The Shaving Cadre

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Pick your Health Goal Two Month Challenge

Very happy to report that my water intake has not fallen off....even with this momentary cooling period here in Vegas. Should be back up to the 110's by the weekend.
Since it has been high 80s low 90s and stupid humidity (right now it's 84f with 71% humidity) I have been drinking a lot of water.
I have figured out just what it is about water that makes it healthy......
It is almost 200 steps back and forth to the bathroom every 15 minutes......

Other than that, took last night off. Will possibly take tonight off also. 4 hours of fighting with prybars, torches, and pullers to try and get a gearbox off with an 80 foot silo climb in the middle of it is not making me happy.
Plus I think when I was doing Pull-ups on the wrench to try and turn the puller, I may have pulled my pectoral.
i feel ya on this, im drinking so much lately that i have to make sure there are restrooms wherever im going. its a bit annoying havving to go every 15 to 45 mins.
So I caught a cold this week and didn't feel well at all. Didn't get to the gym this week, so I need to double down and make sure I get my workouts in this week.
Last week of summer ballet this week, did all the classes I could, and even wound up having great time, though I did have a minor ankle roll.

Otherwise the kitchen renno will be done next week, countertop went down Friday, and the diet app phase one testing is underway. So lot's of success, yay.
Still got my workout in on Wednesday and Friday. Starting strength program, and starting to got to the point where it’s feeling good and feeling strength building.
Starting Strength, as in the Rippetoe book?
I know that is what I did pretty much most of last years with mostly a novice linear program. I had really good success and a lot of gains using the program. The book is almost like a science book explaining how your body moves. I highly recommend for anyone that has access to barbells.
Thankfully the worst of the Kitchen Nightmare is over. I can at least cook now, chicken, ramen and a heap of steamed veggies set things right last night.
The day before was awful, the contractor changed workers on us midstream and the new guy was a complete disaster. We're probably going to need to tear out some of the the botch job he did. But we have the original guy coming in later this week to assess the situation and make it right. This guy was great, so hopefully we'll get out of the current Moscow gas station look we have going now.

Trying to get one last week of good training in before we fly out to California next week. Week has started OK, but I had to just do anything on Monday since the guy ruined the kitchen and left a huge mess to clean up. But still got a decent session in late that night. Yesterday was a great arms ad shoulders session at the gym.

There's actually a gym in my home town we love, so that will be fun to visit. But I make it a point never to train too hard on holiday. We rented a nice bungalow on the hills overlooking the Pacific in Ventura, so hopefully that means chilling and home cooked meals, don't want to go too crazy on the eating out this trip.
Workouts this week have been mostly zone two cardio. I know it is only Wed. But I really need to get some kind of routine established. My plans are not working out as expected.
I haven't had any workouts lately. Had the baby all weekend and yesterday got hit on the way to work. Pretty sore last night. May try mowing today and see how that goes.
Slow week, been super hot and doing a lot of outdoor activities both at work and at home has been leaving me drained. Hoping to get at least 1 workout in this week, we'll see. Had a reprieve today with some early rain so hopefully the rest of the week is easier.
Stepped on the scale last night for the first time in over a week.....and I gained 5 lbs!!! Damn. So there will be extra chores this weekend.
We are coming in on the home stretch. If you are so inclined, please share with us your success and things you could improve upon. Or maybe something you have learned from the process.