The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Shaving World

Nice Video Dave, although saddened by no Fog today. Funny Story about Michael Collins. Every March NovaSpace, a local Apollo and Astronaut archive, art and Autograph dealer host the remaining Apollo Astronauts for a 4-day symposium on Space flight, so you get to meet, dine and play Golf with them and usually a special Guest. Last year was Elon Musk. anyway Dick Gordon ( CMP for Apollo 12 ) is one of my clients for both Insurance and now hair cutting, was in a 4 some with myself, Michael Collins and Jim Lovell some years back and let us just say no one was feeling any pain. Starr Pass GC is a desert course and hilly, Well Michael was driving and he cut a corner near a fairway trap and Jim fell out. All of a sudden Michael Screams out "Houston we have a Problem" as Dick grabs me and yell Jim my insurance guy is here.. He can help LOL

Just useless trivia, but being such an Space Geek, this reminded me of that for some reason
Wow, a little Christmas in June! Sounds like a good handful of winners in there for ya. Good stuff!