until the countertop arrives. Can't come soon enough for me.

And I've made some really good progress on the "MacroMaster" app, along with a few hair pulling moments. Phase one is very close to ready, the foundation is set and works really nicely, now it's just to gussy it up a bit.
Sweatshop today....
Got to play around in here all day wearing a tyvec suit. (Pretty darn close to a suana suit...)


And just for reference, this is the size of that door I had to go in and out of...

Sorry guys for being absent. Went to the beach and then work tied me up. Thanks you all for keeping this going. Just to let you know...just because I am not commenting doesn't mean I am not watching. Keep the good stuff going. I'll have my comments on my goals soon.

If you haven't commented for the week...get it done!
Woke up this morning to work out, and fell back asleep. It's ok, going dancing at a goth club tonight, so that will count as my workout for today!
Got to the gym this last week as planned. Super sore the first couple of days from working out but felt kind of good in a way.
Got stung by a bee on the back of my hand yesterday. Hand is so swollen I can't close my hand or make a fist. Not able to grip the bar, so no workout today.
I went to a beerfest in Reno over the weekend....and while that may not be necessarily healthy....I did walk much more than I usually do on a saturday.

In we headed up a hill to get some food, I outpaced my wife's cousin and he works out 5 times a week. Got to the top and he said, "Man that was more than I counted on for a walk". 10 years older and not as good of shape and I still winded him.
Weekend was so hectic I didn't get any workouts.
Today when it decided to hit 90, I was back in the boiler. That picture above shows the "floor" with the trough in the middle.
The floor is made up of a bunch of different plates. Today in a combination of squatting, kneeling, and a lot of twisting, I removed all of those plates.

All 2300 pounds of them.....

I was concerned about drowning in my respirator I was sweating so bad.

Well back from our vacation to Hawaii and only up 2 pounds. I'd consider that pretty darn good! Seeing as I ate what I wanted (lots of fish) and started drinking well let's not go into what time I started drinking.... I was on Island time.

Flight landed yesterday at 6:50AM, so I caught up on sleep, it's impossible to sleep on a plane for me, even when flying over night. But right back at it this morning with my weight vest on and 3 miles before starting my work shift.
Some days at my job, like today while alone and putting steel in the rack by hand, I wonder what the heck was I thinking when wanting to start with weight exercises again.....


didnt do any heavy work out today. went to the farmers market to get some honey to make some fermented honey with garlic and chilis. was no cloud cover today so it was a bit hot out in the sun(did about 45 mins worth of walking). afterwords went over to nordstrom and parked on the far end of the mall to get some more walking in. tried out some mont blanc xplorer and xlporer intnense. really like these two but cant decide which one to get. also tried out club de nuit intense man. didnt like this one and tried out clud de nuit milestone this one was pretty good. i would say i spent about another 45 mins walking around the mall. i think thats going to do it for me. my neck has been bothering me the past few days, i must have tweaked it but doing better today. may or may not take tomrrow off and justt do some more walking and start up yoga again thursday or friday.
Since it has been high 80s low 90s and stupid humidity (right now it's 84f with 71% humidity) I have been drinking a lot of water.
I have figured out just what it is about water that makes it healthy......
It is almost 200 steps back and forth to the bathroom every 15 minutes......

Other than that, took last night off. Will possibly take tonight off also. 4 hours of fighting with prybars, torches, and pullers to try and get a gearbox off with an 80 foot silo climb in the middle of it is not making me happy.
Plus I think when I was doing Pull-ups on the wrench to try and turn the puller, I may have pulled my pectoral.