The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #225 (DE:67 SE:85 Str:74 Cart:2)
Parker 76R w/ Israeli Personna (3)
Storybook Soapworks Hook
Custom synth
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave Balm
Storybook Soapworks Hook AS

Nice mellow DE BBS shave with just a patch of clean-up. I noticed that I'm picking up habits watching videos from you guys. I've added a brush movement while lathering from Josh's videos. Kind of pushing the hairs straight into the lather. It's helped gathering lather from the sides of the bowl and getting the last bits of smeared soap off. And yesterday I noticed that without thinking I made a stroke from the top of my cheek, all the way down my face and down my neck. That would be a la KJ. Thought it was interesting and did it a few more times today. I'm not looking to speed things up, but it's fun to switch them up and might us it as a finishing stroke.
Good shave Dave.

With all these videos going on, a year from now our routines will all be amalgamations of each other’s shave habits! Lol.
Good shave Dave.

With all these videos going on, a year from now our routines will all be amalgamations of each other’s shave habits! Lol.

I could learn a ton just listening to you guy's videos dont even really have to see them for the info to sink in. Good stuff buddy!
Great entries Dave...really enjoying them! Sorry to hear that the Crater Lake trip was canx'd due to the fires, though sounds like you got your "fire" fix in with the next soap used. That campfire scented soap sounds interesting, but I don't think it's up my alley. Texas on Fire (stirling) was absolutely not in my it makes me leery of those types of scents.
I could learn a ton just listening to you guy's videos dont even really have to see them for the info to sink in. Good stuff buddy!
Love the Hook soap but jury is out on the AS for me. I've noticed the same thing as you picking things up from the videos.
I think it's kinda cool. Like picking up mannerisms or slang when you hang out with a group.
Great entries Dave...really enjoying them! Sorry to hear that the Crater Lake trip was canx'd due to the fires, though sounds like you got your "fire" fix in with the next soap used. That campfire scented soap sounds interesting, but I don't think it's up my alley. Texas on Fire (stirling) was absolutely not in my it makes me leery of those types of scents.
How much I like it sure did surprise me too. I got a sample of Pine Tar from Chiseled Face to see if it was similar since it's much easier to get. Nope, that stuff was awful. Just one of those odd things I was lucky to experience.
2018 shave #226 (DE:67 SE:85 Str:74 Cart:3)
Gillette Fusion
A&E Revolution
Plisson knot in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave Balm
A&E Revolution AS

I go into much more detail about this shave on my video today. To summarize, Mr Chad got me thinking about using carts again and after an enlightening conversation with him, I'm sold. He's totally right, this is all a big scam by Big Shave to get us hooked on things we don't need. Even GearNoir pointed out half the stuff we do in shaving we don't need to. So following Chad's lead and advice, I'm going to try to slowly wean myself of all this extra junk and get down to just a cartridge razor and water shave. Thanks Chad!

Don't you dare put that blasphemy on me! I will never get rid of my aftershaves, soaps, and brushes they provide a much better experience.
Don't you dare put that blasphemy on me! I will never get rid of my aftershaves, soaps, and brushes they provide a much better experience.

Notice he didn't mention his razors....... He really is a Mach 3 convert for life! It's OK Chad, your secret is out, you can come out of the cartridge razor closet now.
Notice he didn't mention his razors....... He really is a Mach 3 convert for life! It's OK Chad, your secret is out, you can come out of the cartridge razor closet now.

Walked into that one LOL
Great shave Dave! I for one want to Congratulate Chad on converting me back to the Mach 3. Plus...why do we need all of this stuff...just give me a Mach 3 and some Proraso Cream and I am all good!