The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Your mom was quite the nurse Chris! Thank you for sharing that, would have been something to see her in action!

I don't have any good storied about interacting with leadership. Most of mine are of the "awww" or "wow" variety. Those little moments that make up for day after day of working your tuckus off.

One of the best was this family that moved from Colorado to Oregon with a baby daughter that had some syndrome that I can't remember. I believe the husband was shifting jobs, but part of their move was making sure they were close to a children's hospital that could meet their needs as their child hadn't left the hospital since she'd been born. When they flew out they, they flew with one of her nurses from Colorado to care for her on the flight. These people made great connections with the people caring for them.

I ended up being one of their primary nurses. They had requested a few of us be assigned as primary so they would usually have someone that knew their child well. This wasn't usual, but we did have a few patients this happened for. Anyway, this baby was maybe 2-3 months old and always connected to oxygen and usually connected to a feeding pump. Long story short. It was my goal to be the one to wean this baby off the oxygen. Not something nobody else could do, but I was a little more aggressive with it and spent more time than others trying to get it to happen. One day while mom was out doing laundry or something, I was able to get her weaned off and into one of the swing chairs and put her out at the nurses' station to hang with us. Mom comes back, walks right past the station and into her room. Wait a few seconds, out she comes with this look of "where is she?". Not worried, but know there was nothing planned for that day. I just point over to her swinging away, not connected to a big bottle of oxygen and looking just like any other baby. Man, the look on mom's face was what it's all about. The smile, the tears, still gets me choked up. Seeing her baby free from all that for the first time.

Rough ending though. She did pass away about a year later. Her mom ended up organizing a fund raiser for research. We did a Portland to Coast relay run/walk. Her team was made of me as the driver and a bunch of other nurses that took care of them. I drove a van and we did a relay walk for over 24hrs from Portland to the Oregon coast. They continued that for a few more years, and I still have a little stuffed dog that she gave me shortly after that day at the nurse's station.
Right in the Feels man. Happy and sad all in one post..... That kind of stuff just comes with the profession, your going to experience it eventually. It must be rough knowing that you're going to have to deal with that at some point. But I'm sure there are more happy endings than sad ones.
2018 shave #212 (DE:64 SE:76 Str:74 Cart:2)
Parker 76R w/ Feather (3)
Wholly Kaw Agrumi in Estate
SV 2.0 brush
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave balm
Wholly Kaw Agrumi in Estate AS

Here was my morning. Finally got a full night of sleep and woke up without any pains. I woke up a little late, but didn't care because well, I didn't care. Thought for a second about making a video, but decided against it because I was running late. Then I thought well Chad keeps saying he needs to get to work and still dorks around in the bathroom, so what the heck. I got everything set-up, got my shower, made my video and had a great shave. THEN, when I went to process the video, I learn that I never put the camera in mov
ie mode and had only take two pictures of myself when I thought I was stopping and staring the video. It would have been a good one folks!

To summarize what you won't here about the soap. Great base, great performance. It made a nice rich and creamy lather without any visible bubbles. Cushion was great and residual slickness was also great. I wouldn't hesitate to put this at the top of any performance list. The scent.....was ok. From the tub it's 2/5. Not only is the scent not strong, the scents are light as well. Nothing sharp or overly sweet. And it's tough to pull out any specific note. I can get a touch of lime when I try and from the tub I got almost an after scent that I've gotten with one or two other soaps. It's almost like the sickeningly sweet smell of an over chlorinated pool or certain tree flowers in allergy season. If that makes any sense. Not sugar sweet, but like chemical sweet? I wish I remember what other soap I smelled that with because now I'm curious if it was a Wholly Kaw and something they use in some of their bases. Anyway, reading scent notes, I've seen white or green tea and grapefruit. I could see that scent being one of those. Thinking about it as something else makes it easier to deal with.

On lathering, the SOS didn't get any stronger. So in the end, it was a pleasant yet very light scent. I would certainly buy this soap for the performance, I wouldn't based on the scent, but the scent is good enough for me to use.
Glad to hear you are feeling better, and just in time too.

My mom had plenty of stories from the bedside, she only told us the funny or unbelievable and kept the heart braking ones a little more private. She worked in all manor of places but my oldest recollection was when she worked in the county neonatal, eventually the emotional toll was to much. It was common for her to care for a baby 12 hours a day for 4 months only to have the infant pass, it was rare and joyous when they didn't die. She went into nurse education and did a little time working in the prison as a side job, that's where she refined her "how to deal with management" skills I am sure. Finally she spent 20 years as a school nurse for the school district I had JUST graduated from. There isn't weekend that goes buy without someone in town recognizing me and stopping to tell me a story about when my mom did or said was her thing i guess. Nurses are a different breed for sure.

Alright, I'll stop reminiscing and give you your journal back
Heh different perspectives I guess. Sorry, I guess that was a sad story. I think of it as a happy moment in the career.

Chris, your mom was sure one of those "been there, done that" nurses!
if its White tea you should revisit Easy Street by CFG that is one of the bigger notes in that soap
Ah, I wouldn't have known that. I'll check it out, but it must not be that one that's off to me, because I like Easy Street.
Sorry the scent didn't hit it for you but glad performance and shave was good. Mostly glad you were pain free at least for now. Hope it continues
Most of the Wholly Kaw scents seem to be on the subtle side in the SOS department; however, there are some exceptions.
Most of the Wholly Kaw scents seem to be on the subtle side in the SOS department; however, there are some exceptions.
Interesting, I don’t know if I’ve tried others, but I wouldn’t rate Fern Concerto as a weak scent.
2018 shave #213 (DE:64 SE:76 Str:74 Cart:2)
Parker 76R w/ Feather (4)
Soerrentini TSC
Wholly Kaw Fern Concerto
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave balm
Wholly Kaw Fern Concerto AS
Penhaligon’s English Fern

Just posting my shave from last night. Actually got a video of this one. Luckily the video missed when I sprayed myself in the mouth with the Penhaligon’s. Which, while not tasting pleasant enabled me to smell this lovely scent all day today.
2018 shave #213 (DE:64 SE:76 Str:74 Cart:2)
Parker 76R w/ Feather (4)
Soerrentini TSC
Wholly Kaw Fern Concerto
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave balm
Wholly Kaw Fern Concerto AS
Penhaligon’s English Fern

Just posting my shave from last night. Actually got a video of this one. Luckily the video missed when I sprayed myself in the mouth with the Penhaligon’s. Which, while not tasting pleasant enabled me to smell this lovely scent all day today.

Wish the video caught that. As Don would then label you a ratings chaser too
Damn right I would! By the way...where's the video and where are those photos! If you did photos instead of video...I want to see the photos!
Lucky for me, sad for the viewers that was at the end of my evening shave video where I ended it before I remembered to put on the aftershave.
2018 shave #214 (DE:64 SE:77 Str:74 Cart:2)
Asylum “The Doctor” RX w/ Feather Proguard (1)
RazoRock Synth
L&L Bandwagon
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave Balm

Ok shave. I never learn my lesson and just take a mild DE for travel since things never seem quite as good as at home. I think today it’s that the mirror is small and about chest height so I’m bent over the whole time. So maybe I was rushing a bit.