The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Shaving World

Just a thought, could the sweet note you kept getting be the glue from the post it?

Nice video though
Well now that’s interesting. I’ll have to splash water on one and sniff.
Good Stuff Dave as I catch up. hmmmm sounds like you were talking yourself in and out of the RX vs Vector, too bad you did not get to try it at the balance point, as to the IA scents that was a great video. to the White balance on the Iphone, no the self facing camera does not, and the other one has to be done in you edit. AS to Facial Hair growth, you are looking at 1/4 to 1/2 inch per month on the face. That being said the elasticity and porosity of the hair changes from day to day depending on Diet, Water intake and types of product used , and hormonal changes and age, so sometimes a BBS lasting with one razor and not another may be a false positive, stress during the day, weather conditions all are a factor. not to mention your facial hair, and for that matter, all your hair goes though phases of growth
Anagen - Growth Phase - new whiskers, in cycles 3/5 yrs of continual growth
Catagen - Transition Phase - The follicle shrinks. this happens more often on the face ( monthly ) and the hair bulb goes away and becomes a club and the follicle is in repair mode and preparing for new growth this can last one to three weeks, awaiting the signal for the Anagen phase to begin again. Yes that means your whiskers to not grow at the same length or time, which can also affect the "BBS" status.
Telogen - The Resting Phase - Final phase of hair growth, the hair either falls out, you may notice this when you comb your mustache or beard and a hair or two come out. It is also why you see Natural Shave Brushes ( boar or Badger) become shedders. As there is no makers who monitor as what stage the animal is in the just bunch it all up and bind it, so if the hairs were in this final phase they become more brittle as they were waiting for new growth and were placed in a brush at their final stage. Being so brittle they break off deep within the brush and "Shed" We do the same thing. This can last 3-6 months on the face and scalp.

On average all over the body this entire growth cycle can take 4-5 yrs. It is also sometimes the reason you feel that your hair or whiskers have grown faster that the last week month or year... Anyway here are the pictures and hope that helped

Finally these might help. This is a cut with a Standard Razor IE Gillette and a SE / SR and the final is a post shave shot of the follicle and Whisker. Since you face is not uniform the shave can feel different each day as each razor and how you shave changes a bit, Lots of variables

DE Left / 5 blade cart Right


SE/SR ( notice the clean cut )

Post shave Whisker and follicle with a proper DE/SR/SE shave a cart shave would have the hair inside the follicle hole this causing it to close over and cause either a razor bump or ingrown hair

@HandleBarberDave I've seen those pics before. I was more in jest referring to someone with the ability to take similar photos while comparing the Vector and the RX etc. Though it is good to reinforce that cost isn't the only reason carts suck.
Finally these might help. This is a cut with a Standard Razor IE Gillette and a SE / SR and the final is a post shave shot of the follicle and Whisker. Since you face is not uniform the shave can feel different each day as each razor and how you shave changes a bit, Lots of variables

DE Left / 5 blade cart Right


SE/SR ( notice the clean cut )

Post shave Whisker and follicle with a proper DE/SR/SE shave a cart shave would have the hair inside the follicle hole this causing it to close over and cause either a razor bump or ingrown hair

Hey man...some of us are trying to eat breakfast here! :sick:
Well now that’s interesting. I’ll have to splash water on one and sniff.
Unless the alcohol is activating something in the paper, that the water doesn't? I dunno. Could be just a common base scent. I get a similar base scent across much of the Avon AS line.
Carrot Cake and Coffee with Ramblin Dave. Awesome !! Everything you say is important Dave............................Sorta. Thanks man
It’s just comforting to have you there as a touchstone Dave. Just so you aren’t kidnapped and spirited away to a Circus somewhere. “Dave the Hairy Guy”