The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Also looking forward to you taking the OC out for a spin to hear the differences in aggression from that to the scalloped and SB!

IRT the Van Yulay soaps, I'm right there with you on their containers. Their full sized containers are soft sided, but at least more durable than the sample cups. (to go condiment dishes) Not sure why they decided to use a pipping tip to dispense the soap into their lends the soap to break up and become harder to load if you go straight from the tub/cup. I know from perusing their site that many of the scents that they list are clones of popular fragrances; there aren't too many original scents listed.
Well I can definitely scratch that soap off my list. Sorry...but if a artisan/soap maker doesn't take at least "a little" pride in their product...why should I care to purchase it. I know those guys are trying to keep overhead costs low, but I expect a little more than a condiment dish. It doesn't take much...and it doesn't have to be fancy...but there needs to be some self respect there.

There was a guy at the other place that mad the Silver Fox soaps. He made them for himself and to give away. He never sold them. In fact he placed the whole formula and soap making process of his soap on a website. But when he gave a soap away...he sent it in a large tin container much like what Mike's natural Soaps used to use and he put his own label on it also. Here is a guy who isn't even selling anything but he has enough pride in his soap to do all this. Chris @CBLindsay does the same thing. So if you are soap maker that wants to sell me a least package it respectably.

Sorry...I will get off my soap box now!
Great reading, Dave. Especially enjoyed the last few nursing stories. I'll have to think of one that isn't too gross or gut-wrenching. I love the work that we do; it's a real privilege to help people when they are at their most vulnerable.
Also looking forward to you taking the OC out for a spin to hear the differences in aggression from that to the scalloped and SB!

IRT the Van Yulay soaps, I'm right there with you on their containers. Their full sized containers are soft sided, but at least more durable than the sample cups. (to go condiment dishes) Not sure why they decided to use a pipping tip to dispense the soap into their lends the soap to break up and become harder to load if you go straight from the tub/cup. I know from perusing their site that many of the scents that they list are clones of popular fragrances; there aren't too many original scents listed.
Well I can definitely scratch that soap off my list. Sorry...but if a artisan/soap maker doesn't take at least "a little" pride in their product...why should I care to purchase it. I know those guys are trying to keep overhead costs low, but I expect a little more than a condiment dish. It doesn't take much...and it doesn't have to be fancy...but there needs to be some self respect there.

There was a guy at the other place that mad the Silver Fox soaps. He made them for himself and to give away. He never sold them. In fact he placed the whole formula and soap making process of his soap on a website. But when he gave a soap away...he sent it in a large tin container much like what Mike's natural Soaps used to use and he put his own label on it also. Here is a guy who isn't even selling anything but he has enough pride in his soap to do all this. Chris @CBLindsay does the same thing. So if you are soap maker that wants to sell me a least package it respectably.

Sorry...I will get off my soap box now!
Totally agree. I'm tossing the other samples from them. One would think especially samples can be viewed as a way to convert people to buyers. But not the way they did it.
Great reading, Dave. Especially enjoyed the last few nursing stories. I'll have to think of one that isn't too gross or gut-wrenching. I love the work that we do; it's a real privilege to help people when they are at their most vulnerable.
Please share when you're ready. I also find that stories, for me, are hard to come up with. There is a lot of "It's just part of the job" feeling to things that to the public is far from normal.
2018 shave #229 (DE:70 SE:85 Str:74 Cart:3)
Timeless open comb w/ Israeli Personna (3)
The Shaving Shop - The Closer
Sorrentino TSC Legacy
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave 2 in 1
The Closer AS

I love the scent of the Closer. The Shaving Shop is one of the brands from Ariana & Evan and every soap I've used of theirs has been a top notch performer. So far I've been able to resist joining their club, and I think there are just as many scents I wouldn't like as those that I do, but I wouldn't mind adding more soaps of this level of performance. The Closer is I guess a standard bergamot, pepper, amber, cedar type of scent. But I'm a sucker for those. My wife says it smells "common".

Switching to the OC was a noticeable difference in feel. It took me almost all three passes to figure it out, but there was textural feeling from the teeth on the open comb as well as some blade feel. It wasn't noticeably more aggressive feeling to the skin until the 3rd pass on the neck where I had to tip-toe through the angles because there was some rawness there. The oddest part is, with what seemed like a change towards more aggression, there wasn't an improvement in shave. There was still more hair left after each pass than in any of my other DEs and it too some clean--up to get BBS. Now, the end result after all that was the same as any other DE. So, I suppose it doesn't matter if you can get BBS in the end, but it is more satisfying doing it with less or no clean-up. Tomorrow will be switching back to the scalloped plate and a Feather blade.

Grey and cool moist weather here so painting is on hold. Gives me time for my journal and nice breakfast of eggs and coffee. I'm simple and just love me some over easy eggs and two slices of toast. I might get the wife to take a trip to Sephora for some scent searching.
I have to agree with the A&E soaps...I have only tried a couple...but with the unique scents and great soap...I will always be in the market with this soap.

I might get the wife to take a trip to Sephora for some scent searching.

You seriously have to coax your wife to go to Sephora?
I have to agree with the A&E soaps...I have only tried a couple...but with the unique scents and great soap...I will always be in the market with this soap.
You seriously have to coax your wife to go to Sephora?
Well when it’s for Dave as much as her, you know...
LoL ? Yes, she doesn’t shop there herself often, but she’s the only one that came home with anything. I got a sample there and a couple samples from Nordstrom’s, but was unimpressed with their section for men.
2018 shave #230 (DE:70 SE:85 Str:74 Cart:3)
Timeless scalloped w/ Feather (1)
Nuavia Rossa
Nivea Post Shave 2 in 1
Nivea Post Shave Balm
Penhaligon's Opus 1870

I know you're all anxious to read about the next episode of Dave and the Timeless. Wait no longer!!!

Again, advancing in what I hope to be a bit more aggression, I picked a super duper soap. Everyone has their own favorite Nuavia scent and when you pick yours, it's just killer. And this soap is elite to me. Maybe the residual slickness would be 9/10 or 14/15 or whatever scale you use, but the scent gets 15/10, so there you go.

This shave was dialed in my brothers. And let me say, putting the blade in, it just hit why this razor is less aggressive feeling. I think the Timeless bends the blade just as much as the Baby Smooth did. I don't have any other DEs that do that. I think it was CBL that posted about blade gap and angle of the blade, and this is a perfect example. So, with this shave I'm not going to say I used pressure, but I shaved more like I do with any other DE and less like the RX where I'm very conscious of using the weight of a feather. This time it shaved very close to my Parker with just a touch of clean-up at the jaw angle and two extra strokes ATG on one cheek. BBS all around with next to no alum sting on the neck.

At the moment I would agree with KJ's assessment. You can get about the same quality of shave as another DE, so is it really worth the money. But he also didn't have the scalloped plate to try. To me, the open comb was too aggressive on the neck. So I wouldn't use that. The scalloped plate though, while giving the same resulting shave has done it with less irritation on the neck. But yes, with only a few shaves as a sample size. I'll keep this combo until my solid bar plate comes and then compare. But with the the styling, weight, over all experience and less irritation, I would certainly buy the set-up I'm borrowing from Dave in KY.

Now, let me not forget to talk about scent today and sorry if this post is already too long. I LOVE the spicy/sweet/cologne scent of Rossa and this is one of a couple of soaps where the scent stays at all after all the post shave. And pairing with the Opus 1870, I am in olfactory nirvana. I mention this not only because I'm pleasantly pleases with my situation, but had an interesting scent experience this weekend. Long ago, I posted a thread over on B&B asking for suggestions of spicy scents to use after some spicy soaps. I've had a list of suggestions in my phone for quite a while and decided to go on pursuit of some this weekend. After being disappointed by men's selections and Sephora, Macy's and Nordstom, I found Dior Sauvage, Vikor & Rolf Spicebomb and Spicebomb Extreme. I tried on both Spicebombs and took home samples of all three. My wife like the original Spicebomb while I liked the Extreme. Original being a touch sweeter and Extreme being a touch spicier and stronger. Well, after about an hour, maybe 90min, they had both dried down to the same scent. And after 3 hours were pretty much gone. Now, we're talking bottles in the $120-130 range retail. Gone after 3hrs? Then my wife mentioned different body chemistry effecting longevity as well as scent. Makes sense. But also a good lesson to try on scents for longer term if possible prior to purchase. So while I liked those scents, I'll not be getting either one. I've heard the same with soaps, some people don't get the lasting scent from Nuavia soaps. Just f
ind that stuff interesting.
....Gone after 3hrs? Then my wife mentioned different body chemistry effecting longevity as well as scent....a good lesson to try on scents for longer term if possible prior to purchase....

Sage advice! Especially for high priced frags.
Great post, Dave! Glad you figured out the Timeless and why it didn't seem quite as efficient as you were expecting. Agreed on your thoughts on the way frags react to people's different body chemistries.
Good stuff Dave! I hope you get your own Timeless kit adjusted to your preference quickly.

Bummer about the frags! Thankfully you didn’t impulse buy a whole bottle!
Good stuff Dave! I hope you get your own Timeless kit adjusted to your preference quickly.

Bummer about the frags! Thankfully you didn’t impulse buy a whole bottle!
Yes, luckily I didn't. I'd like to find a place with more selection and make a long list of ones to get samples of and build a list of those to buy.
Rossa is where it is at with the Nuavia scents...I just love it. It's a pretty good soap on it's own, but that's just excellent!
Sad sad news to report. My local Penhaligon's store is now closed. I take some responsibility for this as I could have bought more product from them.