2022 shave #133 (DE:32 SE:37 Str:64 Cart:0) - 1389 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Wizamet (1)
WSP Black Amber Vanille
Sorrentino Oregon State
No-name lavender toner
Nivea 2:1
Atelier Cologne Philtre Ceylan pure perfume
Well, the eldest has been sick since Sunday. Tested negative then but then got word that her friend group was all testing positive so tested again yesterday and popped positive. Prom was Friday and despite everyone testing negative within 72hrs prior and mandating masks inside, 30 kids have tested positive since. So stuck in her room she is and using my bathroom so I had to shuttle shave stuff upstairs. Now we just keep testing to see if anyone else gets it. Luckily we’re far enough away from the next cruise that those that get it now can get letters to not have to test at port.
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