1623 days of consecutive shaving - 670 open-blade shaves
Rockwell 6S w/ Wizmet (1)
AP flat top knot
Quinn Pink Grapefruit and Orange Rind
Nivea 2:1
Darwin AS
Well, this Darwin is a great scent. Maybe a little boozy like gin? The cork stopper in the AS is crap though. I need
@Scuttlesoap's opinion of a EdP that would match as the AS scent doesn't last.
With the coming storm, the wife and I went and got a few sandbags last night. I pulled the Tesla into the carport as far as it would go and then put the sandbags in the front corner of the carport where the water tends to flow in from a downspout and the steep downhill driveway. Since my wife doesn't have to go into the office this week I took her SUV to work just in case. Then this morning I had this text exchange (summarized)
Wife: Well, that was fun moving all the sandbags to get the car out this morning.
Me: Why did you need to get the car out?
Wife: I had to take the youngest to school early.
Me: Why didn't you just take the car we park on the street?
Wife: ..... I just realized that now.