The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Good Luck! Sharks with Lasers, funny stuff.

St Bart’s is one I’m considering. The scent sounded good on their site, but as soon as someone says sun lotion, I’m out. Is that what it smells like?

I actually don't get suntan lotion at all. What I get is Coconut and rum. But in a good way...not boozy. It's supposed to be inspired by Creed Virgin Island Water. I can dig out a sample if you want one KJ.
Thank you all. Being in the field can make the processes and workflows more understandable, but doesn’t make the procedures or losing control any more enjoyable.
This is the A&E soap I purchased also. It is definitely the most sophisticated "beach" sented soap I have sniffed! Did you get the aftershave with it?
Nope, no AS with this one. And that’s ok, I love the scent of Tommy Bahama.
Maybe make tomorrow a Veg day since everyone will be forced to endure?
Oh mercy man, I’d have to deal with that too! Don’t worry, I have just the right thing planned.
2018 shave #205 (DE:58 SE:75 Str:74 Cart:2)
Merkur 38c w/ Feather (3)
Sorrentino TSC brush
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave balm

TJ hit it on the head. I like to share the GTB when I'm going on a flight, so I thought I'd be nice enough to share it with OR #6 today. Shaving gods were looking down on me and I ended up with a no alum sting BBS without clean-up. I haven't really run across a brush that doesn't work with a particular shave, but this is one. Guys, using the TSC brush with GTB is like wearing your suede dress shoes into the saloon. Ya need a little more scritch in your hitch, if you know what I mean. Other than that, GTB BABY!!

My wife has been out of town for a few days for business, so I'm off to get her at the airport in a few minutes. Then drop the bag at home a
nd off to the hospital. See ya on the flip side, brothers.
Dave, I was way behind and getting caught up. You’ve had a tough row to hoe. Nice to see some good shaves come of it.
Dave you alive?

I hope the procedure went well and you are recovering!

I somehow got 11 days behind and WOW!
Praying for you Dave! I hope the procedure went well!

Glad to hear your wife wasn't injured in the wreck!

At lest today's shave was a winner!!
Good stuff Dave!

Hope the missus arrives safely, you’re in our prayers! Git er done!
Dave, I was way behind and getting caught up. You’ve had a tough row to hoe. Nice to see some good shaves come of it.
Great shave. Good luck in the OR.
Dave you alive?

I hope the procedure went well and you are recovering!

I somehow got 11 days behind and WOW!
Praying for you Dave! I hope the procedure went well!

Glad to hear your wife wasn't injured in the wreck!

At lest today's shave was a winner!!

I'm here guys! Whew! Doc said everything went well. Without all the details, that night and yesterday were a little rough. I even fell behind in watching shave videos! Trade one type of pain for another and the need to be seconds away from a rest room all the time. Have a stent in now that gets removed next week. Heard that's a pretty special experience as well. Today is much better. Still working from home because physical proximity of a rest room is still of vital importance.
Yesterday's shave

2018 shave #206 (DE:58 SE:76 Str:74 Cart:2)
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (7)
Sapone Di Paolo Agrume (Lime & Basil)
Plisson 24mm knot in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave balm
Bleu de Chanel

Didn't post much if at all yesterday. Did finally force myself to get into the shower around dinner time which felt good, and you really shouldn't have a shower without a shave. Just grabbed a loaded razor and did a quick two pass that ended in DFS. That was enough just to feel better. I have the Terroso scent of Sapone Di Paolo and really like it. With the Groomatorium clearance, I thought I'd pick up a few more of their scents. I'd say the Sapone Di Paolo performance is in line with Chisled Face or Captain's Choice. Perfectly serviceable without top markings in any one category other than scents if they hit your wheelhouse. I like this one as well. I would say the lime note is there for sure, but I wouldn't say I can pick out basil specifically. It's more of a lime with seasoning or herbs. Don't think I got the post shave cream with this one, but I should have.
I know you are on the mend but you will still be in my thoughts. Everything should go great...but I want my favorite Californian Nurse to get back to his good old self. I have always wondered about SdP soaps. They have some wonderful description of soaps!