The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Interesting razor - I had not heard of that one. But I want to know more about that soap!
Interesting razor - I had not heard of that one. But I want to know more about that soap!
I've had that for a while now. Just the name got me interested. The Shave Monk, that's pretty cool. I haven't gotten much info about it other than it's from the Netherlands. I say the performance is on the high end of good, not elite, but better than average. I would need to use it again to describe the scent, but I would say it's a mild baking spices, warm and not over 3/5 SoS.
I've got a couple Techmatics, but no good blade-carts to try it out with. Eventually I'll track one down. Sounds like it's not as bad as people say.
I've I hit on a stash I'll send you one. I only got one with one of the razors I bought. The other came with one that was used up.
I've had that for a while now. Just the name got me interested. The Shave Monk, that's pretty cool. I haven't gotten much info about it other than it's from the Netherlands. I say the performance is on the high end of good, not elite, but better than average. I would need to use it again to describe the scent, but I would say it's a mild baking spices, warm and not over 3/5 SoS.

Thanks - interesting.
Great write-up on the Techmatic razor, Dave. Sounds like it would fit in perfectly as a travel razor for sure...I might need to pick one up along with some cartridges just for that reason!
Great Post! This is very interesting!

I'm going to say it here before I forget to mention it to one the owners...posts like these need to be captured and placed into a Wiki, or an area of the site for reference purposes. The more information that can be organized the better for the site in the long run. This particular post has some good historical information.

Thanks Dave for sharing!
Great shaves and razor review. Glad the painting is going well. Keep adding those points, they may come in handy for future purchases.
Great shave and picture Dave!

Good review on the Techmatic.
Great write-up on the Techmatic razor, Dave. Sounds like it would fit in perfectly as a travel razor for sure...I might need to pick one up along with some cartridges just for that reason!
Great Post! This is very interesting!

I'm going to say it here before I forget to mention it to one the owners...posts like these need to be captured and placed into a Wiki, or an area of the site for reference purposes. The more information that can be organized the better for the site in the long run. This particular post has some good historical information.

Thanks Dave for sharing!
Great shaves and razor review. Glad the painting is going well. Keep adding those points, they may come in handy for future purchases.
Thank you guys. Josh, if you find more cartridges than you need, let me know. The razors are all over the place. The cartridges not so much.
2018 shave #188 (DE:49 SE:68 Str:72 Cart:2)
Storybook Soapworks Hallward’s Dream
Asylum “The Doctor” RX w/ Proguard (1)
RazoRock synth
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Storybook Soapworks Hallward’s Dream AS

Today’s shave came after a good 8hrs of painting. I was ready to just collapse but needed a shower. So I decided to give myself a full on spa experience. Don’t judge. I turned Pandora to a spa channel and just took my time and moved slowly through everything.

The shave itself was AWESOME and I really enjoyed its awesomeness at this time. I used a new blade that was smooth as silk and got a BBS without clean-up.

Now time for a bit of relaxation before grilling up some pork medallions for dinner. Happy weekend cadre.
8 hours of painting? Might as well go into business! ?

Good stuff Dave, enjoy the relaxation!
I'm with Dave on this one. It has been so long, my back and shoulders would be killing me. Great shave though.
8 hours of painting? Might as well go into business!

Good stuff Dave, enjoy the relaxation!
My shoulder and back hurt just thinking about 8 hours of painting. You deserved a spa treatment. Enjoy dinner and the weekend !
I'm with Dave on this one. It has been so long, my back and shoulders would be killing me. Great shave though.
Yeah, after 8 hours of painting, a spa-like experience is what the Dr. would order for sure!
I was feeling it for sure. I feel like I’m feeling my age, but then I think of my dad who is constantly doing home improvement tasks. So I guess I’m feeling older than my age.