The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #92 (DE:14 SE:32 Str:47 Cart:2)

Merkur 38c w/ Israeli Personna (4)
Wholly Kaw Fern Concerto
Stirling 26mm Synthetic pro shaving
Witch Hazel & alum
Nivea balm
Wholly Kaw Fern Concerto AS
Penhaligon’s English Fern

After shaving so close just 18 hours ago I probably could have gone without, but why skip a shave? This one was fun. I think this must be what it’s like shaving when your hair isn’t as thick. I think I could hear it cutting individual hairs. Nice smooth shave. Normally I’d pick the GTB to share with a group of new people, but didn’t want to offend in an enclosed area if someone didn’t like it. So sharing the refreshing gift of Pen’s Fern on the plane today.

Nice stuff today. Enjoy your trip! Enjoy a margarita on the beach for me!
Great read, shave, and picture Dave!

Hope y'all have a Safe and Good flight!
Dagwoodz said:
I can't argue with that set-up and shave at all Dave...wonderful stuff!!!!
DocHoliday0831 said:
Oh I forgot, Safe travels my friend!
Quijote said:
Great shave Dave. Hope you made it there safely.
Xenostr8shaver said:
Doing the catchup, nice reads

Thank you all. Nice flight even though they got me worried with an announcement about bad turbulence reported by other flights.

Nice early dinner next to the ocean ocean and I’m sure early to bed as well.
I'll raise a perverbial glass to hoping a continued good time is had on your vacation!!
Dagwoodz said:
I'll raise a perverbial glass to hoping a continued good time is had on your vacation!!
DocHoliday0831 said:
That drink makes me want to go buy tequila and mixer! Have a great vacation my friend.

Thank you guys! Been grey weather here this time. But luckily without the kids this time it’s easier to entertain ourselves.
2018 shave #93 (DE:14 SE:33 Str:47 Cart:2)

Asylum “The Doctor” RX w/ Feather Proguard (1)
CBL Damascus
Plisson L'Occitane synthetic in Shave Revolution 24mm handle
Witch Hazel & alum
Nivea balm

Quick post. Been a long day, out and about all day.

This morning’s shave was not the best. It felt a bit raw and sore. Guess I’ve been playing a bit fast and loose with my shaves and brought this one on myself. I’ll have to try the Damascus again when I’m back on track. It felt like the cushion wasn’t there, but again, my fault for abusing my skin over the last few days. But the slickness was up there with the best. One of those where you can almost skip lathering for the 3rd pass.

Crazy weather here here in the evening. Just got back to our hotel after an hour drive back from dinner. Flood advisory changed to flash flood warning. Pretty intense rain with some low level flooding. We’re in for the night for sure.
Sorry to hear about the lacklustre shave, Dave. But...if that's the low point of the day, it's all good! Hopefully there wasn't too much damage from the flash floods.
Not a great shave but hey you're in Hawaii! Oh the island is flooding... Well your not at work lol.