2022 shave #2 (DE:1 SE:0 Str:1 Cart:0) - 1259 days of consecutive shaving
Tedalus Essence w/ Feather Proguard (3)
A&E Vanille de Tabac
Paladin Brush of Shame
Thayers Lemon Professional
Nivea 2:1
Well, the first two shaves of this year I posted were lies. Switch the razors. Yesterday I planned on using the Gillette, but it was so late in the afternoon by the time I got around to taking a shower that I wanted to use the Essence to get rid of the scruff. So today it was the Gillette to get the numbers right. Speaking of numbers, long ago I stopped double checking to make sure they were right and I know I messed up somewhere. There was at least one day with 2 shaves so my total should have been over 365. Whatever.
Used Chad’s page to vent a bit today. Sorry man. Wife and I are still ill with something and work starts again tomorrow. Feel like the whole week off was wasted. Not feeling well I’ve gotten in the routine of not getting up until 8 or 9. Not getting around to breakfast until 10 and a shower around noon. I told them I’m working from home until at least Wednesday. But likely all next week until we get the 5 day post-isolation test since it’s considered an exposure living with a positive person.
Silly ole Chemex didn’t come with any filters, and I didn’t realized the pour over I got from Stirling uses a metal filter (don’t want that). So I still have to wait a few days to try my pour overs. Have been enjoying using the aeropress at home and making coffee with different roasts for my wife and I. She’s a light roast, I’m med-light.
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