The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Great now I have a desire to pull out my 63! What a great scent!
2018 shave #180 (DE:46 SE:64 Str:69 Cart:2)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
B&M Cheshire
Custom synth
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
B&M Cheshire AS

Well today I just feel lucky to have made it to work safely. I started out wanting to use Grecian Horse, but I didn't plan ahead and on a quick look I couldn't find the AS. That's ok, I just picked another one of the "I should use this more often" scents. And then the wild hair to jump back into straight razor type shaving. Interesting note, before it was mentioned somewhere in the journals, I didn't realize you can use the little nubbin of the razor box to put into the hole on the SS to slide the blade in. So I was loaded up and covered in nice smelling lather. As per the usual before, the first two passes with the SS went smooth and seemed like I was doing just fine. And just l
ike before, the cheeks felt good and the neck felt like there was more hair left after 2 passes than when I use a DE or SE.

And then the last pass. I couldn't remember how I had held the razor for these strokes. Probably because I keep messing around with it trying to find something that works. I could hear TJ saying "practice without a blade first" and Dave saying "just stick to the first two passes for a while". Well, I muddled through and ended with a fairly rough DFS and could tell there would be some soreness all over. I'm not out with that amount of residual roughness. So I grabbed the Q-Shave set on 1.5 and did a clean up on the neck. Now as I sit here at work, I have a nice and soft BBS.

That's on the end of the morning though. Oh no. My hair is many weeks past needed a haircut. I delay this as long as possible, because for some reason I just hate sitting in the barber's chair. Part of it could be my antisocial side and being trapped right there hoping the cut finishes before they decide they need to strike up conversation. But it's always driven me crazy being there. I just tell them I'm not picky and I just want simple and quick. Anyway, I decided to try the pomade I bought and have only used once. I totally forgot how much to use, so maybe I took a little too much. I know that Don had said he uses a little water to rub it between his hands. And I thought applying it to damp hair would be better then dry. So I wet my hair, rubbed this sticky stuff between my hands and then tried to apply. This was so stiff and sticky I could hardly slide my hands along my hair. I used a comb to try to work it in, and ended up with my damp hair all slicked back looking like a greaser, not what I was going for. I tried to sweep my hair a bit to the side and had long straight pieces of hair sticking straight out to the side. After messing with it for a while, I realized I either used too much, with long hair it's not going to lay naturally, or both. I jumped back into the shower and after 2 lathers had most if it out of my hair. I guess the next time I mess around with this should be on a weekend.
Great stuff Dave.
I've been thinking of emailing in code to help prevent these mishaps.
It's all good now that it's out hehe
2018 shave #180 (DE:46 SE:64 Str:69 Cart:2)
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
B&M Cheshire
Custom synth
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
B&M Cheshire AS

Well today I just feel lucky to have made it to work safely. I started out wanting to use Grecian Horse, but I didn't plan ahead and on a quick look I couldn't find the AS. That's ok, I just picked another one of the "I should use this more often" scents. And then the wild hair to jump back into straight razor type shaving. Interesti
ng note, before it was mentioned somewhere in the journals, I didn't realize you can use the little nubbin of the razor box to put into the hole on the SS to slide the blade in. So I was loaded up and covered in nice smelling lather. As per the usual before, the first two passes with the SS went smooth and seemed like I was doing just fine. And just like before, the cheeks felt good and the neck felt like there was more hair left after 2 passes than when I use a DE or SE.

And then the last pass. I couldn't remember how I had held the razor for these strokes. Probably because I keep messing around with it trying to find something that works. I could hear TJ saying "practice without a blade first" and Dave saying "just stick to the first two passes for a while". Well, I muddled through and ended with a fairly rough DFS and could tell there would be some soreness all over. I'm not out with that amount of residual roughness. So I grabbed the Q-Shave set on 1.5 and did a clean up on the neck. Now as I sit here at work, I have a nice and soft BBS.

That's on the end of the morning though. Oh no. My hair is many weeks past needed a haircut. I delay this as long as possible, because for some reason I just hate sitting in the barber's chair. Part of it could be my antisocial side and being trapped right there hoping the cut finishes before they decide they need to strike up conversation. But it's always driven me crazy being there. I just tell them I'm not picky and I just want simple and quick. Anyway, I decided to try the pomade I bought and have only used once. I totally forgot how much to use, so maybe I took a little too much. I know that Don had said he uses a little water to rub it between his hands. And I thought applying it to damp hair would be better then dry. So I wet my hair, rubbed this sticky stuff between my hands and then tried to apply. This was so stiff and sticky I could hardly slide my hands along my hair. I used a comb to try to work it in, and ended up with my damp hair all slicked back looking like a greaser, not what I was going for. I tried to sweep my hair a bit to the side and had long straight pieces of hair sticking straight out to the side. After messing with it for a while, I realized I either used too much, with long hair it's not going to lay naturally, or both. I jumped back into the shower and after 2 lathers had most if it out of my hair. I guess the next time I mess around with this should be on a weekend.
Nice pic and shave progress with straights. You're way ahead of me so stick with it.. Pomade I can't help you with as I buzz cut.. close to starting to just shave my head but not quite there yet.
Nice pic today and thanks for the laugh. For the longest time after using the straight my clean up pass was my injector. No shame here.

As to the hair issue today. Been there before!
Update to the morning. I realized after being at work for a while that I forgot the packages I was supposed to mail off today and forgot my lunch at home. I tell ya, once my routine is thrown off just a little bit, stuff goes to pot. Then my wife messages and asks about some stuff on the shower door she was trying to clean off. I guess it wouldn't really come off with scrubbing or the squeegee. I said, now you can imagine what my hair was like!
You totally shoulda rocked the slick hair Dave!

Good saves though on the hairdo and shave. Good job getting into the SS today! I stuck with 2 SS passes and a DE cleanup for months before I truly forced myself to only use the SS and learn it well. Still working on it!
Great write-up this morning Dave! Even fumbling through the last pass, you still managed to get a good shave. When I chase, I also use a DE or SE to clean up, so like Chad just said, "no shame".
Well at this point Dave go straight home do not pass go do not collect $200. And just wait for tomorrow.
Ol Dave how I wish you would practice without a blade in the SS it helps. As to the rest of your morning, my day was like that yesterday and then last night I ended up with a stomach virus.
I've had mornings and days like that for sure!

Great read, shave, and picture Dave!

As to the Pomade, which one was it?
The way most pomades are used is to scoop a dime sized dab on the finger and place it in your palm. Rub your hands together to soften and liquefy it then apply to your hair. Some pomades say apply to dry hair some damp hair, some say either or depending on the hold you want.
Ol Dave how I wish you would practice without a blade in the SS it helps. As to the rest of your morning, my day was like that yesterday and then last night I ended up with a stomach virus.
Got it, avoid the fish. Understood.
I've had mornings and days like that for sure!

Great read, shave, and picture Dave!

As to the Pomade, which one was it?
The way most pomades are used is to scoop a dime sized dab on the finger and place it in your palm. Rub your hands together to soften and liquefy it then apply to your hair. Some pomades say apply to dry hair some damp hair, some say either or depending on the hold you want.
It was the Black Ship water based. Ya, the first time I used it I thought it would soften in my hand with the warmth. Nope, stiff as anything.
I must say that I chuckled about the pomade incident. That's something I can't even comment on because I "part my hair in the middle" - a very wide part, and the rest is a #1 buzz cut.
Don't worry on the pomade! We have all been there and I still have times I put too much in my hair. Sounds like you used a large amount. See these TV shows or movies where a barber will glob out like a third of a tin. I have no idea what they are doing. I will echo what Craig said. About a dime size. If you find that isn't enough, move up to a nickel.