The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Thanks guys. Not the best news today. They couldn’t see it on X-ray, which means the easiest treatment won’t work so I’m scheduled to have it zapped with a laser and a stent put in next Wednesday. Really would rather give it time to come out but can’t risk the pain again while we’re out of town.
In college I was with a friend and had to take him to the emergency room. After witnessing that and then 2 days later when he passed it, I stopped drinking soda. It literally scared me! I hope I never experience that pain. I hope you get relief and the procedure is quick and painless.
Sorry to hear this Dave. I've had 2 at different times. 1st like Don was an emergency room visit not knowing what was going on. I passed mine fortunately. Hope you get it resolved man.
Oh man, kidney stones are rough, to put it mildly. MY sister has had a few, and they look beastly from an outside perspective. We'll be praying for a quick resolution.
Thank you for the thoughts everyone. Just hoping it takes care of itself before next Wednesday. Chad, this is what the urologist told me to avoid them in the future:
- Drink water all through the day
- Watch salt intake
- Avoid high protein diets
- Drink 1oz lemon juice a day

Not sure what today holds. My wife was in an accident yesterday evening and I rushed out to help her. She’s ok except for some swelling on a hand and a likely totaled car. It’s been quite a week cadre. Quite a week.
Thank you for the thoughts everyone. Just hoping it takes care of itself before next Wednesday. Chad, this is what the urologist told me to avoid them in the future:
- Drink water all through the day
- Watch salt intake
- Avoid high protein diets
- Drink 1oz lemon juice a day

Not sure what today holds. My wife was in an accident yesterday evening and I rushed out to help her. She’s ok except for some swelling on a hand and a likely totaled car. It’s been quite a week cadre. Quite a week.

Holy hell Dave! Bring everyone inside, wrap the whole family in bubble wrap, and wait 72 hours before going back out into the real world.

Glad she is okay, and sucks about the totaled car. I hate dealing with insurance companies.

Interesting on the high protein diet. Hmmm. Maybe for you app thread but there is an app called 'Water Drink Reminder' my new year's resolution was to guarantee I drink enough water each day. This app uses your height and body weight and let's you know how much water you should be drinking. You also add in adjustments for work outs, temperature, etc. I have really enjoyed it aside from having to relieve myself more regularly.
Dang Dave! When it rains, it pours! Mr. Murphy’s associates are the prowl this week!

Glad the missus is OK. I hope this is the end of these mishaps for a long while!
Dave, sorry everything is hitting at once but glad the wife is okay. On the stones, yeah drinking more water then I did before has helped. They say dehydration causes them to drop. If you're thirsty you are already dehydrated. Guilty of this when working I tend to forget to stop and get a drink.
Holy hell Dave! Bring everyone inside, wrap the whole family in bubble wrap, and wait 72 hours before going back out into the real world.

Glad she is okay, and sucks about the totaled car. I hate dealing with insurance companies.

Interesting on the high protein diet. Hmmm. Maybe for you app thread but there is an app called 'Water Drink Reminder' my new year's resolution was to guarantee I drink enough water each day. This app uses your height and body weight and let's you know how much water you should be drinking. You also add in adjustments for work outs, temperature, etc. I have really enjoyed it aside from having to relieve myself more regularly.
Dave, sorry everything is hitting at once but glad the wife is okay. On the stones, yeah drinking more water then I did before has helped. They say dehydration causes them to drop. If you're thirsty you are already dehydrated. Guilty of this when working I tend to forget to stop and get a drink.
Good ideas guys. Chad, I remember you mentioned that app one time before. As a stubborn guy I'd like to say I don't need it, I'll remember to drink more. But I'm sure a couple weeks after this is all over, I'll slip back to the usual. I'll go download it now.
Thanks for the information. I am very glad that your wife is okay.
Dang Dave! When it rains, it pours! Mr. Murphy’s associates are the prowl this week!

Glad the missus is OK. I hope this is the end of these mishaps for a long while!
Thank you guys. A lot going on right now, and she's pretty frustrated she lost her car. Getting close to paid off and she really liked it. I told her at least we can deal with the issues and we're not going to be devastated by the loss of a car.
Geez, Dave. I reall hope all this doesn’t impact your upcoming vacation.... you’re going to need it!
Tough week for sure. Weren't you talking about a new car a month or two back?

According to my wife kidney stones (and the stints they put in to allow them to pass) are indeed worse than childbirth. Each of her pregnancies she would get kidney stones, always around the 8th month too. She had an episode once while not pregnant and that is when they used stints, she lasted 2 days and went in to have them removed. Her stones were Calcium Oxalate so increasing her acidity was an obvious recommendation. Although the stone presented itself while she was eating a little more protein than she considered normal I'm not convinced she was eating enough protein to be an issue. I think her issue had more to do with having too low a Calcium intake (especially when pregnant). What ever the cause kidney stones aint fun, I hope you are able to avoid issues while on your trip.
Geez, Dave. I reall hope all this doesn’t impact your upcoming vacation.... you’re going to need it!
Thank you, the hope is to have everything done and out before we leave. HOPE!
Tough week for sure. Weren't you talking about a new car a month or two back?

According to my wife kidney stones (and the stints they put in to allow them to pass) are indeed worse than childbirth. Each of her pregnancies she would get kidney stones, always around the 8th month too. She had an episode once while not pregnant and that is when they used stints, she lasted 2 days and went in to have them removed. Her stones were Calcium Oxalate so increasing her acidity was an obvious recommendation. Although the stone presented itself while she was eating a little more protein than she considered normal I'm not convinced she was eating enough protein to be an issue. I think her issue had more to do with having too low a Calcium intake (especially when pregnant). What ever the cause kidney stones aint fun, I hope you are able to avoid issues while on your trip.
For the car, yes. I had gotten rid of my Audi and my wife said we were close to paying off the other two cars. So I started looking for one to replace the Audi. Then I found out "soon" meant another 10 months. So I cooled my jets a bit so I didn't get too excited about something. But one they were paid off, I was decided I'd lease something. So now it's one of those things where she liked her car and would have kept driving it a long time. But when going out to buy one, she would be looking at something newer with less miles than she had. So there go the payments again. Gotta let the dust settle and see what she wants.

Man, here's hoping again my experience with the stent isn't that bad. He mentioned you can do everything you normally do, they are just uncomfortable. Lets hope that doesn't translate into do what you did just while you're screaming.
2018 shave #199 (DE:52 SE:75 Str:74 Cart:2)
Schone w/ Israeli Personna (1)
Fine Platinum
Pilssoft 24mm in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave balm

Decided I needed to get off the couch and get smelling good. My first go with a Fine soap and a hard puck. Let it soak in a large amount of water in my mug, but I don't think it needed a big soaking even for the first time. Used some of the bloom water on my face, some in the bowl and then loaded up. It loaded easily which surprised me. I was ready for this to be a struggle to use. The lather was easy to get and it didn't need much water at all. Probably would have needed more if I didn't use so much to bloom. As most of you know, the scent of this stuff is awesome. I should have tried it a long time ago. The shave itself was decent. Performance is at the usable, but not notable level. Decent cushion and slickness, but neither that I would base buying it on. But combine serviceable performance with that scent and it's a winner.
Awesome Dave! With the Shone no less!

I’ve used the Platinum AS twice now and thoroughly enjoyed it each time. I got hints of it sometimes 12 hours later. The soap will be a next purchase!
The Fine soaps are good performers where the scent helps a lot
So sorry to hear about the accident, but very glad to hear that the wife came out with minimal injury. You've been through the wringer lately! Keeping you in prayer, my friend.