The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Sounds like a great time seeing the sights in DC...we're planning on doing that with the girls when they get a touch older so they can understand a lot of what they're seeing.
Not to be pedantic or anything...

But that is a Gillette Techmatic razor. It uses a cartridge that has a ribbon blade in it. The lever on top of the head is used to advance the ribbon and expose a sharp section of the blade. It was an interesting innovation, but not very practical in the long run due to problems with the unused sections of ribbon rusting before getting used.
I have a Techmatic and a bunch of replacement razor packs. It is my younger son's favorite razor. I gave it to him to try about a year ago (expecting to get it back) and he has used it pretty consistently since with a few straight razor shaves here and there. A few weeks ago he tells me we are almost out of blades for it. I was a little surprised but just to confirm I asked him if he had used ALL of the extra packs I had under the sink (I had a box of 10 packs). He looked at me puzzled and said "No, i have been using the same blade pack since you gave it to me". I guess he will have a lifetime supply of blades. The techmatic is a neat razor design and it a good shaver.
DC is only like 4.5 hours from me and I won’t even get to see you my friend! Glad vacay is going well and definitely some sites to see there. Also the newly opened Museum of the Bible is there if you’re interested.
Dude, if I was here for a few more days, I would have rented a car to come visit! Especially if I got to drive a tractor!
I have a Techmatic and a bunch of replacement razor packs. It is my younger son's favorite razor. I gave it to him to try about a year ago (expecting to get it back) and he has used it pretty consistently since with a few straight razor shaves here and there. A few weeks ago he tells me we are almost out of blades for it. I was a little surprised but just to confirm I asked him if he had used ALL of the extra packs I had under the sink (I had a box of 10 packs). He looked at me puzzled and said "No, i have been using the same blade pack since you gave it to me". I guess he will have a lifetime supply of blades. The techmatic is a neat razor design and it a good shaver.
Ok, now I’m interested. I ordered one from eBay.
What monuments did you see? Probably the most underrated is the FDR monument. It is very unique and just amazing. The MLK monument is amazing as well!
The only time we went to the biggies was the first night when we started at the Washington Monument, strolled down to the WWII one, the Vietnam Memorial and then the Lincoln Memorial. I’d seen the Vietnam wall before, but it had a much more somber feeling at night.

I’m on my own one more night and tomorrow morning, so I might head out to one or two more.
2018 shave #171 (DE:42 SE:59 Str:68 Cart:2)

Merkur 38c w/ Wilkinson Sword (3)
Chisled Face Sherlock
RazoRock synth brush
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm

Nothing to say about the shave today. I copied yesterday’s because I enjoyed it.

It was another busy/tiring day. I got to Arlington when they opened. Yep it was already hot and humid. Headed off straight for the Tomb of the Unknown. There were only a few of us there for the first change of guard. Very solemn and honorable is all I can say. Much respect that this is done 24/7 and it should be. No one should be forgotten. Then I found the war nurses memorial, and hiked off to the only two standard graves at the top of my list. Astronauts Chaffee and Grissom from Apollo I. I’ve always felt a lot of honor for those gentlemen and I can’t really explain why. While there was a lot more I would have liked to have seen, by this time I was soaked in sweat and pretty hot. I hit JFK’s grave since it was just a slight detour from the route out. Then cooled off in the visitor’s center for a bit.

Got a ride to the Museum of American History. I got there shortly after that opened and planned on spending most of the day there. For some reason, this one just didn’t hit my mood. Could have been needed a bit more recovery time, but I hit the major items and grabbed lunch.

I decide to go ahead and get a ride to the Air & Space annex despite the
expense of a 45min ride. I had been considering going out there before we came and figured it might be my only chance to see a space shuttle. In short, this was a great museum. If you’re into planes, because there’s not a lot else there. It’s very well laid out with a ton of stuff crammed in. And I was very glad I got to see the shuttle. You can get so close you can almost touch it and see the scorching and everything. Not to mention the SR-71, which is of course the coolest plane ever.

Now back at the hotel to decide on dinner and finally get another shower.

Political views ahead.....

I never comment on politics in this forum. But I have seen some powerful things over the last view days so I share the Facebook post I felt I needed to write.

I’ve been in D.C. for a couple of days now. And something keeps coming to mind. I’ve been to memorials to leaders and read words they spoke meant to join the country. I’ve seen walls and pillars dedicated to men and women who gave their lives to keep this country free for all who live here and come here. As well as fighting against tyrants and obstacles to freedom throughout the world. I hear the accents of people people from all over the world here, visiting our capital. And I think of our current leader. Who spends time publicly concerned about ratings and lashing out in tweets to individuals who disagree with him. A person who’s most discussed quote often needs to be censored and would get my kids kicked out of school if repeated, rather than etched into stone for future generations. And a person who’s actions more reflect the hate I saw at the Holocaust Museum rather than great deeds honored elsewhere.

We should all be ashamed.
I have a Techmatic and a bunch of replacement razor packs. It is my younger son's favorite razor. I gave it to him to try about a year ago (expecting to get it back) and he has used it pretty consistently since with a few straight razor shaves here and there. A few weeks ago he tells me we are almost out of blades for it. I was a little surprised but just to confirm I asked him if he had used ALL of the extra packs I had under the sink (I had a box of 10 packs). He looked at me puzzled and said "No, i have been using the same blade pack since you gave it to me". I guess he will have a lifetime supply of blades. The techmatic is a neat razor design and it a good shaver.

I am glad that the Techmatic is working well for him. My dad used the Schick version back in the day and didn't like it.
Nothing wrong with a repeat shave on the road, I'd probably have several if it was me.

I've always wanted to go to DC, if for nothing else to see some of the Smithsonian.
Dave great pictures and great shaves.

As to the political post I read it on facebook also. All i'll say as to not derail what our site is about is that the whole country as a whole both sides are not really in the right. I hope things change.
More to write later, but just got back from the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court. I took the time for a 25min talk in the court room itself. Sitting in that room was one of the best experiences of the trip.