The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Nice write-up Dave and it's always good to get confirmation that your initial impressions of a soap were correct. Good luck with the class today and have fun at the grad party!
Thanks Josh!
I forgot to mention, the dolphin has landed today. DSBBS gentlemen. Feeling great.
Most poeole don’t know, but I have a board position on the California Assosiation for Hospital Quality.

So...maybe I shouldn't rant about how Big Pharma and Doctors want to keep us sick?

All kidding aside, It's a great position and I am sure you are doing great things!
So...maybe I shouldn't rant about how Big Pharma and Doctors want to keep us sick?

All kidding aside, It's a great position and I am sure you are doing great things!

If it makes you feel better I work for Kaiser where almost all the care given is part of being a member. So we have an incentive for keeping people healthy and out of the hospital. So you're at least safe from me. ?
2018 shave #176 (DE:43 SE:64 Str:68 Cart:2)
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (6)
Strop Shoppe Russian Tea
Sorrentino TSC brush
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm

Join me if you will, in the continued journey of delicious scents. Russian Tea makes you just want to slow the shave down as much as possible to experience it as long as you can. I wallowed in the lemony tea scented lather and enjoyed the last shave this blade had in it for me. I'm getting a touch sore on the neck, but that could also be somewhat related to several RX shaves in a row when I haven't been used to it.

I started painting last evening and got past the halfway mark today. It'll be another day or two with work and needing to empty out the turtle tank to get to one area. I also measures out the house to guesstimate how much paint I'll need for the outside. I'll probably go buy that tomorrow, but realistically figure that job might stretch over the next couple of months with sections being done with breaks in between. Now, I'm off to catch up on your journal posts and videos.
The much vaunted Russian Tea...great shave!

Wheb you mentioned you got half way through paining and we’re going to need another day or two, I thought you meant the soap for a minute, lol!

Painting is right alongside moving for me...they suck! All the shifting and reorganizing and sorting...makes me tired just thinking about it.
Nice unobtanium shave, though I hear you on the neck irritation. At least you're halfway throught the painting!
Great read and shave, sans the irritation, Dave!

I don't envy you on the painting at all! I can do it, but I'm not fast at it. What a painter can do in a day will take me 3 days.
If it makes you feel better I work for Kaiser where almost all the care given is part of being a member. So we have an incentive for keeping people healthy and out of the hospital. So you're at least safe from me.

I have never been a patient in the Kaiser system, but some of the studies I have read give Kaiser Permanente really good quality of care grades. I really have a great appreciation for health professionals in large part. My problem really is with the over all treatment of health issues. Western Medicine, especially US Medicine, really works miracles when it comes to acute medical issues. But we are horrible at correcting chronic diseases. Doctors are unwilling to get to the core of the problem and are quick to prescribe medicines that quite frankly have only been studied by Big Pharma. Sorry...don't mean to derail.

More on have now made everyone reading this journal drool over using probably the most wanted Unobtanium!
The much vaunted Russian Tea...great shave!

Wheb you mentioned you got half way through paining and we’re going to need another day or two, I thought you meant the soap for a minute, lol!

Painting is right alongside moving for me...they suck! All the shifting and reorganizing and sorting...makes me tired just thinking about it.
Nice unobtanium shave, though I hear you on the neck irritation. At least you're halfway throught the painting!
Great read and shave, sans the irritation, Dave!

I don't envy you on the painting at all! I can do it, but I'm not fast at it. What a painter can do in a day will take me 3 days.
Yep, I'm with you guys. I'm dreading starting on the outside of the house. I now notice things that will have to be moved away from touching the house before I even start.
2018 shave #177 (DE:44 SE:64 Str:68 Cart:2)
Parker 76R w/ Personna Med Prep (1)
L&L After the Rain
Plisson 24mm know in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
L&L After the Rain balm
Bleu de Chanel

This was a, didn't think ahead and just use something from the bathroom drawer shave. But that's ok, there is nothing I don't enjoy shaving with in there. I don't know what most people get from After the Rain, but rain or wet concrete is not what I get. I call it white pepper. Now, I don't have any idea really what white pepper smells like, but I think there is a sage note and a pepper note and my brain puts those together as white pepper. Either way, it's a sharp scent that I like.
The L&L After the Rain is a hard one for me to describe also. All I know is that I do enjoy it.
I've yet to try After the Rain, but it's on "the list"...I'll probably do a sample first. It seems to be a pretty polarizing scent.
Lots of catching up for me, but caught up I am! Sounds like an awesome trip to DC. The photo of the Tomb Guard was excellent - they still carry the old M14. And the SR71 photo was awesome too! I've got to get that museum!!
Nice shave. I can't do scents and I too don't think of rain or concrete but love the fresh scent.
The L&L After the Rain is a hard one for me to describe also. All I know is that I do enjoy it.
Great couple of shaves. The Russian Tea sounds great, so does After the Rain.
I've yet to try After the Rain, but it's on "the list"...I'll probably do a sample first. It seems to be a pretty polarizing scent.

Thank you guys. Funny how at some point it's just "I don't know what it is, but I like it".

Josh, you keep producing soap review vids, you might just be like the other youtubers and start getting soaps to try for free!