The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Awesome Dave! With the Shone no less!

I’ve used the Platinum AS twice now and thoroughly enjoyed it each time. I got hints of it sometimes 12 hours later. The soap will be a next purchase!
Wanted to try the soap before getting the AS. Will be buying that for sure!
So sorry to hear about the accident, but very glad to hear that the wife came out with minimal injury. You've been through the wringer lately! Keeping you in prayer, my friend.
Appreciate it. Could use a little calm, that’s for sure.
Wow Dave, you've had a lot going on lately. Hope things settle down for you and your family. Here's hoping those stones pass through the stents!
2018 shave #200 (DE:53 SE:75 Str:74 Cart:2)
Schone w/ Israeli Personna (2)
Captain’s Choice Venture
TSC brush
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave balm

This shave would be titled “WTF!?”. First, no shave yesterday. I didn’t even get to the shower. Now I’m down a shave for staying on track for 365. But I might solve that tonight because of this shave.

Scent wise I have to say that Fine Platinum wins over CC. The scents are very similar to me and I’d have to use them more or side-by-side to tell the difference. But the Fine is a notch or two stronger. Performance wise, based on today’s shave, I’d also give the nod to Fine. I don’t recall having issues with CC before, but I’m also wondering if that’s because I used it earlier in my wet shaving journey. The lather was too airy. I had added a decent amount of water and more yet after the 1st pss, but
it never got to a creamy consistency.

The shave itself was crap. Last shave I said on my video was rough and I thought that was because my skin was irritated from the previous shave. Well, it’s been 2 days since my last shave and this one was just as bad if not worse. I’ve never had an issue with this razor, but also haven’t used it for a long time either. I’m thinking it’s more likely to be the blade. Ended up with a rough three pass DFS- or worse. This is the worst result from a shave I’ve had since starting this. Might just need to a touch up shave tonight.
I agree, the Fine scenting is a bit heavier, cologne-y, and a tad more longevity. Venture is a bit brighter in its citrus pop and cool down. I do like both for their differences.

Sorry it was a rough shave for you! I hope you get some relaxation and recoup time over the weekend.
Getting caught up and That stinks Dave on the rough shave. Get a fresh blade and all known performing equipment for you to rebound. Hang in there. How's the stone situation going? or did I miss it in reading......
Sorry to hear about the rough shave. The good news is that there will be plenty in the future that will be amazing.
Getting caught up and That stinks Dave on the rough shave. Get a fresh blade and all known performing equipment for you to rebound. Hang in there. How's the stone situation going? or did I miss it in reading......
Well, somehow I assumed the pain would get a little better and I could get back to work while I wait. Nope. But the also frustrating part is the pain just kind of comes and goes. So I’ll feel fine for hours and think I should get some painting done or should have gone to work and then bam. I guess the good news is, per where the pain is it’s moved down to the last place it should get stuck. Bummer of that is it feels like I get kicked in the sack off and on through the day.
2018 shave #201 (DE:54 SE:75 Str:74 Cart:2)
Merkur 38c w/ Feather (1)
A&E Revolution
Custom synth
Witch Hazel & Alum
A&E Revolution Post Shave balm

Set out to avenge yesterday’s shave. Revolution was the best smelling from the tub of my new A&E soaps. Really had to concentrate to get specific scent notes from it other than it just smelling really good. Reading the notes from the webpage, I’ll have to go back and smell it again. I didn’t get any leather for sure. I can get the citrus or grapefruit as the sweet note I was picking up. Anyway, just a nice multi-level scent.

Shave was great, with a super smooth BBS finish. The post shave balm or whatever it technically is, also smells great, but now 9 hrs after my shave I would say it still feels as though it might not have all absorbed in. Thinking about it, I did apply like an aftershave instead of sparingly like
a balm. So maybe my fault.

In addition to everything else, this stone issue has really brought the house painting to a grinding halt. I managed to get about 90min of painting in today. And spent the rest of the day struggling with pain issues. Sometimes the pains come for a few minutes and sometimes they seem to come to stay. So it makes it difficult to decide when to take a pain med and how much. It’s about dinner time now and I’ve just gotten tired of dealing with the pain for today. So took some pills and now I can concentrate to write my journal and catch up. Nap shouldn’t be too far off either.
Sorry to here about the stone situation and hope you pass it soon. Even after passing it, the body needs to recover some. Glad you had a good shave and hope the meds help.
Sorry to here about the stone situation and hope you pass it soon. Even after passing it, the body needs to recover some. Glad you had a good shave and hope the meds help.
Thanks Dave. It has been quite an adventure.
2018 shave #202 (DE:55 SE:75 Str:74 Cart:2)
Schone w/ Feather (2)
A&E Uno
Custom synth
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave balm

The title of today's shave would be A Shave to be Traded. Tried out another new soap and found out if the bad shave with the Schone was me, the blade or the razor. First, the soap. Uno was described as having some leather, lavender, cedar and a barbershop scent. Now, I'm not really one that likes barbershop scents. The only one being GTB, which I don't think really counts at all. Uno, to those that enjoy barbershop likely will be enjoyable. It's a little less on SOS than other A&E soaps. But just like the others, the scents are well blended with nothing really taking over the profile. I'm guessing this is probably at bit more complex than most barber shops, but still with a powdery base. Why did I buy it? Well, I was kind of hoping that like GTB it wouldn't rea
lly smell like a barbershop to me and other notes would be more prominent. Plus, I was just in the mood to add to my cart.

The shave. In short, not as bad as the first time I used the Schone. The first two passes went just fine, but I could tell it was just a bit too aggressive for the last pass on my neck. I did end up with DFS+, which tells me there could have been an issue with the blade the last time I used it, but also clearly it's just not going to be my favorite razor.

So.... I'll be looking to trade the Uno and the Schone in the future. Before I officially post in the BST, I want to get through the other new soaps I have to see if I'll add anything else to my selections for deal. In the mean time, if you're interested in either one or both, I'm interested either a DE with a little beef to it, or soaps. The DE can be vintage or modern. It would be my first vintage if that.
Bummer about the irritation and less than stellar scenting.

You’re riding the cap on the Schone? The Fatip is quite aggressive for me too. Fun to pull out once in a while, or to mow several day’s growth, but I would not be able to use it daily without having my skin suffer.