So, not too long ago got off an evening command center call. This was a call that this morning wasn't planned and was added because of the situation we're in. Every time I think about posting something I second guess figuring people, like myself, are tired of hearing about it. But hey, I'm sure folks skip half of what I say. It also seems like a broken record. This is worse than it's been. But it's worse in a different way. It's interesting how each surge has had its own personality. This one isn't filling the ICU with ventilator patients, it's decimating the workforce of every level of the system. I'm sure you hear about flights getting canceled because of staff illness. The same thing is happening through health care. This surge is predicted to only be a month, but it's going to be a tough one to get through. This is on top of an increased census that never really let the staff recover from the previous surges. Cross your fingers folks!