2021 shave #313 (DE:111 SE:92 Str:110 Cart:0) - 1205 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Feather Proguard (3)
A&E Grecian Horse
TSC Legacy
Thayers Lemon (professional)
Nivea 2:1
A&E Grecian Horse AS
Whooo boy, things be a gettin' crazy. For those of you just tuning in, we're into day 40 something with the engineer's strike. Next week our pharmacists are on strike for a week. And we also have 4 other unions doing a one-day sympathy strike. One of those unions happens to the nurses. So needless to say things are changing daily and next week will be a wild ride. To top it all off, people are probably coming here looking for bingo calls. But wouldn't that just be too easy?
A lovely shave was had this morning with one of the first A&E soaps I had. I'm a bit over the scent as it's not complex at all. But we'll say I'm going retro today. And of course, there's nothing but dolphins screaming with the use of the OREN. I suppose adding be thirteen would be fair to those that read this far.

Occam OREN w/ Feather Proguard (3)
A&E Grecian Horse
TSC Legacy
Thayers Lemon (professional)
Nivea 2:1
A&E Grecian Horse AS
Whooo boy, things be a gettin' crazy. For those of you just tuning in, we're into day 40 something with the engineer's strike. Next week our pharmacists are on strike for a week. And we also have 4 other unions doing a one-day sympathy strike. One of those unions happens to the nurses. So needless to say things are changing daily and next week will be a wild ride. To top it all off, people are probably coming here looking for bingo calls. But wouldn't that just be too easy?
A lovely shave was had this morning with one of the first A&E soaps I had. I'm a bit over the scent as it's not complex at all. But we'll say I'm going retro today. And of course, there's nothing but dolphins screaming with the use of the OREN. I suppose adding be thirteen would be fair to those that read this far.