The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

BTW, sorry, I don't know the official rules about pairing GTB with soaps other than GTB. It just seemed to work.
Good shave Dave!

Bummer GD continues to not be to your standards. Absinthe & Leather is probably one of my favorites right now, in scent and shave, even though it’s only a sample that I have.

Can’t wait to see the new brush! Is it another synth? Or did you go natural this time?
I feel ya Dave. GD and me just don't get along. While I could get a good lather and shave, the lather is so unique in feel and consistency that I just don't like it.
Can’t wait to see the new brush! Is it another synth? Or did you go natural this time?
Here it is almost finished. He usually uses badger knots, but I requested a synth. I realized since I don’t plan ahead, I don’t use my badger brushes often.
that is a good looking handle. I don't soak my badgers for very long. Usually only a minute or 2 while I get the rest of my stuff out.
Im not so sure that a video from me is anywhere close to in the works but if you message me your # I will definitely give you a call and let you hear the Opie in me.
2018 shave #167 (DE:38 SE:59 Str:68 Cart:2)

Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (2)
Storybook Soap Works Hook
Sorrentino TSC brush
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Story Book Soap Works Hook AS

I got my pass
around box sent off so I'm able to get to some of my own things to try now. This is my 2nd time using the TSC brush, and one big thing I notice is that I'm not getting as much lather in a bowl. When I rinse out the brush, I notice it's holding on to lather in the core, so maybe it's able to hold a ton of lather I'm not noticing, but as you can see from the pic, there is little lather actually sitting in the bowl when it's normally half full. I was worried it might influence the quality of the lather if it's not all being mixed with the same amount of water, but it seemed to not make a difference.

This is my Storybook soap and the performance was better than I recall from Visions and Revisions. I really like this scent, though the only element of the description I can pull out is a soft leather. SOS on lather was 4/5. This easily produced a nice creamy lather. The shave was great, cushion was above average and the slickness was 5/5 territory. I don't remember V&R being as slick as this, maybe it was, but this was awesome. The AS is nice and without menthol I can use it everywhere. Only bummer was that I didn't spring for the EdP when ordering because it was a blind buy. The AS smells nice, but even bringing Vasili and a party of all his friends, the scent was quickly gone. I want to sniff this one all day. The shave was nice and easy with a BBS without clean-up.

Today might be a 2-fer shave. We leaver at O'Early o'clock tomorrow for the airport, so I think I'll do a touch-up evening shave and a pic of my travel kit tonight.
Nice one Dave....the more I see the SBSW stuff on here, the closer I am to triggering a purchase! Nice one and safe travels tomorrow!
Good shave Dave. Safe travels tomorrow!
Nice one Dave....the more I see the SBSW stuff on here, the closer I am to triggering a purchase! Nice one and safe travels tomorrow!
Great review of Hook. Be safe in your travels.
Great read. Have safe travels good sir.
Thank you. I’m one of those that thinks about every bump along the way, so a smooth flight is always appreciated.
2018 shave #168 (DE:39 SE:59 Str:68 Cart:2)

Parker 76R w/ Personna Med Prep (4)
Storybook Soapworks Hallward’s Dream
Sorrentino TSC brush
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Storybook Soapworks Hallward’s Dream AS

This is my evening clean-up shave so I don’t get too scruffy tomorrow. Gentlemen, this is some good soap! Love, love, love the scent. And the performance was as this morning. I would say for me, these are top tier soaps. The citrus notes are hitting just the right spots for me in both the soap and AS. When I first applied the AS I was getting a lot of the base notes of Visions and Revisons, but it dried down in yummy citrus. I applied it not too long ago so I’m still enjoying it. But I assume, like this morning, the AS might be short lived.
And here is my travel kit. Put some balm into a vial and witch hazel into a vial with a spray pump. I take a standard size synth brush and just put it inside my bowl for protection, instead of using a special continental for it. On the last shave of a trip before packing it up, I rub it against a towel like I’m lathering and it ends up dry to the touch before packing.
I towel strop my brushes (after a squeeze and vigorous shake out) after every shave. Helps reshape the fibers and it’s always dry within 12 hours.
Nice Travel Setup! There is a lot more to that than I thought there would be. Personally me...I don't have a special setup. The only things I really change are that I make sure I don't have a razor that I would be devastated if it gets lost or broken, same with the brush, and I usually pack a shave stick. Other than that...I bring normal size everything.

The towel thing with the brush that you do? I do that after every shave. I'm with Chris...I think it dries the brush quicker and helps reshape the fibers.