The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #227 (DE:68 SE:85 Str:74 Cart:3)
Timeless solid bar w/ Israeli Personna (1)
SV 70th
SV 2.0 two-band 26mm Manchurian High Mountain White Badger
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave Balm
SV 70th AS

Well, now that all that cart silliness is over, lets get down to business. I was next on the list for Dave from KY's generosity. Between KJ's use of his Timeless and it coming to me, he also purchased a solid bar plate for it. I thought it smart to start with the solid bar and not jump right into a Feather blade as well. I also thought it smart to start with a high performing soap.

I've mentioned before and it bears repeating with this shave, I'm all about the experience. If a brush gives the same performance as another, but it looks a lot nicer, it's worth a bit more to me. So lets say this was a great experience shave. Super looking and performing brush and soap to start with and I don't think anyone would argue that the Timeless is sexy as all get out. That side profile view of the head is a work of art. And the weight of that beast! It's pretty close to the RX because I couldn't tell which was heavier. Love it.

How did the shave go? I'm a bit hesitant to say, I think I need another go at it. It was almost too mild. One the first pass I was hearing a lot of feedback as though there was a lot of hair still left. Now, waiting to get the Timeless, I kept thinking about it in terms of the RX. But that isn't a fair comparison because the blades are totally different. So I'm trying to compare it to the other DEs I've used. Anyway, I thought maybe it was just an audible difference, but I did some extra strokes. I still had more stubble left than after my first pass with my Parker 76R. Here's where I need another go with it. I was shaving pretty carefully. It felt like it had a very narrow angle window to use, but if I could have been one way or the other in that window, it would have been more mild and to the cap. Finished up the shave and did need more clean up than I do with the Parker for BBS. It continued to feel more mild than the Parker as well. No alum burn at all.

Now, experience. I love this thing. The weight of it. The feel of the textured handle. The look of the head. The results of the shave could have been better, but this is tops so far for experience points. So much so that I pulled the trigger on a Timeless on a BST. I would have liked a few more shaves, but I've seen those go quickly. My plan is to use this plate again tomorrow to see if I can get a little more aggressive with it, then compare to the OC the next day.

Thanks for sharing Dave! The cadre Daves are the best!
Glad you had a good first experience and are going to seek to dial it in for yourself. Keep in mind that bar is considered the scalloped. Same as Chads. Solid bar doesn't have the grooves. Then their is the open comb. I've not used the straight bar which I think is what you ordered. In terms of aggressive or whatever term you want to use I believe they say it goes straight bar then scallop and then open comb. Looking forward to your thoughts as you experiment with all 3. Keep long enough to compare them all together. No hurry
Glad you had a good first experience and are going to seek to dial it in for yourself. Keep in mind that bar is considered the scalloped. Same as Chads. Solid bar doesn't have the grooves. Then their is the open comb. I've not used the straight bar which I think is what you ordered. In terms of aggressive or whatever term you want to use I believe they say it goes straight bar then scallop and then open comb. Looking forward to your thoughts as you experiment with all 3. Keep long enough to compare them all together. No hurry
Hmm, well then mine could feel like shaving with a cloud and allow me to grow a full beard at the same time ?
Man, already bought in? Good stuff Dave! That’ll certainly be a nice mail call when it arrives!
I like your attitude...all about the experience. I think that is a good way to explain why we (you) get and do some of the things we do. I would go so far as to say you found the Fusion cartridge to be an excellent experience if only because it was being done for a fun purpose. No joke, I actually liked the fusion 5/6 blade but found that only the first handful of shaves had a magical feel the rest pretty much stunk. That said, I had more next irritation using it than I ever get/got with DE/SE and straight.

Congrats on finding a timeless on a BST, I have no doubt that a few shaves with it and everything will click.
I like your attitude...all about the experience. I think that is a good way to explain why we (you) get and do some of the things we do. I would go so far as to say you found the Fusion cartridge to be an excellent experience if only because it was being done for a fun purpose. No joke, I actually liked the fusion 5/6 blade but found that only the first handful of shaves had a magical feel the rest pretty much stunk. That said, I had more next irritation using it than I ever get/got with DE/SE and straight.

Congrats on finding a timeless on a BST, I have no doubt that a few shaves with it and everything will click.
Thanks Chris. True about that Fusion. When I was using them it was heaven when I switched to a new one, but I held off on doing it as long as I could because of the price.
Great narrative about the shave today Dave! It's crazy how much difference the is between the different bars!
Great write-up and thoughts on the Timeless, and how much the "experience" plays a factor into what we use. I'm all about the experience as well, to the detriment of many things in my den. looking forward to what you think of the OC.
2018 shave #228 (DE:69 SE:85 Str:74 Cart:3)
Timeless scallop bar w/ Israeli Personna (2)
Vanyulay Gentle Sauvage
Sorrentino Seafoam
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave Balm

I have a detailed summary of this shave on my video. Been fairly busy today painting the house again. I’ve been keeping up with reading the forums, but not a lot of posting. Brass nuts is the soap’s smell was good but the performance and packaging of a sample sucked. 2nd shave with the Timeless was similar to the first. I tried to make it more aggressive with angle but without a lot of success. I did get BBS with a bit of clean up.
I’m really curious Dave what you will think of the OC. I thought it was terribly aggressive, but you say the scalloped is mild..... hmmmmm.....