The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Nice read Dave. Our state is on fire already also. Going to be a long dry summer I fear.
2018 shave #185 (DE:48 SE:64 Str:72 Cart:2)
Feather SS w/ Proguard (4)
PdP 63
Custom synth
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Nameless by Mark Buxton

Pretty much the save shave as yesterday. No alum sting, so that bodes well for the pressure on my 2 passes with the SS. But I'm surprised at the amount of hair left at the base of my neck for the last pass with a DE. I'll have to see if I can improve on that during the first 2 passes. Otherwise I think it'll just be setting myself up to fail for a full straight shave. Finished off with Nameless. It doesn't match PdP 63 at all, but I realized I haven't used it for a long time and I love the scent. It's a smooth, warm baking spice scent. Love it.

Started the painting yesterday. I'm sure all of you that have done that before feel my pain. I did it on a different house before, but I had a lot of spa
ce around that one and could put up scaffolding and use a sprayer. This one is all ladder and brush/roller. Couple of hours of work and most of it under the eaves so no progress can be seen. I'll avoid the daily whining updates, but I'm looking forward to the summer being over already.
Good shave Dave!

Way to go getting started on the painting. Knocking it out in sections is the way to do it! It’ll be done before you know it.
Good shave Dave!

Way to go getting started on the painting. Knocking it out in sections is the way to do it! It’ll be done before you know it.
Nice shave today with the PdP...the painting will be finished before you know it!
Heh, thanks guys. I did sneak out and get some errands done and bought a mini roller that I'm hoping will make some of the eaves work go faster.
I will say a prayer for you concerning the fires. As far as painting goes...I had to paint my whole house two years ago...I now refuse to paint...ever!
Nice shave Dave and hope the fires stay at bay. As far as the painting goes, the Cadre is LYING, it won't be over before you know it. It will drag on what will seem like an eternity............sorry, I speak truth !!
Getting caught up. Glad you had a great trip. I understand on the painting. My tip would be to start on the hard spots and do all of the cutting in on the easier areas, then do the large walls that are low last. Also, a pole for the roller makes things much easier. You can stand back further from the wall make smaller movements to do larger strokes.
Catching up Dave!

Great shaves and reads! Good progress on the straight!

Praying for everyone effected by the fires!
Good luck with the painting! I do not envy you at all on that task!
Nice shave Dave and hope the fires stay at bay. As far as the painting goes, the Cadre is LYING, it won't be over before you know it. It will drag on what will seem like an eternity............sorry, I speak truth !!
LOL! True. True.
2018 shave #186 (DE:48 SE:65 Str:72 Cart:2)
Asylum “The Doctor” RX w/ Proguard (?)
SV Manna di Sicilia
SV 2.0
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
SV Manna di Sicilia

Got several hours of painting in this morning and then told the wife I’d take her to the movies. I hate going to the theater, but she enjoys it. So, I thought I’d score some points. This meant what I had planned to be a slow straight shave turned into a quickie so we could get moving. Decided I need to use some of the SV soaps that aren’t in the sexy metal tins. Good stuff my brothers of the blade. From the cushion all the way through the post shave, this was a top tier shave.

We saw Ocean’s 8. Decent movie that fallows the slow build-up and fast ending of the other Ocean mo
vies. Quiet night tonight with all the kids gone for the next three weeks. We always think about heading into San Francisco to watch fireworks on the 4th, but then realize we’ll have to head out of the city with the masses. Finally on the last season of Dexter so we’ll knock out a few more episodes. Good to hear about all the grilling going on with the cadre. I can smell it now!
Sounds like y’all had a nice evening.

And I certainly don’t envy your painting project. I loathe painting as much as cutting grass.
Smart move on doing something the wife likes! Hope the house gets along quicker than hoped.
Nice shave fellow Dave. Adding points is always a good idea. I burn thru my points too quickly not to add them every opportunity I get or think of !
Great shave Dave!

Love Dexter! I need to rewatch it some time.
Thanks. Made it into the last season yesterday. Been curious how it's going to end. Should find out by this weekend! It's been enjoyable for sure, but when you start something with that many episodes to watch, it's also nice to get done to be able to move onto other things.
Good stuff Dave. Nothing wrong with a nice evening at home!
Sounds like y’all had a nice evening.

And I certainly don’t envy your painting project. I loathe painting as much as cutting grass.
Smart move on doing something the wife likes! Hope the house gets along quicker than hoped.
Nice shave fellow Dave. Adding points is always a good idea. I burn thru my points too quickly not to add them every opportunity I get or think of !
Thanks guys. I was sitting on the couch and kept looking out to the area we were working on today. My wife would say "what are you looking at". And I would say "Just thinking I could get some priming done". Nope, I was told we had done enough for the day. Made decent progress though. We have a courtyard in the middle of the house, which painting wise is almost all eaves and windows to be trimmed around. I think any other part of the house will feel like a piece of cake compared to that.
2018 shave #187 (DE:49 SE:65 Str:72 Cart:2)
Parker 76R w/ I dunno
Chiseled Face Easy Street
RazoRock synth
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Chiseled Face Easy Street AS

Seeing how yesterday's shave was in the early afternoon, I was still pretty smooth this morning. Just needed an easy (street) shave. I find that while I can certainly determine what type of shave result I want in terms of total BBS or DFS+ (Lets be honest, we're not animals. There's no reason for anything less that DFS+), the amount of alum sting I get is still up for grabs. Some days I think I've done a great job and I still get zapped. Today was one of those nice no sting at all surprises. Sure like those. Especially when they are paired with a BBS shave. I'm feeling and smelling good today.