The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Nice RX shave today Dave. Hopefully the evaluation for your daughter comes back positive!
Thank you. I should have added in, they put her in a basic class for the eval and she gets to jump past intermediate and start in advanced. Her watching YouTube videos and learning to do some things on her own really paid off.
Thank you. I should have added in, they put her in a basic class for the eval and she gets to jump past intermediate and start in advanced. Her watching YouTube videos and learning to do some things on her own really paid off.

Most excellent!
*update* I realized my numbering was off and had to go all the way back to July to find the original error.

2018 shave #233 (DE:74 SE:82 Str:74 Cart:3)
....GTB....Awesome razor, awesome soap, awesome shave...

'Nuff said!

And glad to hear that your daughter's motivation and work has paid off.
Lol, love the modesty!

Great shave Dave, literally bathing in the GTB! Have a great day. So glad this week is cooled down significantly.
You forget, we live in the little pocket of coolness. Have to run the heater every day and I haven't been able to paint because of dew on the house in the morning and enough fog to keep the house semi-moist.
2018 shave #234 (DE:74 SE:83 Str:74 Cart:3)
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (6)
SV 2.0 brush
SV Cosmo
Nivea 2 in 1
Nivea Post Shave Balm
SV Cosmo AS

Last shave on this blade so I'm hoping that one of my incoming razors shows up today to use tomorrow. SV as per the usual is great. Nice thick creamy lather. And just another one of those wonderful RX shaves. I used the Nivea 2 in 1 in place of the witch hazel again. I do like it, it tones the skin greatly, and I might even think of using it exclusively if not for the large amount of alcohol in it. I'll have to experiment more.

This is my first use of the Cosmo aftershave. That is some lovely stuff. I would give the soap SOS of 3/5, but the aftershave is 5/5. Very happily surprised by that. Added some on the back of my neck and my arms and I'm still enjoying the scent 4hrs later. That's a winner.

My wife and I had talked about what to put on the blank wall of our bathroom. When we first remodeled I had suggested shelves for my brushes and aftershaves, which she quickly vetoed. We decided we just needed to decide what art would go there. A year later, she brought the subject up again after seeing the blank wall on my videos. I floated the idea of shelves again and she seemed okay with it. But then a few days later also suggested a couple of etchings we have stored in the garage. So I laid low and yesterday mentioned we should decide what to put there. She said "I thought you were going to put shelves up there for your shaving stuff. You sure do need the space, just make it look nice." Gentlemen, we have the green light!
She said "I thought you were going to put shelves up there for your shaving stuff. You sure do need the space, just make it look nice." Gentlemen, we have the green light!

Glad the blind SV AS buy is a win too. Seems SV can do no wrong!
I have only ever tried one SV soap...and evidently it wasn't one of their better outings. I wonder where I might be able to sample one?
I have only ever tried one SV soap...and evidently it wasn't one of their better outings. I wonder where I might be able to sample one?
Oh man, that sure felt like a glove in the face challenge. Those are hard pucks, so would require puck removal and grating.