2022 shave #4 (DE:1 SE:1 Str:2 Cart:0) - 1261 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Kai Pink (6)
Grooming Dept Elan
AP Silk Smoke
Thayers Lemon for Real Men
Nivea 2:1
Bleu de Chanel
Ya, so f 2020, f 2021, and f 2022. Today my daughter gets out of isolation, the other kids were supposed to come home and life returns to whatever the heck this junk is we're living in right now. My wife and I have been sickish for many days, but went and took an official type o' COVID test several days back that was timed to 5 days after my daughter was positive to see if we got it prior to isolating her. Nope, we were sick, but it wasn't COVID. Given how we were feeling, we were ready for it to be positive. Yesterday we test ourselves to again confirm before the other girls move back. Positive as clear as day for both of us.
@Majorrich had a point about being around more people with it at work. But at work when I'm in the ED, for instance, I wear a tighter mask and a face shield. At home taking care of my daughter, it's the balance of trying to be safe but not making her feel more like a leper than she already did. So there it is.
We now have 3 levels of folks in our family. My daughter is super immune and not contagious anymore and can hang with us AND go out. My wife and I have fluctuating levels of cold symptoms and lay down a path of cooties. And the other two kids for who it's just much safer to stay out of the house until this has worked its course and are finding out that life with grandpa and grandma isn't the end all be all they thought it would be.

All in all, just wish we got it earlier as the illness is just annoying, but the logistical changes are the biggest pain.
So, my day is starting as they all should. Shower, professional-level shave, logged into work in sweats while I catch up on the cadre and YouTube. Have to try to decide what type of coffee to make and is breakfast before or after the safety huddle call for work. I got a pretty nice pen for Christmas, but decided it just wasn't a style that thrilled me for the price, so my wife is working with a vendor to see if we can swap it out. Hopefully will be posting pictures of that bad boy when it comes. Only teasing for now and I'll share it's wrapped in leather.