The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #181 (DE:46 SE:64 Str:70 Cart:2)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (2)
A&E Grecian Horse
Custom synth
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
A&E Grecian Horse AS

Quick post from the hotel. This was this morning’s shave. My wife experienced Grecian Horse and liked it, so that’s a bonus. Limited myself to 2 passes with the SS. Things went okay, but I think I’m using too much pressure. The alum sting was all over. Something to work on. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Nice shave Dave! Sounds like you have a soap you don’t ever have to explain why you buy it. Just say “Honey, you liked this one and I didn’t want to run out!”
2018 shave #182 (DE:47 SE:64 Str:70 Cart:2)
Merkur 38c w/ Wilkinson Sword (1)
Mystic Water Orange Spice Tea
RazoRock synth
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Calvin Klein Euphoria

Nice hotel shave today. No lather problems. No water temp issues. And the blade was just hitting all cylinders and smooth as silk this morning. I did end up with DFS+ due to those pesky spots behind the jaw angle, but no worries.

Full day today with two plays and plenty of walking the streets and shopping. Got to to catch a couple of cadre videos before everyone woke up.
Getting caught up and didn’t realize I was so far behind. Oh man; busted with brushes, man shaming, emailing in code.

I was laughing loud, then got the question: “What’s so funny?” Oh ... just one of those bad driver videos. ?
2018 shave #183 (DE:48 SE:64 Str:70 Cart:2)
Merkur 38c w/ Wilkinson Sword (2)
Mystic Water Honey
RazoRock synth
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Calvin Klein Euphoria

This was yesterday's shave. I was a bit lazy so had to get ready quickly and for the first time just did a two pass shave. I thought it would drive me nuts, but I was presently surprised how close it was. The cheeks were darn near BBS with a non-irritating DFS on the neck.
2018 shave #184 (DE:48 SE:64 Str:71 Cart:2)
Feather SS w/ Proguard (3)
L&L Original
TSC Legacy
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Bleu de Chanel

Back to the SS and I did pretty good today. I stuck with just two passes and then used a DE for the 3rd pass. The cheeks were pretty much BBS after those two passes with just a touch of clean up with the 3rd pass. The neck had quite a bit of stuff left for the 3rd pass, but mostly down at the very bottom. The angle of the jaw and mid neck (or whatever you would call that) was decently done on the first two passes. I ended without any alum burn, so that's good for what I've experienced before with a straight. I think I'm starting close to the beginning again for learning straight shaving and trying to find that razor's edge of pressure were it's not skipping over the lather, but it's not too hard.

into home in the later afternoon yesterday to yellow skies and ash on the car from the fires in the north bay. Reminiscent of last summer here. And this afternoon when I get home, brush will touch wall for the start of the house painting project. Oh help me....
I heard that the fires had begun already toward the bay; it’s going to be a long, harsh summer.

Glad you’re back home and well!
Nice shave Dave...hopefully the fires don't get too much closer to you. Good luck with the painting!