The Shaving Cadre

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Pick your Health Goal Two Month Challenge

Increasing water intake has been beneficial on several fronts. So that has been a positive. Its hard to get a good walk in under this kind of heat so that has been difficult. But on the plus side....I've been going for a swim each night. That's probably better than a walk.
Increasing water intake has been beneficial on several fronts. So that has been a positive. Its hard to get a good walk in under this kind of heat so that has been difficult. But on the plus side....I've been going for a swim each night. That's probably better than a walk.
Or at least as good as. I always say that walking is powerful, but yeah...if it is 120 degrees outside, kind of hard to do that. The key is finding something you like to do in an environment that you can do it in.
Making a new habit is hard, and you have to be consistent. Even missing one day or a new routine can make it very hard to keep it going.
I know I've missed a bit, (especially this week with my neck,back, and hip being sore) but overall it has been good. It has been difficult staying consistent and I need to get better at making the time, but it has helped with what I set out to do.
Now let's see if I can stick with it after this challenge is over.