The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Shaving World

Dave Dave Dave, you seem all rushed and frazzled. You were going around but never got full circle on the story because Disney and the Mouse never came up. We get it and that was a nice public retraction of your faux pas that came out. Just kidding man, you be did seemed rushed though ;) I got something you don't have and it has to do with dolphins and it came from CBL :unsure:
WOW those must have been some GREAT Shrooms! I even put on Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon, while watching. Oh and Dave....You may want to sit down for this, we now have Zip Lock Baggies with an almost real zipper thingy...... That was a thoroughly enjoyable video to watch LOL
This one time I was at Harrods in London, and I broke some merchandise and just placed it back on the shelf. LOL! Honestly, I am impressed that you pulled that little glass ball off of there. That is some strength. Penhaligon's makes some good stuff.

Yep, me editing videos is kind of a love/hate thing. Once you start editing videos it is kind of hard to go back. I also do not post as often because I cannot really shave more often than every 3 days. My skin does not respond well to daily shaves or even every other day shaves, and sometimes I just like to do a shave in silence or while watching someone else's videos.

Sorry I have not been around the TSC forums as much. Wrapping up the semester is always a crazy busy time - all night grading sessions etc, particularly in the this usual semester. I also teach for 2 other schools beside my "day job." So I actually work three jobs. I also got tagged by Kevy Shaves to do the ZoomGroomChallenge, but I screwed up my first attempt (long story). Plus the extended stay at home time has increased the requests from she who must be obeyed / spousal unit to do things around the house. I built plant shelves for my daughter over the weekend.

My favorite videos are those where people just do a shave WITHOUT edits, so I am not entirely sure why I edit mine. I think I enjoy the creative process. I tried to make that last one as funny as possible. At least I thought it was funny at times. Truth be told, my daughter has a YouTube channel which has had over 1k subscribers since she was 13. She is 16, has over 2k subscribers, and has received checks from YouTube for her views and other revenue from merchandise sales. She watched my videos when I first started and started making suggestions about how they could improve them. I also record video lectures for students, so I am kind of use to editing. I also know people's time is precious, so I try to cut out anything that I do not think will be of value to viewers, but that has become more of a burden than enjoyment.

I have honestly thought about just ceasing with the videos on YouTube. At the same time, I am thinking of moving my channel in some additional directions - namely covering issues related to men's mental health and suicide prevention in men (as I was the director of a mental health center and the increase in suicide rate in middle aged men is alarming). I also really need to lose a great deal of weight, and I have thought about how to incorporate that into my YT channel.

I will definitely be more active on the forums over the next couple of months, as my summers are a bit more relaxed, despite the fact I am teaching 4 courses this summer. I also plan to be on the treadmill more, so that will give me a chance to watch more Cadre videos. Those Zoom calls sound like fun. I will have to start making it to those.
Great vide Dave and Yes more talc, and no dissipates quick and you and can use anything, Thanks for the shoutout. Sharon thoroughly enjoyed the video LOL
ā€œJust under a bagillion soapsā€ :ROFLMAO:

Thanks for the shoutout, just an idea. I was under the impression that the library was overflowing, so I figured a few small clown pucks could have been squeezed out while still keeping the library healthy.
Awesome vid and yes I do the towel sometimes but I use a nuker and a popcorn popper LOL but now I have a hot towel machine I took from the shop as I got a new one, LOL