The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Shaving World

Good thoughts!

I chose the shave right before I head to the bathroom usually. Lately that has been a little later in the morning after I get up, so I have an hour or two to think about it if I like. If I’m getting up and shaving super early, I set things out the night before so I’m not fumbling around at dark-thirty.
I’m a grab and go kinda guy as well. I enjoy watching my friends shave. It’s like having a little visit. Also doesn’t require typing. Doing this left handed as my right is all bundled up after yesterday’s adventure. I just emerged from my hydrocodone coma to find my finger all swollen and quite immobile ? I’ll probably do a non-shave entry in a bit.
Good thoughts!

I chose the shave right before I head to the bathroom usually. Lately that has been a little later in the morning after I get up, so I have an hour or two to think about it if I like. If I’m getting up and shaving super early, I set things out the night before so I’m not fumbling around at dark-thirty.
Oh, yeah I'm a spur of moment selector
I would like to try to get to planning the night before so I'm not making noise, but I have the feeling I'd just change my mind anyway.
I’m a grab and go kinda guy as well. I enjoy watching my friends shave. It’s like having a little visit. Also doesn’t require typing. Doing this left handed as my right is all bundled up after yesterday’s adventure. I just emerged from my hydrocodone coma to find my finger all swollen and quite immobile
I’ll probably do a non-shave entry in a bit.
Hey, I bet your phone has voice recognition. Why not give that a shot? Will save you typing and provide us entertainment trying to decipher what it thought you said with what you really meant.
Great discussion in the video Dave. IN the beginning I used to watch a lot more youtube shaving videos. Now I much prefer this format it seems lowkey and just a different way to connect. Plus I rely more on Josh the DagwoodZ for the reviews portion because I tend to like what he likes.
Great discussion in the video Dave. IN the beginning I used to watch a lot more youtube shaving videos. Now I much prefer this format it seems lowkey and just a different way to connect. Plus I rely more on Josh the DagwoodZ for the reviews portion because I tend to like what he likes.
I as well. It's enjoyable to carry on a conversation across different people's videos.
We'll be shaving with, well you won't be, I will be. Funny stuff man. Love your humor !!

And I get what you're saying Dave. You don't want KJ getting SURLY like some of us ???

Nice shave Dave
Great shave Dave. Glad the catch left no stripes.

I also will be going silent for my 200th except for a normal introductory opening. Just going to enjoy it as fully as possible.

I always figured the shirts you wore were for work or chores, they didn’t seem out of place. Scrub-like shirt for work (rarely see nurses in too wide a variety of colors) and tie dye for chores.
We'll be shaving with, well you won't be, I will be. Funny stuff man. Love your humor !!

And I get what you're saying Dave. You don't want KJ getting SURLY like some of us

Nice shave Dave
This is true, the forums can only handle so much!
Great shave Dave. Glad the catch left no stripes.

I also will be going silent for my 200th except for a normal introductory opening. Just going to enjoy it as fully as possible.

I always figured the shirts you wore were for work or chores, they didn’t seem out of place. Scrub-like shirt for work (rarely see nurses in too wide a variety of colors) and tie dye for chores.
Thanks Chris. That is true about the scrubs. But actually when I did patient care, I was in pediatrics we had to buy our own scrubs. I always wore black scrub pants and then a bright coloured print shirt so it wouldn’t seem scary. I had tropical fish, lions, horses, galaxy print etc.
Congrats on the upcoming century shave! I too am kinda tentative about chop-busting unless it’s a known joke.
Congratulations friend! Great 100th!

I’d like to leave it at that, but I’ll give some feedback, only because you asked for it. I don’t want to pick apart your shave, the reduction looked pretty good to me after the last pass; overall I’d call it a successful shave, however:

- SRs will feel different than the Feather and be much more audible. Some of your musings were headed in the right direction with this (grind, thickness of blade, etc). The Feather blade, for lack of a better analogy, is good until it quits, whereas the SR has more of a progression of edge feel. Technically, once you know your edge preferences, with constant touch ups on the edge, you might never feel the edge degrade too badly.

- Lather looked too thin and airy.

- By the final pass your strokes had shifted to a more relaxed angle, your confidence definitely grew within the shave. The first two passes your SR was nearly flush to your skin, which is not bad if your blade is hyper-sharp, but yours may (I have no idea) not be, which is why you perceived more chatter and skipping. Otherwise your technique carried over well from the Feather I think.

- Tugging in an SR means edge issues most likely. It’s possible that the edge was degraded a bit the last time you stropped it or, as you researched, Sir Stark my have not put a good edge on it (that seems to be a theme with a number of makers, I don’t know why). Your idea to have someone check/refresh the edge on it may not be a bad idea.

Be confident that it really was a good shave Dave! These improvements are really only minor, you are well within the realm of passable experience, training wheels no longer needed!
i was watching carefully and your technique is nigh on to perfect, I believe every blade has its own optimal angle to get it's best shave. It has to do with the geometry built into the width and thickness of the bevel. Somehow my hands have found a way to instinctively adjust for that, but that is not without it's risk. You may have to increase the lift of the spine from the face a little bit. I did see the blade chatter you were talking about. For me that happens when I have a light grip along with light pressure. Try a firmer grip and maintain the delicate stroke you developed with the Feather and I think that will help with the stalls and chatter. Congrats again on the Century Shave.
I touch typed this, albeit with a bit of discomfort, but i have regained enough mobility in my finger to do a bit of typing!
First, always appreciate you guys for taking the time to watch. And I do appreciate all the feedback.

Yep, my lather did have too much water. I’ve been doing well getting a good lather with the CBL soaps recently, but went against better judgment and added just those few drops that took it over the edge this time.

Maybe too many variables to draw conclusions, but I tend to think it’s not the blade when the three straights I tried behave the same way. I include the Weck in that because the blade is just hanging out there without the guard. And presumably since those are replaceable blades as well, the edge shouldn’t be an issue. But maybe that should be my next step instead of a full blown straight. More the straight blade experience, but removing the stropping issue. But again, the feel was that of the blade that needs to be replaced.

And Rich struggling through post-op to respond. I’m honored. Your comment about firm grip, but light pressure makes sense. That’s a whole new level of skill, but I guess that’s why few people use a straight.

We shall see what future days bring.