The Shaving Cadre

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Years ago, I made one of my biggest parent fails with the game of throne book series. As I was beginning to read the first book, I found the first 140 pages or so very dry and boring. It was setting up all the characters, families, and geography. At the time I knew nothing about the series. When I was at page 100ish, my Freshman son asked me if he could read the series. I told him “Sure, if you can stay awake while reading it. This stuff is like an encyclopedia!” Well, I stopped reading it for a while, and he plowed through the series like wild fire. By the time I picked up the book again, he was all done. It didn’t take much more reading to realize the mistake I made. I have finished the books now, and I realize my boy became a man by reading this series. Holy cow is there some crazy stuff in there!
Years ago, I made one of my biggest parent fails with the game of throne book series. As I was beginning to read the first book, I found the first 140 pages or so very dry and boring. It was setting up all the characters, families, and geography. At the time I knew nothing about the series. When I was at page 100ish, my Freshman son asked me if he could read the series. I told him “Sure, if you can stay awake while reading it. This stuff is like an encyclopedia!” Well, I stopped reading it for a while, and he plowed through the series like wild fire. By the time I picked up the book again, he was all done. It didn’t take much more reading to realize the mistake I made. I have finished the books now, and I realize my boy became a man by reading this series. Holy cow is there some crazy stuff in there!

I wouldn't say it was a parenting fail. After all...some of the main characters are teenagers also...:). If nothing else...your son read a very well written and well developed book.
I just finished rewatching Season 7.... ready for tonight!
Ummm, now I’m confused about quote. Rewatching the last season. Before the first episode of THE last season.
So looking forward to this, but frustrated I have to wait until Tuesday to see it!!!!! GRRR! Have to avoid spoilers in the meantime; which means staying off of this thread. LOL
So, for anyone who had the GOT Oreos.... were the Oreos different, or was it just different packaging?
Yeah...that was over pretty quick. But it was about as good as a first episode as there has been.
I am super glad that they didn't wait until the end of the season to let Jon know who he was. And I really hope they don't make this about the tension between Jon's Aunt Daenerys and who will rule the realm. I mean we have some pretty important things going on and I think it would be a cop out if the entire season was about that.
And Arya is still my favorite character!
It was okaaaaay. To KJ's point, I don't think I can get past my irritation at how they are producing the show. Especially the last two seasons. Almost every scene could be a little longer, have some more dialog. You have a huge following that is waiting long periods of time to watch this. You have the actors already paid to be there, huge supporting cast and crew. I feel like they have the philosophy of streamlining everything and every moment being important. But the result of that is having less to watch than we could with the story being just as good if not better with some fleshed out sub plots.
I'm with Dave here, this episode was kind of Meh for me. I didn't expect it to come out guns blazing, and it did set up things nicely for the rest of the season, but I can't say I was blown away.