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Nurse Dave's Journal

I’ve never been in the underground tour yet! Hope it’s fun!

90s in Seattle though? That’s rough! Not much in the way of breezes off the Sound?
The underground tour was mostly a well told story of the history of Seattle. So entertaining, but the underground part itself wasn’t too exciting.

No wind really. But I guess it was a dry heat?
Vacation sounds busy...but very enjoyable!

Wow, you sure pack a lot in when you travel. Sounds like fun.
Nice shaves.

Sounds like you are having a great trip.
Glad to hear vacation is going well. Busy but fun!

Great shaves!
We do try to pack a lot in, that’s for sure. There’s lots of places to see in this world, so we tend not to revisit many. Except for Disneyland, but that’s because of my wife’s input. I’ll tell ya though. I’m not one that enjoys driving much and the daily Seattle traffic was a bit much. Worse than San Francisco!
2018 shave #219 (DE:64 SE:82 Str:74 Cart:2)
Asylum “The Doctor” RX w/ Feather Proguard (6)
RazoRock Synth
Stone Cottage Bay Lime
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave Balm

Last Seattle shave. Luckily I brought more samples than I usual do because I misestimated how much was left in each one. I’m down to this one and one other. This sample dates back to my beginning days when I would buy up sample lots on the BST. I figured Stone Cottage must have been a middle of the road soap to not get further purchases. And it was. Not terrible, but the lather was more on the airy side of things. Decent enough shave though and a pretty good scent. I was also glad the blade has been working out. Packing and moving several times this trip, I had to take it out of the RX and slide it back into the dispenser for travel. Seemed to work just fine without dulling it.

Back in Portland now until Saturday morning. Got in a short nap in the A/C and next I’m off to take my wife shopping. And later in the evening Salt & Straw, one of the best ice cream chains around with some truely inventive flavors.
Whew! Finally caught up Dave, and quite a journey it's been over the past 2+ weeks! Glad to hear that the kidney stone issue has passed (forgive the pun there) and you're on the mend. Sounds like the vacation in Seattle came at the right time! Good shaves in the interim, though there were a few rough ones in there...
Nice read Dave. Stone Cottage is definitely middle of the road. Not a big fan myself.
Whew! Finally caught up Dave, and quite a journey it's been over the past 2+ weeks! Glad to hear that the kidney stone issue has passed (forgive the pun there) and you're on the mend. Sounds like the vacation in Seattle came at the right time! Good shaves in the interim, though there were a few rough ones in there...
Nice read Dave. Stone Cottage is definitely middle of the road. Not a big fan myself.
Interesting! Ice cream is my without a doubt my biggest dietary vice.
Yepper, agree.
Thanks for reading guys. Yes, probably best I steer clear of their website. Just in the mood to shop I guess.
2018 shave #220 (DE:64 SE:83 Str:74 Cart:2)
Asylum “The Doctor” RX w/ Feather Proguard (1)
RazoRock Synth
Stone Cottage Bay Lime
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave Balm

Nice shave today. Got some decent lather today. Just lacking the residual slickness. And I do like this scent. Ended up with a no-thought BBS. Easy peasy.
I really don’t think I’ve tried a Stone Cottage soap but their cream formula is Elite as far as creams go for me. It was even better than the TOBS and equal to Proraso SB line. The only one that is better is AOS.
I really don’t think I’ve tried a Stone Cottage soap but their cream formula is Elite as far as creams go for me. It was even better than the TOBS and equal to Proraso SB line. The only one that is better is AOS.
You know....I’ve never used any creams.
2018 shave #221 (DE:64 SE:84 Str:74 Cart:2)
Asylum “The Doctor” RX w/ Feather Proguard (3)
RazoRock Synth
Royal Fougere
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave Balm

I’m not sure of the company that made this soap. I think it is K Shave Worx? And I think I got this sample from the Don of Quijote. Good stuff, and even without an AS my wife commented on liking the smell. These fresh green fougeres seem to be pretty universally liked or at least not hated.

We were suppose to be on he road a long time ago, but change of plans. We’ve decided not to go to Crater Lake and instead are going to a farmer’s market with several food stalls for breakfast and then head down to our stop for the night. Why not Crater Lake? Because of the huge California fires it looks like this now:
Don’t you that’s it when you forget to pack your gas mask?

Bummer the Lake is a no go, that’s probably a bit disappointing. Hope the day perks up in other ways!
Getting caught back up, good shaves and reads. One of these days we’ll have to vacation a little farther East.