The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Awesome! I hope you get the video transfer issues figured out, it’ll be great to see!
Found the issue. I was an unverified account. I'm just luck that a black van didn't pull up outside the house and take everything away. Should be all set now.
Thanks Chad. I was pressed for time, seeing if I could get it done before I left for work. Being late already. Had issues getting the videos off the iPhone in the first place. Should just be drag and drop, but I think iTunes kept creating issues. Then I thought if I could just send the video intro and ending to myself, I could use iMovie on my phone to stitch everything together. That still might be the easiest, but the clips are too long to email to myself. So need to work that out. Or, I could just learn some patience and do all the stuff when I get home from work. ?
Instead of emailing you could use a cloud based service like Google drive or something similar. I use Google Photos a lot and my videos automatically back up there. That way I can always retrieve it from anywhere.
Instead of emailing you could use a cloud based service like Google drive or something similar. I use Google Photos a lot and my videos automatically back up there. That way I can always retrieve it from anywhere.
Good idea, I didn't know I could put videos there.
1st soap was L&L After the Rain.....................I knew you were Hoity Toity. I have humble beginnings, my 1st one was Williams in 1980 and Col Conk Lime when I returned in 2010. Good shave Dave, I'll have to check out the video.
1st soap was L&L After the Rain.....................I knew you were Hoity Toity. I have humble beginnings, my 1st one was Williams in 1980 and Col Conk Lime when I returned in 2010. Good shave Dave, I'll have to check out the video.
LOL The way all this started for me was on a wine forum. They had an off topic section with a thread about shaving. I popped in every now and again to see what in the heck these guys could be discussing about shaving. The lingo I didn't get and it was way past what I could understand with my carts and bar soap shaving. Then one time I saw a post about L&L soap being so slick and containing bison tallow. And I figured that's just out there enough I want to know what it's about and it might make my cart shaving tolerable.
2018 shave #193 (DE:50 SE:71 Str:73 Cart:2)
Feather SS w/ Proguard (5)
Storybook Soapworks Hook
Sorrentino TSC
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave balm
Storybook Soapworks Hook AS

My plan when I walked into the bathroom was just to use the Parker again. But then I realized I have no reason not to use the SS. My skin was in good shape. I wasn't in a hurry. It was loaded and ready to go. Lets get some more practice in. I was also planning on using a nice lime soap today, but I couldn't put my hands on it this morning, so grabbed the Hook since I was talking about its scent in Chad's vlog. But, I am now prompted to organize my stuff again. Then I'll take pics or a vid to post of it.

I don't remember this the last time I used it, but I got a whiff of 45th Parallel off the tub of Hook. On lathering and using it, I realized that it could be roughly classified as a slightly sweeter version of GTB. I get the leather and gun smoke, but also just a touch of sweet. I would say GTB still holds its iconic spot, but this is also very nice and with even better performance.

The shave itself went well. I did a good job really paying attention to angle, pressure and stretching. I limited it to two passes with the SS. Cheeks were close to BBS with that, but again, there was a lot of whiskers left on the neck. I'll have to pay closer attention to how my neck feels after two passes with a DE. Maybe it feels just like this too and it's the 3rd pass that does most of the work. Regardless, a 3rd pass with the Parker did result in BBS everywhere so I must have removed something with the SS. I plan to get some more 2 pass shaves in before adding in that 3rd. This was a good one without the added alum burn I sometimes get from using a straight.

Special shout out to TJ and his bride off celebrating their anniversary. Hope ya'll are having a great time!
Excellent shave! The attention to detail will pay off in the end. I never worry about my neck that much. We tend to notice minute details that no one else will see.
Nice shave. After that review I may have to try Storybook.Comparing it to GTB is all it took. Now I know what scent to get from them. Thanks
2018 shave #194 (DE:50 SE:71 Str:74 Cart:2)
Feather SS w/ Proguard (6)
Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes
RazoRock synth
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave balm
Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes EdC
So I found my West Indian Limes. Mmmm, I love this scent. Partially because strong citrus smells just rock, and partly because it takes me back to London. I got this soap at the Truefitt and Hill store and used it several times when we were in London. Good times. Don't see T&H used around these parts much, but other than the lack of residual slickness, I think it's a good performer.

Funny and somewhat concerning moment yesterday. My wife came home while I was waiting for my den tour video to upload. So she said "let see it". When it got near the end, she said "under the bed?!?!" "Seriously?!?!". I figured she knew. I didn't make a show of it, but I thought she's seen me slide my tub out before. All I could say was I had just reorganized to make it easier to find things.