The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Watch out medical world…Dave is working on his AI charting game!
Patient Name: GearNoir

Patient reports that he shaves too much and works out a lot because he's getting older. He notes that he has been feeling tired and sore lately. Patient denies any recent injuries.

Physical exam reveals no major abnormalities. Vitals are stable. Skin is red and irritated in areas where patient shaves. Muscle tone is increased in all extremities. Gait is normal. Patient is afebrile.

Patient is likely experiencing symptoms due to excessive shaving and exercise.

Patient is advised to reduce shaving frequency and to rest more often. Patient will continue with current exercise regimen but is advised to listen to his body and take breaks when needed. Patient will follow up with me in 2 weeks.

In addition, patient is advised to use a gentle shaving cream or soap and a sharp razor. He should also shave with the grain of his hair growth. After shaving, he should apply a moisturizer or aftershave balm to soothe his skin.
Booo that’s just lazy
My barber has way too much time on his hands. I don’t mind a little small talk while I’m getting my hair cut, but lately my barber has been spending all his time criticizing others. It’s really getting on my nerves. I come here to relax and get pampered, not listen to some old man complain about the world. I think he needs to find a new hobby, or maybe just retire already and give someone else a chance.

My barber has way too much time on his hands. I don’t mind a little small talk while I’m getting my hair cut, but lately my barber has been spending all his time criticizing others. It’s really getting on my nerves. I come here to relax and get pampered, not listen to some old man complain about the world. I think he needs to find a new hobby, or maybe just retire already and give someone else a chance.

Lets be honest....Ai didn't write this.
2184 days of consecutive shaving - 984 open-blade
Tedalus Essence w/ Feather Proguard (6)
WSP Matterhorn
Blue Honeycomb
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet

Since there doesn't seem to be much appreciation for technology-enhanced journal entries, I'll go back to writing my own. But Grammarly did tell me to put a "-" between "technology" and "enhanced". So I guess we're not totally escaping it. In fact, it will be nice when AI can correct the jibberish B Dave sends when using text-to-speech.

So what is new today, is I'm mostly stuck in my office today and tomorrow and when I step out I need to wear a N95. When our infection prevention nurse mentioned a mass exposure event at a long and large meeting (that's for you, Steven) I didn't think to keep my mouth shut when I mentioned I had been there for the whole meeting too. So I have what I'm terming Red Tape COVID. I'm negative with no symptoms, but per our protocol here I am. I actually would normally just work from home to avoid the whole mask thing. But I figured it wouldn't be too cool to work from home the last two days before two weeks off.

the jibberish B Dave sends when using text-to-speech.
Don't be mean to Drunk Siri.....she has to decipher the meaning, intent and the proper liquor brand.....all while telling him how handsome he is. Its like Stefan without the fashionable outfits.

a long and large meeting (that's for you, Steven)
I prefer my meetings to be long and without me at them. So far I'm 28 for 28 as far as missing all the meeting here at work.