The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

....Some days I think I've done a great job and I still get zapped. Today was one of those nice no sting at all surprises. Sure like those. Especially when they are paired with a BBS shave. I'm feeling and smelling good today.

Can't ask for anything better than that!
Great stuff Dave. I was a housepainter for about 15 years, and I do not love it. Unfortunately I'm still very good at it, and get calls from family often to take care of their projects, usually involving decorative finishes. Painting outside takes it to a new level of unpleasantness, but once it's over you'll be very happy you did it.
Nice shave. I may have to go with Easy Street here in a few but they were out of the Splash when I bought. Do you know if they are making it still? Someone made a comment about the soap being close to getting to unobtanium. Not sure if that means the scent is retiring or not.

Dave walks away from the keyboard scratching his chin and thinking he needs to come up with a nice match for the Easy Street for today's shave.............
Great stuff Dave. I was a housepainter for about 15 years, and I do not love it. Unfortunately I'm still very good at it, and get calls from family often to take care of their projects, usually involving decorative finishes. Painting outside takes it to a new level of unpleasantness, but once it's over you'll be very happy you did it.

So when are you two coordinating your trip to Utah to paint my house? We do have vaulted ceilings so it can and will be a pain!
Nice shave. I may have to go with Easy Street here in a few but they were out of the Splash when I bought. Do you know if they are making it still? Someone made a comment about the soap being close to getting to unobtanium. Not sure if that means the scent is retiring or not.

Dave walks away from the keyboard scratching his chin and thinking he needs to come up with a nice match for the Easy Street for today's shave.............

Regrettably that is one of the CFG soap scents he has discontinued and will not be making again. He told me this on another forum. The reason was it and one other scent were the only two he copycatted from another scent and he wasn't as proud of those two. I have a open tub and splash and one of each unopened as well for later as it is one of my favorites from him.
Is it cheating to only use alum when you know it was a rough shave? I rarely use it anymore lol, just too drying most times.

You must have done quite a bit if the missus said you’d done enough for the day! Well done and great shave!
Regrettably that is one of the CFG soap scents he has discontinued and will not be making again. He told me this on another forum. The reason was it and one other scent were the only two he copycatted from another scent and he wasn't as proud of those two. I have a open tub and splash and one of each unopened as well for later as it is one of my favorites from him.

Thanks TJ. I knew someone had commented on that and now recall it was you.
Great stuff Dave. I was a housepainter for about 15 years, and I do not love it. Unfortunately I'm still very good at it, and get calls from family often to take care of their projects, usually involving decorative finishes. Painting outside takes it to a new level of unpleasantness, but once it's over you'll be very happy you did it.
So when are you two coordinating your trip to Utah to paint my house? We do have vaulted ceilings so it can and will be a pain!
We'll coordinate to come and watch you. I'll even film to post on the Cadre YouTube channel. Nothing better from a little support from your fans!
Regrettably that is one of the CFG soap scents he has discontinued and will not be making again. He told me this on another forum. The reason was it and one other scent were the only two he copycatted from another scent and he wasn't as proud of those two. I have a open tub and splash and one of each unopened as well for later as it is one of my favorites from him.
There was a **cough**girlie**cough** scent you got that mirrors the scent I recall. Which was that? Would be a good follow-up since you can't get the splash any more.
Is it cheating to only use alum when you know it was a rough shave? I rarely use it anymore lol, just too drying most times.

You must have done quite a bit if the missus said you’d done enough for the day! Well done and great shave!
That there is the mystery to figuring out your own post-shave routine. I didn't know most people washed off the alum the first time I used it. It just sucked all my balm right up. Now, I just leave it on long enough to wash out my bowl and brush and then rinse it off. I tried just alum and then just witch hazel and found using both works better for me. I just have some sissy a** skin is all.
Nice stuff Dave, and nice night out with SWMBO.

I use alum after every shave, and like you Dave, I leave it on just long enough to clean up the razor (post-stropping, etc), and a few other things, then it gets wiped off with a cool/cold towel.
2018 shave #188 (DE:49 SE:68 Str:72 Cart:2)
Sheermonnik Soek
Gillette Techmatic / razor section #10 (1)
RazoRock synth
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Missoni EdP

Since Doug and Chris talked about my razor after I posted a picture of it being taken on Apollo 11, I've been intrigued. I ended up with two razors, but only one cartridge. So, the hunt begins for those. The Techmatic was introduced in 1965 and quickly had a competitor released by Shick called the Auto-Band. The cartridge holds a ribbon of razor in a roll, like a film camera. There is an indicator window to show how many segments of fresh blade you have with "1" indicating the last segment. The larger level is used to advance the ribbon with one full turn taking you to the next segment. The smaller lever adjusts the aggressiveness with 5 different settings. I'll have to look closer, but on qu
ick inspection it seemed to move the white plastic below the blade up and down, thus adjusting the blade gap. In the instructions, it's mentioned there are cartridges that are either 5 blades and adjustable or 10 blades and not adjustable. But you can see this one is 10 and adjustable.

I start with a NOS cartridge right out of the packaging. Which was $1.89 back in the day, or the equivalent to $12-14 in today's dollars. So Gillette was hosing people on cartridge prices even back then. I left the aggressiveness lever set in the middle and went for it. Having read some reviews about how terrible of a shaver this was, I was expecting the worst. But what I got was much too mild. There was just a touch of scratching here and there, but I wasn't removing hair nearly as efficiently as a standard DE blade. No surprise there since the movable ribbon can't be anywhere as stiff as any DE blade. I finished up the first pass with several more strokes that I usually use. Then I turned the adjuster to full aggressiveness. Now fully aggressive on any other razor would be too much for me, but seemed about right for the Techmatic. There was a little more scratching. Maybe on the level you get with the worst new blade roughness from a DE. But the hair removal was more effiecient for sure. Two more passes and I was DFS+ without any clean-up. Would have been easy to get BBS, but I was concerned how sore I might be doing clean-up. In the end there was actually a lot less alum sting than I was expecting.

I wouldn't agree at all with those that have said this is the worst razor ever. Actually, I would much, MUCH prefer this over modern cartridges and funny enough, I might try to take it as my travel razor the next time I only have a carry-on. There are even some DE blades I would prefer this over. But given the flexibility of the blade, I don't think it could ever compete with the outcome of a good DE blade.

I've got a couple Techmatics, but no good blade-carts to try it out with. Eventually I'll track one down. Sounds like it's not as bad as people say.