The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Love the pics. I have a similar picture of the Vietnam Memorial...just beautiful. A visit to the Korean War Memorial at night can be absolutely haunting!
2018 shave #173 (DE:43 SE:60 Str:68 Cart:2)
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (3)
SV 70th
Sorrentino TSC brush
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
SV 70th AS

Back home and opted for a delicious shave. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It's great to have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to shaving supplies. Every day I can use a soap and think "I should use this more often". Out of curiosity, I tried a couple of strokes KJ style and went from the sideburns all the way to the base of the next in one stroke. It worked fine, but I guess I just enjoy a slow and steady shave and like it taking some time. It was great feeling the closeness of the RX again paired with the moisturizing of the SV soap. Nice way to start a day that I hope will end in a nap after work. And darn you video posting guys. Now I find myself thinking what I'd be saying during a shave.

Made it back home. We were delayed over an hour because of a storm that hit right as we were to be boarding. Due to lightening, they had to pull everyone inside so boarding couldn't commence. Then after boarding there was a delay on the ramp because of a backlog of flights needing to depart. No biggie. I took a Dramamine thinking of bumpy skies on take-off and had a pre take-off rum and coke to help mellow the mind. Things were fine after that.

The last day in D.C. was again busy for me. For the 3rd day in a row, after telling myself I wasn't going to walk to get where I was going, the weather was more mild and I walked anyway. Of course the sun came out and it started to heat up. Oh well. I got to see the other side of the Capital, which was almost absent of people and easier to take pictures of. Then I got a couple pics of the Supreme Court building and noticed signs pointing to the public entrances. I didn't think the public could just roam around in there. Then I headed across the street to the Library of Congress. That building is beautiful inside and they had a room with what still exists of the original Jefferson library. There was a grand reading room you could look into, but not the stacks and stacks of books one would assume you would see there. I thought this might be in the library building across the street, but then I got thinking of the Supreme Court. I did a quick search on my phone and saw that indeed you can go in. That sounded more interesting and meaningful to me. So I headed back there. When you're just strolling around, you can only look through a couple of doorways into the court itself, but when you take the 25min courtroom lecture, you actually go in and sit in the public benches. I snuck a quick pic when I got in (no pics allowed) and then sat in awe of the weight of decisions made in that room. Then headed back to the hotel to checkout and gather my wife, who was finally done working for the trip. We had just enough time to grab lunch together and then tour the Portrait Gallery.

All in all, one of those whirlwind, tiring, but experience producing trips. It was pretty much my first time doing something like that on my own for the most part. I'm not one that likes to have experiences I can't share with my spouse. But it was a personally good experience in that I could make in the moment decisions to do this or that or skip large sections of something entirely. Plus there wasn't the worry that a decision I made is making someone else exhausted or hungry or what have you. And I'm glad I got to see what I did.
Welcome back home Dave! Great return shave!

I’m not one that like to do things by my lonesome either, I at least like the presence of the missus even if we aren’t doing something together. Glad you had a good safe trip though.
It may have been a whirlwind...but you got to see some things that you will never forget!
2018 shave #174 (DE:43 SE:62 Str:68 Cart:2)
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (4)
TOBS Jermyn Street
Sorrentino TSC brush
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
TOBS Jermyn Street AS

Today I continue the stroll though amazing scents. Jermyn Street easily stays in the top 5. And calling The Doctor for another great shave. I think I started down the path to using straights because my RX shaves were getting routine. I’ve been using a DE enough recently that I’m really enjoying these shaves now and don’t have the craving for the straight. I think that I need to get badk into it to build on what I’ve learned. But, there’s a lot of shaves in my future so I’ll wait til the craving hits again.

Most poeole don’t know, but I have a board position on the California Assosiation for Hospital Quality. This morning and tomorrow we’re hosting a course that required me to get up earlier than normal and drive an hour to make sure things are in order and registration is happening. So I’m dragging a bit, but I smell lovely and looking for the coffee.
Sounds like a great vacation Dave!
Glad you had a good trip!

Great couple of shaves!
Nice shave with the TOBS, Dave. Good luck with the course today, hope it runs smoothly.
Glad you’re having fun with “The Doctor”! Go whip those folks into shape!
Nice shave. I hope the day went well for you.
Well..... The presenter had an Apple laptop and the auditorium we were in had some old skool 15-pin connector for the projector. Loooong story short, that took over an hour after the start of the class to work out. Luckily she was a true professional and handled it well and was able to get through the hour without her slides. I’m just hoping IT has the computer we ended up having to us here this morning.
2018 shave #175 (DE:43 SE:63 Str:68 Cart:2)
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Storybook Soapworks Hallward’s Dream
Sorrentino TSC brush
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Storybook Soapworks Hallward’s Dream AS

Wanted to give this another shot. I wanted to see if my love of these new SS soaps was just nice to have a change or really that they are awesome. They are awesome. I’ll say again the slickness from this is totally 10/10. This time the scent I’m getting from the AS is exactly like Visions and Revisions to be point I’m going to check when I get home that I pulled the correct bottle. But I’m ok with that because it’s yummy.

2nd and last day of the class today. I’ll be
ready for a day I can just sleep in a bit. Just a bit. Tomorrow we’re painting the oldest’s room and then have a family graduation party to go to for dinner. So a busy day.
Nice write-up Dave and it's always good to get confirmation that your initial impressions of a soap were correct. Good luck with the class today and have fun at the grad party!