The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #189 (DE:49 SE:69 Str:72 Cart:2)
CBL Soapworks Money 4.11
Asylum “The Doctor” RX w/ Proguard (2)
Sorrento TSC brush
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave balm
TOBS Eaton College EdC

This morning was 5hrs of painting. I finished off the courtyard. Except for the front door which we need to get other colours for and sand. Got some of the front of the house done and decided I need to buy an extension ladder instead of stretching as far as I can and risk a trip to the ED.

I’ve said before, that sometimes to really enjoy my morning routine I’ll take a coffee to my shower and shave with me. Well, the afternoon is a little late for coffee, so I added rum & Coke today. CBL’s soap gave a great shave resulting in a DFS+ because of my lasziness on my neck.

We finished Dexter yesterday, so tonight we’ll have to switch over something else to binge. Other than that I’m thinking of some filling Mexican food for dinner. And maybe a pipe before or after.
Nice stuff Dave! Glad to hear that the painting is progressing and you were able to get the courtyard finished. Sounds like you are getting close to the end? (being optimistic here...)
Nice stuff Dave! Glad to hear that the painting is progressing and you were able to get the courtyard finished. Sounds like you are getting close to the end? (being optimistic here...)
Heh, well at least I can look out on progress.
2018 shave #190 (DE:49 SE:70 Str:72 Cart:2)
Strop Shoppe Alpine Frost
Asylum “The Doctor” RX w/ Proguard (3)
Plisson synth in Shave Revolution 24mm handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave balm

Getting a little lazy with the shave in terms of not getting back to the SS. Didn't have much growth today as yesterday was an afternoon shave. This was my first use of Alpine Frost and it was even an untouched tub! This is probably my least favorite Strop Shoppe scent. As the name implies, it's one of those "fresh crisp air" type scents. Which to me tend to land on the powdered laundry detergent type of scents. This is actually the least detergent smelling of that genre of soap I've used those. Good enough it'll come out from time to time. Good soap, great razor and little growth lead to the dolphins coming out to play today.

Yesterday I resolved myself to two things. First, I'm not go to safely be able to get to the highest peaks with the ladders that I have. I used to be okay with heights. But one day, when I was in an EMT class, we watch slide after slide of soft tissue injury for at least an hour. It made one realize like nothing else that we're just flesh and bone, and both of those can be damaged in any number of ways. Since that day, I picture what could happen when I'm up on anything not totally sturdy. So needless to say, I ordered an extension ladder that should give me a bit more security. Second, we have an iron gate that acts almost as the front door to our house, in front of the walkway to our courtyard. That could use some TLC. It's got some weather and roughness on it. I was going to take it down and sand and repaint it. But then I realized it's all one unit. Probably 4-5'x8'. And it doesn't sit on the ground. So thinking about wrestling that in and out of place, and sanding the insides of x number of square rods, I think I'll see if someone can come and take care of that for us.
Nice read and shave today Dave. The paint job is looking really nice! I have a 12 pack of beer if ya come out and paint my house.
Nice read and shave today Dave. The paint job is looking really nice! I have a 12 pack of beer if ya come out and paint my house.
We'll have the whole cadre over. We're just going to need 15 paint ball guns and 4-5 colours your wife likes!
Nice read and shave today Dave. The paint job is looking really nice! I have a 12 pack of beer if ya come out and paint my house.
Shoot, I'd have bought him a case just to paint my foundation last year. Nice shave Dave and the house is looking good.
Good job on the painting Dave! Hopefully it’s gotten you a plethora of brownie points with the missus!
Great shave. I hope your Strop Shoppe stash lasts you a good long time.

I used to be okay with heights. But one day, when I was in an EMT class, we watch slide after slide of soft tissue injury for at least an hour. It made one realize like nothing else that we're just flesh and bone, and both of those can be damaged in any number of ways.
Ah, the paranoia of seeing and knowing too much... I don't envy you that.
Heh, true Doug.

Thank you for following along all.

Finally find myself sitting outside with a pipe after a good pasta dinner and wine. It’s been months since I’ve taken the time for this. Just a touch cool out, but that’s better than the heat. Hoping all in the cadre are having a good evening.
2018 shave #192 (DE:50 SE:71 Str:72 Cart:2)
Parker 76R w/ Wilkinson Sword (1)
L&L After the Rain
Plisson synth in Shave Revolution 24mm handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea Post Shave balm
Bleu de Chanel

Today was just a basic shave with the equipment I used when I first started. My first razor, first soap, first blade I enjoyed. Simple and nice. Funny, after all this time I still don't have the After the Rain AS. I suppose that would be easy enough to rectify.

In other news, this was also the first actual shave I recorded. Had a dickens of a time getting the video clips off my phone, so I was late for work and left the program in the "render and upload to YouTube" process. Well, it hasn't shown on YouTube, so I might have to click on something else when I get home. I'll have to look into what Chad uses to do the whole process straight from the phone.
Nice quick read and looking forward to the video. The app I use has been very nice! FilmoraGo, it allows me to do it all from my phone while in my daily staff meeting as previously mentioned. I am happy to help if you have any questions.
Nice quick read and looking forward to the video. The app I use has been very nice! FilmoraGo, it allows me to do it all from my phone while in my daily staff meeting as previously mentioned. I am happy to help if you have any questions.
Thanks Chad. I was pressed for time, seeing if I could get it done before I left for work. Being late already. Had issues getting the videos off the iPhone in the first place. Should just be drag and drop, but I think iTunes kept creating issues. Then I thought if I could just send the video intro and ending to myself, I could use iMovie on my phone to stitch everything together. That still might be the easiest, but the clips are too long to email to myself. So need to work that out. Or, I could just learn some patience and do all the stuff when I get home from work. ?